Cameroon Explosion: On Monday, 15th August, BaretaNews made known the following to the general Public:
1. We revealed that on August 1st, Prophet Chirac Nyenti Tiku in Muyuka talking to the Sun Newspaper Political Editor Mr. Atia Azohnwi gave a prophecy concerning the eruption of Mount Cameroon with heavy casualties. He said God spoke to him on July 21st when he was praying.
2. On 14th August 2016, Prophet Johnson Suleman gave another prophecy concerning Cameroon, he said there would be an explosion in Cameroon and that Cameroonians should pray for the people to be exposed. He went on to say the explosion will occur same day with that of Syria. It is now clear that both prophets were meaning different things.
BaretaNews wonders if this could be a political explosion targeting authorities in Cameroon that will claim casualties. Emmanuel Ngwa in trying to relate the prophecy wrote ” Even our own pastor Apostle John Chi has repeatedly called on Cameroonians to pray for our leaders and particularly the head of state. That bad men, are in town and that he is seeing a conspiracy. But he didn’t want to come out clear “. Since Prophet Suleman in his video spoke about praying to expose these men, was he referring to a political explosion as Apostle Chi in Buea have been saying covertly?
No matter what, let Cameroonians pray.