Elokobi Daniel






Message to General Elokobi Njock

Dear senior brother,
It is now very obvious that the Yaounde authorities have taken note of the human feelings in you, of the decision you made to stand for what is right in the sight of God, of your patience and ability to die for what you belive it.

Valiant Catholic brother, the decision by Yaounde to earmark you for this evil cleansing exercise of your own people is attempt to test the Christian in you, it is also an attempt to demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that the only god that should be worshipped in Cameroun is Paul Biya, the sangobinatan and nothing else!

I am aware you know the Bible forbids you from carrying arms against your own kith and kindred. This means the choice before you is a very hard choice, but from a natural perspective, the choice could well be easy.

Many who do not know you would doubt that you can well resign over this and damn the consequences, that you can well say “honour and fidelity” also understands good conscience, be cause humans are not robots. You know where you come from and you also know what is good for you, of course again you know what you need to bequeath to your children in the pages of history; an honorable name and not pages full of the innocent blood of a people you entered the army to protect.

John Mbah

Senior brother, this is also a clear attack against your Christian faith. While in the East and serving in Bertoua, you spared blood where even the law would have stood by you if you spilled it! It was not the statute of a Man of God you saw before you, it was your faith in what is Divine that was the driving force in your sction. And without knowing it, you have since stood out as a model; as a brave man who resisted the easy wrong to stand with the hard right. This is the time to say “No” to them once and for all.

For your information big brother, the people of Southern Cameroons will never renege on this struggle; it is now a matter of life and death for us all.

This is the time to know on whose side you stand; with the people, the hard right or with the oppressor, the easy wrong. The Zimbabwean experience stands glaring for you to see what direction to take.

But, while you determine which way to go, be assured that Southern Cameroons MUST be free with or without your inputs! Hope this clarification helps you make an informed decision.

God is still saying something.

Your Junior Brother,
John Mbah Akuroh

  1. Sorry this so called njock the weak slave slayer is no brother nor role model,is he a patriotic SCs?not really he has no conscious or soul to kill in the name of biya!he has put fear and driven his own people from their birth land, what a evil dark hearted monster,why beg this 😈 not to commit genocide when his ego is failing him,he won’t succeed because God is stronger than any evil!he won’t live for ever,long live Ambazonians,history will be told,freedom is near!

    1. That is exactly the point.

      It looks horrible and it’s beyond horrible but the good new is at last we are moving to the promise land. All beginning are always hard especially when a living death, soulless entity like Biya and France are in charge.

      I do not see us getting to the promise land without suffering, it is the suffering that takes us there.

  2. This whole thing has not yet really started, something is on the horizon.

    The Federal Republic of Ambazonia has been there and it’s forever. We should prepare our mind, thing are only going to get worse but it’s all for a better and great feature with liberty and self determination.

    We prevail.

  3. Total military personnel in Cameroon=25000.(source: Global Fire Power)
    Total population of Manyu division= 177,389 (Source: Wikipedia 2001 data).
    You can do the remaining math.
    There is one thing the present regime is failing to recognize, Man-power. The same people who are being recruited into the military are label as “terrorist”. The same people who go out and kill the innocent people of any age, commit rape, etc without properly identifying innocent victims are doing so under the banner of protecting territorial integrity.
    If Cameroon belongs to all why is it that not all can speak to be heard?
    “Change” is a very painful transformation. There is a lot to sacrifice in order to achieve that desire change. The people of SC are paying the price today with their lives and other social amenities because they want change. They are steadfast and persistent in their quest for change. The people of SC have achieve courage and have surmount their hurdles. They will never look back where they came from. They are bound to win this time. The entire forces of LRC cannot be stronger than the entire population of Manyu division.

    1. You must substract the administration personnel. If you take the whole population of Ambaland and compare with army and gendarmery you come up with less than 1 soldier for 100 Ambazonians. But you must substract the navy and airforce. The administration. The soldiers dispatched to fight Boko Haram and Seleka. The conclution is that the oppressor’s army cannot win a war against us. You cannot win a fight against the population. You cannot win a war against ghosts in the forest. Biya has lost already by making the decision of non-dialogue. I hope all those with us still believing in any kind of federation wake up now. It is time that courageous members of the SDF split from their party to form the ASDF (Ambazonian Social Democratic Front). The sister party in East Cameroun can continue to fight there for a better society.

  4. To declare a war does not mean to win a war. They will run around in the bushes, get tired and we will win this war just by wearing them down. weapons can not the change what we now know about our stolen independence nor can it change the restoration of our independence. It is now one year of zero sleep for Satan-Biya and his gangster regime members, and one year of bleeding them economically.

  5. This is another ploy against this our general to kill him and blame it on Ambazonians. My brother, don’t be deceived. May God be with you as you stand by your very own Ambazonian people. In Any case, I trust that God has brought confusion within the enemy’s camp and this decision to send you will work in favour of Ambazonians. RIP Biya and your satanic regime.

  6. Once more, we should not be quick to start calling one of our own names. Do we forget how most of us use to castigate the SDF members until they surprised us in that burnt out building in YaoundĂ©? The fact that they came to that building with their “peace plants” and whistles showed that they were at least heeding to the call of His Excellency Ayuk.
    That video of the SDF members singing over the speech of the Prime Minister is a document for posterity. Any normal person in the place of Philomen Yang would have resigned immediately.

  7. The day of reckoning is near. Mugabe thought Zimbabwe belonged to his father. Today, he is no more in charge. Biya thinks LRC is his grandfather’s property. He can keep it. But certainly not Ambazonia. We shall overcome. Just a matter of time. General Elokobi is a professional soldier with conscience and knows what to do when the chips are down. The Lord is our Sheperd.

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