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Of alleged Tribalism In the Southern Cameroons Struggle.

Over the last couple of days, I have seen some posters castigating some Southern Cameroonians who are putting their neck in this struggle to see homeland free. These front liners happened to come from the same county as the posters alleged. Tribalism and its sentiments are very bad. It destroys a movement and it is very bad for development. Sometimes I used to get very angry why God made the walls of Jericho to collapse. We were supposed to be speaking one language in the world maybe the cankerworm of tribalism shouldn’t be an issue now.

However, because we are engaging in a week of sanitizing our social media space (#TeamCleanUpSocialMediaSpace) and engaging in more education, I think as an opinion leader, I should voice my opinion over the alleged tribalism within the struggle.

My philosophy is that before looking at the area someone comes from, you must look first at his/her potentials and output. Sometimes the area becomes not necessary unless in a political set up. In a revolution as ours, people step up and not everyone step up at once or at the same time. We have succeeded so far in this struggle because we buried the NW/SW saga. We looked at each other as Southern Cameroonians, doing his or her own best to free homeland not which area he or she comes from. We must not look at where an individual comes from in this struggle. The inputs they put into the struggle is what matters. Are their contributions taking us to the right directions? Are they building momentum for the struggle? Are we supposing that those who can offer for the struggle should step aside and wait for those who want to step up meanwhile there is none to step up because coincidently maybe those at the frontline happened to come from one country or zone?

Let us remember that the ability to work for the struggle is an individual decision and not an appointment or elective one where we start looking for a balance of power. A balance of power is important in a struggle but must be done with those available and ready to work. Should a movement go about begging or handpicking people who have no interest to work for the struggle because they seek for balance of power. This is a revolution, its a struggle and sometimes the dictates of democracy do not flow because we need few committed who are trust worthy and can get the job done.

Now we know that Bamenda is the only county where the struggle is still alive 100 percent. In other areas, the momentum is fading, some 80 percent etc. Should people of Bamenda stop and fall aback because Limbe or other areas are not respecting the struggle fully? This cannot be the case.

Hon Wirba, Verla Franklin, Mark Bareta and a host of others are from Bui County. Should we be concerned whether only Bui County make up Southern Cameroons? Should we be concerned why people of Bui are vocal or belong to the same movement?

I will prefer to have people from one or same county in Southern Cameroons free me from la Republique rather than to play political correctness and stay for another 56 years with La Republique. We must stop looking at the tribes and divisions of those at the fore front. It’s a revolution where people are staking their lives, families etc. Their lives and families are a target. We must stand with our front liners. Not everyone can do the same, not everyone can put in same inputs but we can combine our individual inputs to something great. Should our front leaders come from the same county, it’s not by their making or design but by their abilities to work and free homeland.

Please my fellow Southern Cameroonians, when Southern Cameroons state must have been restored, all the dictates of a truly democratic state shall apply in our homeland. All those dictates which seek to wipe away tribalism, favoritism etc. shall be enforced when everything is over.

For now, my people, we are in a revolution. It’s a struggle for crying out loud. Those who can offer are welcome to act regardless of where he or she comes from. That time will come.

One love

Mark Bareta
Bui and Many Counties
Southern Cameroons
Follow the struggle and not individuals

  1. At times, I wonder what stuff some people are made of. Who at this point in this struggle questions why county X or why is not represented or over represented. This is chasing the shadow at best, instead of the substance. If your county is not represented, please step up, you may be the one we are waiting for. This struggle has multiple fronts-home, abroad, diplomatic, online, financial etc etc. Do your own thing to enhance e struggle and stop being a complainer

  2. Greatness is not demanded, it is earned. Mark Bareta, you are a source of pride and inspiration in this struggle. Please keep up the good work for your days on this planet are blessed.

  3. Well said. Total nonsense everyone knows what corner of Ambazonia this type of dull ideas come from. Some were really born to be sellouts, sheepish and traitors

  4. Non of our brothers or sisters who are leading these struggle ever in their life thought or saw themselves as being great.

    Never in their life did the imagine they will one day be in this position and non of them choose or got nominated to where they are now.

    They were just somewhere just like we all are, and nature brought this thing to them. All those who stood firm, had nothing other that their courage and most important that thing that they believe in and are fighting for, to bring into physical manifestation.

    They did not run, complain, wait to get nominated or just talk, they step forward and face the situation at hand all by their own will.

    This is one of those moment in realty where only ones standing up to the task, nominates one. Non of us is blocking, restricting, hampering anyone for standing up, just as the others did.

    Please Southern Cameroonians, If we can, let us stand up to the situation and prove we are able, instead of sitting and asking to be nominated for it.

    This struggle is real as real.

  5. What Bareta had written is true, but on the other hand should not been made publicly. There are certain things if made publicly it changes the minds of those who are at the war front and the struggles is being broken down. Flashback during the struggle of multipartysm, in Kumba and Muyuka, those were the two towns that fought till the last drip of their blood to win the struggle of multipartysm. And the death rate was very high especially in Kumba, only seven northwesterners were shot death. The rest from the Balong, Manyu and the Oroko natives. The death rate of these natives were very high but they never voiced it out. But the success goes to SDF of Ni John Fru Ndi. SDF is now dangling in the middle of the ocean because those from the North west are boosting that they were the ones who faught for success of multipartysm in Cameroon. This made militants from other county of Southern Cameroon to withdraw their membership from SDF. I’m giving you these informations because i faught to the last drip of my blood and were shot on my right leg at BICCIC junction in Kumba. I’m from OSSING in Manyu division. So please Mark Bareta don’t build a house then you destroyed it yourself it makes you stupid. STOP using that word ”TRIBALISM” amongst Southern Cameroonian in this struggle lets succeed in this struggle for God sake. Any body can fight for the success of one one another if you find out that he or she is weak. Thanks, the struggles continues.

  6. Atem Bakia read your are a clear proof of a tribal somebody..calling people of one part of the english speaking Cameroon dull and sleepish..thats racist and tribal..thank you for showing how racists most of you are..this is what it is if LRC is racist so are most of you and just for that God will fight for the just which is nither you or LRC or even Bareta..wealthy people pretending to be suffering because of their political ambitions..nonsense

  7. I suggest that once we establish our nation, either the people or are members of congress or parliament should elect one king from each county to be the King of that County, for example, the King of Mezam, Momo, Manyu, Ndian, etc.

    The Balong King of Muyuka will Make a good “King of Fako” in my opinion, to honor the sons and daughters of Muyuka who have always been on the front lines of the fight against Cameroon, so as the kings of Bafut and Nso in their respective counties.

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