Students, residents, and volunteers in Ghent, Antwerp and Brussels: Volunteering opportunity – gleaning (harvesting otherwise wasted food for a good cause), this Sunday 10-14 o’clock.
Spinach is all around these days! Who’s up for some cleaning action this weekend?More than 80 m² of spinach is waiting to be rescued at Den Diepen Boomgaard in Grimbergen. Some absolutely delicious food, but simply too much for the farmer to still sell in time. On Sunday 19th, we’re going in to harvest it all for charity!

Are you up for a great day at this lovely farm, together with some awesome people? Then join us! We’re kicking off around 10am and will harvest until around 2pm.

Den Diepen Boomgaard
Rijkenhoekstraat 80
1850 Grimbergen

Drop us an email on if you are keen to join, and we will give you further info.

** We are planning to carpool, so if you have a car and you can take some fellow gleaners with you, please let us know. **

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday!

Gleaning Network Belgium

Note: please bring your picnic and a sharp kitchen knife to cut the spinach. Also, make sure to dress warmly and waterproof (just in case ;-))

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