Ambazonia Clergy





Sunday Reflection: ALL Ambazonian Religious Leaders Must Support Ambazonian Refugees & IDPs.

Since the declaration of war on the people of Ambazonia by the colonial regime in Yaoundé, Ambazonians in most affected and distressed communities have been abandoned on their own, not only by the colonial government, but also by most of the religious organizations which the people belong. Even the religious leaders seem to be confused or not even thinking of them, at least from a Social Gospel perspective.

The Church is the People and the People constitute the Church. The Church, through its leadership must be able (as a matter of spiritual and social gospel responsibilities), to stand and support the people in times of distress. After all, without passing through the people to support the workings of the church, God cannot come from heaven to supply the needs of the church.

Ambazonians are very religious and God-loving people. In fact, if they have been able to resist oppression for the past 57 years without picking up arms, it because they belief in the time of the invisible God to free them, and the sanctity of human life. However, in a situation where war is declared upon them for asking questions as to why they are in slavery for 57 years, the people have no choice than to defend themselves from the aggressor. After all, by sitting and watching, God will not come down from heaven to protect them from being massacred by the aggressor. God will only use the Weapons available in the hands of the people and backed by His spiritual force to make their weapons potent and protective from the enemy. Like the Acting Interim President of Ambazonia, Dr. Samuel Sako puts it, the AK 47, as a self-defense tool works better when carried along with prayers.

Consequently, while Ambazonian religious leaders, especially in the home land supplicate for God’s own Justice and protection on the people, they must also remember that the people in refugee camps in Nigeria and the internally displaced persons (IDPs) within the homeland need food, water and shelter. It is time for Ambazonian religious leaders both home and abroad to raise contributions in their organisations and support their members stranded in the bushes and in refugee camps in Nigeria. By so doing, they would be doing God’s assignment, which He would have done Himself, if He was to be a physical human. That is what is referred to as putting their Faith into action. Supporting followers and fellow members in distress will be equally to doing the works of Faith. Isn’t Faith without works death?

This is the time the affected people, especially the refugees need the church the most. Instead of wasting Spiritual energy praying for “Peace in Cameroon”, religious leaders and their organizations in relatively peaceful towns and cities in Ambazonia should mobilise their followers across the homeland and abroad, and support big time, the affected people and refugees with much needed relief materials. They must do this as Works of Faith, while also praying for GOD’S JUSTICE and PROTECTION for the people of Ambazonia in these trying times of their lives. Praying for ” Peace in Cameroon ” at this point in time without JUSTICE, is like begging God to postponed the rapture or His second coming.

At this juncture, BaretaNews, the People’s Platform, will like to appreciate the unrelenting efforts of the Arch Bishop of Manyu Diocese, Bishop Andrew Nkea, for standing up for his sheep as a good Shepherd. He has been there, providing spiritual and material assistant to the affected people of Manyu and Lebialem Counties. He must not be abandoned alone. BaretaNews is by this Sunday reflections challenging all prominent religious leaders across Ambazonia to support the efforts of Bishop Nkea, by supporting our refugees in Nigeria, the IDPs in Manyu, Lebialem, Meme, Bello, Batibo and parts of Bui Counties, that are currently under the siege of colonial terrorist forces.

We believe that these religious leaders or their followers are reading us. The likes of the Rt. Rev. Fonki Samuel of PCC, Bishop Burshu of Buea, Apostle John Chi of AGCOM, Apostle Divine C. Okafor of Transformers, Prophet Frank of KingShip, and the Bishops, Prophets and Apostles of all the traditional and new generation religious bodies in the Northern and Southern Zones of Ambazonia. It is time for you all to mobilise and do the needful. Part of the church in Ambazonia is now stranded in Nigeria and also in bushes across Ambazonia. They need food, water, clothing and shelter. The church cannot afford to sit on the fence.

All religious organizations anchor their doctrines (no matter how complex they are) on a common denominator known as LOVE. This Love, is certainly not only expressed in singing, dancing and praying to an invisible being but most importantly through physical actions and activities that uplift the spirito-psychological state of the human mind which is created in the image and likeness of the invisible being.

Charity, they say begins at home. Let’s begin at home with the distressed Ambazonians in times of a senseless war, declared on them by the one who is supposed to be protecting them.

James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst.

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