




The Cameroun « gouvernement » and the art of radicalisation in the Southern Cameroons

Over the weekend there were TV reports and videos depicting a daring attack on a gubernatorial convoy heading to Menji in Lebialem for the installation of a new Senior Divisional Officer. This assault marks a radical escalation in the growing armed conflict pitching Southern Cameroons activist also known as anglophone activists or Ambazonia defence forces against security forces also known in Southern Cameroons milieu as la république terrorists.

This conflict, which some experts may want to describe as a civil war starter as demonstrations by lawyers, teachers and later university students calling for the respect and protection of anglophone minority rights and systems (educational and legal) within a two system (judicial and educational) country. The government’s responses rained an avalanche of violence and abuse including rapes and deaths on armless civilians. Successive government officials legitimised and justified these atrocities as “raison d’état”. Activists and protesters were branded terrorists and secessionists even when demands clearly articulated did not suggest this. Rather calls for political reform were phrased so as to preserve the unity of Cameroon through a federal system.

The brazen disregard for the growing frustrations and discontent of the people coupled with the growing arrogance of appointed “elites” with no legitimacy to speak for the people culminated in a divide that has become permanent both in the social and psychological manifestations of this conflict. The furtherance of this disregard is exemplified in the appointment of the least loved and least respected of anglophone (Southern Cameroons elites-Atanga Nji Paula and Nalova Lyonga) to ministries that were often cited as examples of anglophone marginalisation. Nalova Lyonga it should be recalled was the vice chancellor that invited soldiers to crush a student protest that was chanting “no violence”. The involvement of soldiers resulted in countless documented incidences of rape and brutality in the streets of Buea as well as the immersion of students in sewage water and mud in and around student hostels. Atanga Nji Paul on the other vehemently stated on national television that there was no anglophone problem and therefore no reason for the protests. He is among the first people to describe Southern Cameroons activists as terrorists on the basis that “on n’a plus besoin de prendre au maquis pour exprimer ses opinions”.

For many decades Southern Cameroonian youth activism has been shrouded by the cloud aging elites, with a legendary docility who have dominated anglophone politics since independence. The recycling of the same names and faces have narrowed access to the political space for aspiring leaders and especially leaders with alternative perspectives on the political development of Cameroon. Where youth leaders have emerged, especially within the university of Buea student union (the formative platform for many future leaders), their access to national political platforms or even within the university student leadership have been met with robust crack down. In the early days of the university of Buea student union leaders Ebenezer Akwanga and Ayaba Cho Lucas were dismissed for their stance against the introduction of PFA or Parent Faculty Allowance, then Boni Johnstone and Nti Valentine Dobgimma, Secretary General and president respectively of the student union were dismissed when they questioned the use of student union fees (then 10.000frs cfa) paid by every student. Johnstone however negotiated his return to the university to complete his degree in history from the university of Buea and for Valentine he’s been in exile ever since. There after the general Student Union was disbanded in favour of weaker faculty assemblies designed to be divided among themselves as to facilitate control and management by central office.

Cho Ayaba and Akwanga on the other hand embraced the course of the “anglophone problem”, emerging to become the face and backbone of the Southern Cameroons Youth League. Mark Bareta too emerged from the ranks of the student union when it was reconstituted in the 2000s. These three Southern Cameroons youth leaders have their formative years in student union activism and owe their radical stance to the designs of the government. The block by block movement and the growing recruitment of disenfranchised and disempowered youths into the ranks of a growing armed militia is a huge credit to the government’s efforts in brewing discontent and radicalisation. The arrest and delegitimisation of moderate leaders (like Agbor Balla, Neba and to some extent Ayah Paul, perceived by some as compromised) have eliminated the middle ground, creating a vacuum now being filled by radical and extreme rhetoric favouring full armed conflict. Isolated attacks on police and gendarmerie outposts have morphed into brazen attacks on military command posts and armed motorised convoys.

As the struggle continues every unarmed civilian killed radicalises one brother, one sister, one son or one daughter. Every child raped creates one radical parent. Every house burnt creates an angry and radical family, homeless, hungry and desperate making the dream of an independent Southern Cameroons the only hope and the only thing to either live or die for. For every military bullet fired, the government of the republic of Cameroon refines it’s art of radicalisation in the Southern Cameroons.

Innocent Mancho

  1. biya’s francophone system thrives on arrogance and torture towards the poor, week and downtrodden. If biya only understood that Ambazonians have all along given him a long rope to draw, he would have quickly resolved the Anglophone problems. Instead he applies a military solution to a political problem that needed simple discussion and understanding. Once lrc soldiers are killed to the proportion of citizens biya has killed in Ambazonia, biya may start to rethink his wicket strategy. Biya has hired french soldiers from foreign countries to fight Ambazonians. What a shame!!! Ambazonians stand their ground. It’s Ambazonia or nothing people.

  2. The earlier you guys understand that the majoority and reasonable anglophnes do not embrace secessionist ideology the better for you. To believe that those who comment against the stupid ambazonia ideology are not anglophone is getting it conpletely wrong. I wish you questioned yourselve the origin of these words , anglophone and francophone. We are certainly not here to teach english but to share ideas for our common good. We know we have Problems and let’s us all know that an arms struggle is and will never be a solution to our problems.
    A Government can’t win a war against his people, the same can be said that a people can’t win a war against his government.
    Cease fire, total amnesty and honest dialogue is what we need at the moment.

    1. Jojo, it is easy to find out. Why don’t we organize a referendum? If there is a referendum we will settle the matter once and for all, what majority of Southern Cameroonians want.

      What is happening now is the 2 cubes of sugar in the basin of water are refusing to melt.

      “Vous aller faire quo?” Nothing?

      These are the words of French president Francois Mitterrand.

      “Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century.” — Former Prime Minister François Mitterrand, in 1957

      “… Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third [world] power.” — Former French President Jacques René Chirac, in 2008

      Jojo, you may know this or you may not know this. But any right minded person knows that France perpetuate reckless policies in Africa to further this notion.

      Therefore, when there is a possibility of resolving a problem, they escalate it. But this time they’ve beaten more than they can chew.

      Ambazonia will win, mark my words. And yes, the people can defeat the government.

  3. 99.9% of English speaking Cameroonians want total seperation from colonial french Cameroon,there is nothing to be proud of in a slum,dirty under development lrc in 58 years,youths in lrc are unpatriotic, bribery, theiving slave french puppets who glorify France as they see no need to make their own country develop, their mind set as civil servants is dishonesty, laziness, theives,beggars, bribery, corruption, embezellement and all the primitiveness in a banana republic with voiceless people,no drinkable water,poor sanitation,death trap roads,poor social care facilities,high unemployment with youths idleness and boredom, a regressive country where crooked pensioners have no Idea on how to empower it’s youths without using violent forces to kill, main, brutalisation, intimidation,fear tactics with ion fist,the fight must go on in order for all SCs to have to liberated, make real development progress,take back control of their educational, judiciary, Law affairs independently away from fraudulent,take back control of all their resources by force which french Cameroon is freely exploiting and mismanaging/ wasting in 58 years of no real development,the struggle continues with all support from patriotic SCs, biya cannot win this time!

  4. Bye bye LRC, its over this time. We can still help with your giant debt only if we are paying directly to your borrowers. What a country, what a mess only God alone knows how we survive this for decades. One Atagana some where in lrc is claiming my Dads pension what a shame.

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