An Open Letter to H.E First Lady Chantal Biya – Anglophone Crisis

Dear Madam President,

Your excellence I come to you as a humbled Cameroonian. Our beloved Cameroon is in pain, and in dire need of your help as the mother of our nation. Your excellence, most of the President’s collaborators Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) to the Anglophone crisis have failed. This failure is due to lack of situational awareness, lack of crisis management skills, undue complexity and above all lack of emotional intelligence. To err is human, we forgive them. Madam, you have the ear of the President H.E Paul Biya. With your permission, I will like to propose key steps you can kindly relay to the President to resolve this crisis.

Phase 1:
1) The path to resolving this crisis begins with these words. “I am sorry”. “I am sorry for the pain the Anglophones, and the youths of the nation have been subjected to. These words can go a long way. Showing empathy is part of leadership. He is the father of our great nation. He should rally Anglophones and asks for their help in resolving this crisis. This is imperative.
2) Unconditionally release of all Anglophone consortium leaders, Paul Ayah, and youths currently detained all over the country. Restore internet connectivity to North and South West Regions.Internet shutdown has been pernicious. The state has lost billions and might affect our growth by 1% this year.
3) Replace the governors of North and South West Regions with Anglophones of their respective regions. This part of cultural intelligence, yet self-rule Anglophones are clamoring for. They speak the same language and share the same culture.It’s instrumental in conflict management.
4) Replace Dr.Nalova as Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea. She militarized a university campus, thus unfit to lead that prestigious institution. She bears the responsibility, not the minister.
5) Nominate an Anglophone to lead SONARA.
Madam, the above five steps can be implemented immediately and will cost nothing to our taxpayers. It will show good faith on the part of the government in resolving this crisis. It is practical and effective. It takes only will and grit.

Phase 2:

6) Any successfully negotiated agreement begins with having the right parties on the negotiation table. It was self-evident the last negotiations were in peril due to influential players not present at the negotiation table. Even Anglophone leaders failed to identify this. Thus, the President’s representative Arch Bishop Kleda, Prime Minster, Secretary General at the Presidency, Minister of, Basic, Secondary, and Higher Education, Minister Delegate at Ministry of Justice, US Embassy representative/UN should seat with all Anglophone leaders and address all concerns tabled.The President’s representative should create a unified command system with him acting as the negotiation commander. Adoptedresolutionsshould be tabled directly to the president for implementation free of any cognitive, organizational or political bias.

7) 30/70 rule. 30% of all resources generated from a given region should be allocated to regional councils and 70% to government coffers. This rule will save 10% of waste when resources are transferred from Yaoundé to the regions. The government can make up for remaining 20% by implementing a 5% Internet Sub Tax (IST), 5%Remittance Sub Tax (RST), and increasing the tax pool by 10%. Also, a 2% regional direct and indirecttax (RT) should be implemented to increase revenues for local councils, and abolish the post of Government Delegates. Let the people be in charge of their destiny with the government acting as a regulator.

8) Higher Education. Higher education in the English subsystem is overcrowded and causing cultural tension. University of Buea and Bamenda can’t sustain all our 10 regions. By 2035, 60% or more of our youth population will want an Anglo-Saxon higher education to be able to compete in the 21st- Century. Most elites in the French -speaking part of our country have their kids studying in Buea, UK, USA,and Canada. Madam how about the poor kid in Fotokol, Belabo, and Ambam? English based University Institutes should be created in Douala and Yaoundé to cater for our 21st-century youths. Dr.Nalova can lead one of them.

9) Engaging the diaspora. Giving the diaspora voting rights and awards don’t suffice. The diaspora contributes about 30% of our GDP. Engaging this intellectual pool, this human capital will increase our growth between 1-1.5% yearly. We need foreign currency to service our debt. Issue bonds so they can buy; help them create SMEs in Cameroon from their residing countries and much more. They are one of the biggest assets. Shutting the door has made them an effective opposition party.

10) Youth unemployment. Youth unemployment is as high as 70% in some of these regions. Start construction work on the Ring road, Bamenda-Babadjouroad ($192 million funding already approved by the World Bank,project ID: P150999), and Menchum Falls in the North West Region. In South West Region, begin tarring on Kumba-Mundemba stretch and intensify work on Kumba-Mamfe-Ekok road. This will not only reduce unemployment but link our country to Nigeria our biggest trading partner.

Madam, some may say these points fall short of their demands, while others might say it’s overreaching. The ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement) between both parties are meager. We need your voice to be the voice of the voiceless. Madam, be the voice of the voiceless. Let’s save our beloved Cameroon and strengthen our republican institutions. Your children are crying.
God Speed
Malle Peter Malle

  1. Good points..But im sorry cant heal the pains in our heart.We need tremendus change.Not about roads,changing the CEO of Sonara.We are a nation a country and we need our freedom.We shall not beg for it because we gave them we shall take it.Chantal Biya is a heartless woman and she smiles in the faces of Southern cameroonians and she care less about what is happening..We are not begging them but we shall resist till we win..Freedom is coming tomorrow..The struggle continues.

