The Synod Clerk PCC continues with his daily meditations in regards to the Southern Cameroons Struggle

“They Will Live In The Land!”

Hello Kongnyuy, tell Ndifor that when I asked for silence, I was not contradicting myself. I was simply whispering to Foncham and the others that once they made their point they shouldn’t utter any phimm again – even if they were held hostage! When you are in a tight corner, silence and inaction unnerves your adversary more than any kalashinkov! As for me, I am the voice crying out in the desert and will talk till my last breathe. I know what happens to my kind, but my hand is already on the plough and there’s no turning back! I can’t stay quiet!

I hear you people have been celebrating all night because you won a perhaps insignificant battle. This isn’t time for jubilation because the enemy is studying your soft spot and is planning a surprise attack! What you guys have to do now is get to the drawing board to chart the new course that will pave the way to what your uncles want. As it stands, Limunga and Che must be brought back home.

I am confident of this because the Eternal Rock of ages has assured that, “My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd. They will follow my laws and be careful to keep my decrees. They will live in the land.., the land where your fathers lived. They and their children and their children’s children will live there for ever…I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. I will establish them and increase their numbers…I will be their God, and they will be my people…” (Ez. 37: 24-28).

Like I said, watch out for new lies that has been formulated and are being circulated! Am beginning to be convinced that “Grand Camarade” has no idea of the goings on! Whatever, we are waiting to hear what our own Uncle P will tell us soon.

I urge you guys to remain resolute; all family members and relatives are behind you – except your half siblings who are still adamant to realise that God is doing a new thing! Do not worry, God has established you! Ahead, ahead; man noh run, man noh taya!

Before I go, don’t forget to tell Enanga that since she argued all night, she should not say anything further. If at all she must say anything again, let her only repeat herself!

Everybody is happy that 2nd January is a public holiday, so they’ll enjoy themselves on the streets shaking hands with each other and sharing experiences! Until then I wish you God’s blessings, guidance and protection! Don’t stop praying ooh!
Peace be with you!

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