Election of a Southern Cameroons Interim PM: I fully Endorse the idea.

Mark Bareta, Southern Cameroons Activist from Bui County fully endorse this idea and I call on all Southern Cameroonians who follow and read me, friends and sympathisers to support the election of an Interim Prime Minister. These are my beliefs

1. It is no news that we are a colonised people. The Southern Cameroons question is that of annexation and colonialism. The union between both Cameroons is illegitimate and legally not binding. The Union has not been consummated. The union can be challenged in any court of Law.

2. Whether you believe in a two states federation as a pathway to independence, a federated or confederated Southern Cameroons state will still need a Prime Minister. We all believe that Southern Cameroonians have a right to self determination. It is an inalienable right and the ultimate goal of the struggle no matter which route is the restoration of the Southern Cameroons Statehood.

3. The idea of a United Front in this case SCACUF is a very welcome idea. It brings all major liberation movements together. It is true that it has been hugely welcomed across the board. It is my position that, this Front is still growing and thus it is just okay to receive criticisms to help it grow. It should thus be given the opportunity to show itself in the objectives it was created without pampering it should need arises.

4. Southern Cameroonians both home and abroad are very ready for a restored Southern Cameroons state. We have never had this type of movement in years. There are all signs to conclude that the people are ready to reclaim their homeland and would fall hugely behind a chosen leader democratically elected across the board.

5. The international community must see the Southern Cameroons people with all arms of a country in place before they start taking us serious.

6. The idea of a PM is not an end in itself, it is a means to prepare Southern Cameroons to restoration following all means possible.

Therefore, the idea of a PM may look funny at the surface or over ambitious, however, I deeply belief that any actions which put La Republique at the tight corner should be welcome. The interim PM must be elected, he/she should form a government with the most important state departments for the mean time and prepare the country towards restoration.

The action of having a rival government to la Republique no matter where it seats is welcome especially if the people back home in Southern Cameroons recognises the government of the interim PM and are prepared to follow his or her instructions. It is therefore the duty of SCACUF and the PM to make sure Southern Cameroonians back home fall in line and yes, it is our sacrosanct duty to make it happen if we mean business. Therefore, this what the PM must do.

1. Form a 50-50 balance team of the most important state departments between Southern Cameroonians from both the Northern and Southern Zones.

2. Endorses and fully supports the 3Hs actions- Heart, Head and Hands and most especially the right to self defence.

3. Locates friendly small nations in Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America to sign trade, and economic pacts to support the state militarily and otherwise. These countries should have recognised the interim government by then

4. Fully endorses the Southern Cameroons Defence Force and get a friendly nation to train Southern Cameroons recruits who will travel for training and be ready. We must start building the military

5. Apply for membership into international bodies and unrepresented Nations organisations for synergy and corporations.

6. Set up a strong financial system and institute a compulsory monthly tax system from all Southern Cameroonians. We must fund our government. The PM will need a lot of lobbying and travelling.

7. Produce and distribute a Southern Cameroons Identity cards to everyone both home and abroad.

8. Build a strong formidable Communication team that uses the 21st century social media and print communication technologies on a 24 hour/7 days a week period. This team must be proactive on social media, radio, TV as well as instantly diluting La Republique indoctrination of our people.


SCACUF must immediately make public how this PM election will be done. I suppose it should be an online voting platform so that our people back home are involved in the process. Candidates for this interim position should be made known so that the people get to know them. There are many more one can write on this but I will stop here.

It should be recalled that all issues described here are also tenets the PM will need in a confederation with Cameroun should that be the first step or a full blown independence. We must however show strength in whatever we do.

I, Mark Bareta, CEO of BaretaNews shall therefore fully support such a PM to see him or her succeeds. I shall, however in my usual ways not fail to call the PM and his or her government out should they be failing or falling below expectations neither will I fail to call SCACUF out if this United Front is also found wanting at any point in time.

May God Bless Southern Cameroons.

Mark Bareta
Bui County, Southern Cameroons

  1. Why do we Southern Cameroonians keep reinventing the wheel all the time? SCNC had already registered Southern Cameroons with the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization. Let SCACUF simply pick up from there. In the same light, Fon Gorji Dinka and Ambazonia front already launched a Southern Cameroons Defense Force. Why can’t SCACUF simply buy in to this and pick up from there? Starting all over will be wasting lots of time and energy again. SCACUF should tap into the rich barn of Diplomacy already tested by the forerunners of this struggle to be meticulous.

    SCACUF was created for this, to bring the forces of all the splinter groups fighting for the Restoration of Southern Cameroons together and providing it with strong leadership. If SCACUF cannot identify that working with ideas already born and tested, then I do not see how SCACUF intends to instill confidence in all these different groupings. By working with various ideas from the various groups will not only give these groups a sense of belonging and reason to hold on fast as one man, but will also give SCACUF a stable wheel to drive and venture into new untested frontiers with confidence and tenacity. I am looking up to SCACUF a great deal. Many Southern Cameroonians are already falling behind SCACUF. Do not let us down.

  2. This is one more strategic move.

    This move dose not, is not and will not in anyway shadow all the previous moves, it is just another strategic move as all the other once that all the individual groups have been using to keep the struggle going and alive.

    It brings a whole new dimension of absolute importance that will empower us all and keep the struggle the revolution alive, stronger and active at multiple front.

    We Southern Cameroonians of this generation were prepared for this task and we are executing it to the end. Nothing, no negativistic spirits can influence us.

    Those who are advising Biya to pose with international personals hoping to impress Southern Cameroonians and somehow intimidate or render us impotent are living in the stone age. No amount of visit to Rome or posing with ambassador can change the minds of Southern Cameroonians.

    All the evil been done by LRC is on the internet free for everyone to see.

  3. Excellent writing Mark. The election of a PM will make Biya cause nightmares. We are already 2 steps in front of LRC. For me it is important that the election and the election process is very open, with franc dialogues and fully democratic. We show the world that there exists a good Cameroon. Southern Cameroon. A nation which rejects corruption, nepotism and tribalism. A modern country of the 21st century embracing democracy. Revolution is always the fight of ideas. We need to convince every Southern Cameroonian that our vision is the better one.

  4. We will not seek federalism or get independence through that. Any one who advocates that, is not a true Ambazonian. We must got for full independence, by peace or war. Stop talking about federation because it is out of topic! We hate LRC to point where we have enough reason to unleash chemical weapons on them, if we can put our hands on some.

  5. The UN is at the oringin of our predicaments and should be at the end as well. In 1995, on their return from the UN, Muna and Foncha left a roadmap to Southern Cameroon’s Independence. A delegation of Southern Cameroonians should take up from there, engage with the UN, while carrying on further research on the situation of Southern Cameroons under international and advocating on that at the UN. Already the UN in 2010, gave the map and flag of La Rep, when it achieved indepence in 1960; with Southern Cameroons as its neigbor. The Southern Cameroons delegation should use this an entry point at the UN, and come out with a resolution for the SC independence. On their way back, they then make a stop in Yaounde and bring along all S. Cameroonians, deported and held in La Rep Prisons., full stop. The UN will then put in place an interim government to set in place the necessary institutions and pave the way for elections. This is how I see it.

    International Human Rights Jurist/Activist,
    Northern County

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