  2. Rubbish we need our independence. We can never be begger on our land. As for that illiterate of a First Lady she does not know her left from right. All she does is but cray old fashioned clothes.
    God is our shepherd and we shall reclaim our land Bristish Cameroon.

  3. That woman is a shame for Cameroon. Who is taking her serious? I mean with that hair style and the lavish life she lives. She has no idea how ordinary people suffer under the rule of her idiot husband. So let’s forget about her and stay focused on our aims. Monday and Tuesday Ghostowns. No taxes anymore to LRC. There is no way back to status quo. Moreover we need to bypass that internet cut.

  4. Independence is what we need, so that we can teach dictators like Paul how to manage resources to the benefit of the public not for himself and his family. He manages a nation like his private enterprise. Paul bias should learn to love and cherish his nation. He is unpatriotic and loyal to France, but I promise you Paul that when trouble comes, the French will abandon you. You have not learned from your predecessors, e.g. Adhijo, Mombutu, Hissan Abrah and the recent Blaise Compaore. Your turn is around the corner. Paul wait and see. Dictator.

  5. It cost her nothing to relate to her husband heart felt issues of the nation as supposed to as the number one mother of this nation. Her past 34 years as first lady of our beloved country has not yield any fruit as if it has could have been seen in her husband over decisions and solution he takes to resolved heart felt issues of the nation. Every loving mother has the key to her husband heart to soften his mind and inspired his thought and ideas whenever the husband faces difficult matters and decisive decisions to make for the good of them and the people they relate too. Everything being equal every loving and caring father give room and listen to wife opinion in regards to what he faces before him. Being the first Lady is not a tittle but being the number one mother and a role model to our youths especially the girls, seek the Obama’s for more concern on this. We don’t think she can start playing the role she has failed to for the past 34 years as first lady. We don’t longer rely on ourselves and other humans for our help but on the Almighty God in Heaven. Please be steadfast in the lord for the struggle continues. Like He did it for the Isrealites He will do it for us in Jesus’ name Amen. ” One for All, All for one “

  6. asay has this history been Adressed to that our beautiful illiterate abi u guys do not know the role of Chantal as the President’s wife, common her role is just to decorate the President and say yes sah when necessary. How can u take all your time to address a letter to an illiterate that lacks common scence na my dear rather not waist your time. Cus only the big freedom that is on our way coming you cannot even imagine it. I guess you know how God used David to defeat gullied and the Philistine in the Bible mr paupaul with his beast armies are the gullied and his ministers and other group of closed government leaders are the Philistines. When the right time will come
    God will permit us to use but a catapult just as David did and bring down paupaul and his regime like agree fawl
    make wouna no min na small we go reach.

  7. asay has this history been Adressed to that our beautiful illiterate abi u guys do not know the role of Chantal as the President’s wife, common her role is just to decorate the President and say yes sah when necessary. How can u take all your time to address a letter to an illiterate that lacks common scence na my dear rather not waist your time. Cus only the big freedom that is on our way coming you cannot even imagine it. I guess you know how God used David to defeat gullied and the Philistine in the Bible mr paupaul with his beast armies are the gullied and his ministers and other group of closed government leaders are the Philistines. When the right time will come
    God will permit us to use but a catapult just as David did and bring down paupaul and his regime like agree fawl
    make wouna no min na small we go reach.

  8. Ah ah !!! This is not fair now???? How on earth do you expect Chantal Biya, the mother of all poppets, to understand all what you just spent time explaining???

  9. It wonders me whether Southern Cameroonians do understand the different between politics and religion. Some of you think reading and mastering the dogmatic lies in the bible will liberate your country from the Yaounde junta, another one is seriously begging on Chantal Biya as if Cameroon started or will end with Biya., keep on dreaming. The power behind the yaounde Junta is France and as you know, France has a veto power in the UN. More to that, France is the number one political mafia in the world, there is noway getting away from France in a golden plate. If the british southern Cameroon want to have Independence, they must first of all keep that your God aside, woo for a super power with a right to veto in the UN, give away petroleum exploitation for the next 20years to the super power in question in exchange for arms, recrute war professionals and launch from two fronts- one from Nkambe and the other from Idia bato- Bakassi. when they capture one town especially where there are resources (e g petroleum ), can then be used to finance the continuation. That is when the U N will step in for negotiation. Any thing less than this, is just a waste of time and resources because even U N observers arrive cameroon today, they will only meet the officials of the yaounde juntaand you know exactly what type of information they will carry along.

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