For some days now, the Brigade Anti Sardinard Group mainly of the West Region Cameroun has been on the news. They had succeeded in chasing their President, Paul Biya from Geneva last weekend with a mass protest. This group has been doing well in their part calling for the immediate resignation of Dictator Biya and the release of Maurice Kamto, political prisoner of the Yaounde Regime.
Just recently, the BAS has been trying to equate their case with that of the nation of Ambazonia, asking Swiss Mediators to join both situations and call for a broad-based dialogue to involve them. It is very important to point this out early enough before it becomes too late. That the Struggle for the Complete Restoration of the Ambazonian Statehood has nothing, in fact, Not a thing to do with the Internal transactions of La Republiquè Du Cameroun.
The BAS is a group inside La Republique, while Ambazonia is a foreign country with whole different setup. Any attempt to link these 2 will be troublesome. When Ambazonians across the globe protest, they sing their anthem and hoist their Flag. The BAS uses that of their country, LRC. We all have different problems but equating these two is like a cat and a horse. Ambazonia problem is bigger than such a child play.
Everyone should stay on their lane as we encourage our compatriots not to go dabble into issues of Foreign nations anyhow. Where the BAS needs help, they can seek our diplomatic services and we will be glad to give our usual support. No one must demean our Independence Struggle to the level of just a protest for regime change and release of political convicts.
As a matter of fact, Ambazonia has her President captured in that La Republiquè plus thousands incarcerated and many more killed in an ongoing genocide. This doesn’t happen anywhere in La Republiquè. We are fighting our war with and external Enemy, LR. We can only advice the BAS to stay focus as well in their territory, defend their rights as per their constitution and international norms and to read the book, do researches and understand the difference between A nation’s struggle for Independence and common strikes for change in regime.
Finally, while the focus of the Kamto led movement-BAS is regime change and taking off Paul Biya; that of Southern Cameroons is the restoration of a statehood stolen and under occupation. While there is armed conflict in Southern Cameroons plus genocide, in Cameroun life is buoyant. While houses and everything looks normal in Cameroun, in Ambazonia villages and communities have been raised down; While thousands have been killed in Southern Cameroons, none has been killed the other way; While the Ambazonia case is a UN-sponsored mistake of 57 years, the BAS movement is a few months old regime change movement; While we have concerns of the Swiss Mediated process, it is WRONG for the BASS to think that a negotiation that concerns the Southern Cameroons question will include them. No, it will be a negotiation between Cameroun vs Ambazonia. While we support the BAS in their endeavor to seek change in their country as we thank them for supporting our refugees through the Ayah Foundation, the fundamentals of our revolution should not be misconstrued and BAS must look for ways to get Biya off without trying to tag any mediation efforts between both peoples to their agenda.
Sumelong Ekane
Eric Tataw signed a pack with BAS, the Noble Savage (Ayaba Cho Lucas) requested financial assistance from Professor Kamto’s party, BAS and AMBAZONIA TERRORIST GROUP were in Switzerland to disturb Mr Biya’s peace and quiet, etc. BAS TERRORIST GROUP and AMBAZONIA TERRORIST GROUP are JOINED AT THE HIP. Thus, BAS must be included in the Swiss talks because the talks are between the various factions AMBAZONIA TERRORIST GROUP, other opposition groups in Cameroon and with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre). Mr Biya WILL NOT NEGOTIATE WITH AMBAZONIA TERRORISTS.
According to a Press Release by the SWISS FEDERAL COUNCIL (the highest executive authority in SWITZERLAND), the AIM of the MEETING was to PREPARE THE FUTURE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN THE CAMEROONIAN GOVERNMENT AND THE POLITICAL OPPOSITION. Thus, Mr Biya and his government DID NOT NEGOTIATE with AMBAZONIA TERRORISTS in Switzerland between 25 and 27 June 2019 as reported by ambazonia terrorists. LIES! LIES! LIES! It’s all AMBAZONIA PROPAGANDA for self AGGRANDIZEMENT and to try to remain relevant. They were just trying to milk the COINCIDENCE or HAPPENSTANCE – the fact that President Biya was is in Geneva (Switzerland) when the various AMBAZONIA TERRORIST FACTIONS (PASSING OFF AS POLITICAL GROUPS) and POLITICAL OPPOSITION GROUPS in Cameroon were having a meeting with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre).
The Swiss facilitation and the meeting were at the request of the parties (the various ambazonia terrorist factions and other opposition groups in Cameroon). AND THE GOVERNMENT OF CAMEROON IS NOT AN OPPOSITION GROUP. The Press Release clearly states that “a second preparatory meeting with VARIOUS CAMEROONIAN OPPOSITION GROUPS took place in Switzerland between 25 and 27 June 2019”. Furthermore, it states that “Switzerland was tasked by a MAJORITY OF THE PARTIES with facilitating an inclusive negotiation process”. Again, majority of parties will refer to various ambazonia factions, Brigade Anti Sardinards (BAS), etc. The last sentence in paragraph one says, and I quote “The aim of the meeting was to prepare the FUTURE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS between the CAMEROONIAN GOVERNMENT and the POLITICAL OPPOSITION”. It may be ambazonia has morphed into a political party – what is the name of the political party?
Correction: Eric Tataw signed a PACT with BAS