This video of so-called attacks on the convoy of the SW colonial governor is staged. Every second of it is invented… fully made up. The gunfire we hear on the video is from the occupation forces of LRC themselves. They are firing in the air and they have a fake reporter embedded for the purpose of pretending that they cane under attack. Don’t be fooled. The colonialists are staging this fake attack for two main reasons:
(1) The colonial adminstrators and military officials involve want to extract maximum financial benefit from Yaounde. The regime would make available more funding for a phoney war as they deploy more troops in and around Lebialem where they also seem to be planning the next series of massacres.
(2) They are creating footage that can be used with the international community and diplomats based in Yaounde to justify why the criminal regime of Mr. Biya is slaughtering civilians and will be killing more of them going forward.
This is not the first time the colonialists in Yaounde have used video to this effect. This is at least the third time this has been done. Each time, the staged videos have been produced to justify launching a more aggressive crackdown against Ambazonian civilians.
The first such staged videos was one of the staged attacks targeting students going to school in Victoria or what the colonialists call Limbe. That first staged video was backed up by the roadblocks in Ekona and the attacks using tons of rocks on security forces; filmed and shown by a number of local TV stations, granted access for the purpose of getting the video out. Yaounde used that first video to call in the diplomatic corps. They screened it for ambassadors and used it to try to justify the savage attacks ahead of and during the peaceful protests of Sept. 22nd 2017.
The second was the video produced with the support of a French TV network showing LRC forces crushing insurgents at the border with Nigeria and, among others, conquering the town of Dadi portrayed as the Headquarters of the ADF. The release of that video was followed by LRC troops staging cross border genocidal attacks into Nigeria, including entering Taraba State. Working closely with French intelligence and military as well as with Nigeria, Yaounde claimed to have arrested armed insurgents in training camps in Taraba State although local security forces said no weapons were on them. Those arrests in Taraba were immediately followed by the abductions at Nera Hotel and the rendition of Sisiku AyukTabe & Co. Shortly after that, LRC used its own troops to produce and release a video purportedly showing troops loyal to SCACUF-IG reportedly training close to the border with Nigeria.
The so-called attacks en route to and fro Lebialem are the third time around. And this third time is as fake as the others reviewed above… and this is why.
If anyone attacked the convoy of the colonial convoy… using even mere rocks, they would have smashed a few car windshields. Instead, what LRC shows to the world is video of an attack during which absolutely nothing happens. If anyone planned to attack the convoy, they would have arranged to set up obstacles on the way to bring the convoy to a halt and, therefore, making the likelihood of hitting the convoy higher. The audacity of the attacks the colonialists claim happened would have led to more impact, especially the second time around. For all those of you who have watched the video, please notice that the TV crew was filming when both so-called attacks occurred. To be very clear, no TV crew in the world is constantly rolling tape, filming as they ride along at all the time. No TV crew would be so lucky as to be filming at the exact time when two attacks occur… on the way to and fro Lebialem.
Listen to the fake reporter… He says that they were attacked by civilians… How does he know that? He says the attacks on the way to and fro were staged by CIVILIANS; not armed insurgents. He says so because that is what LRC decided in advance. The goal of criminalizing civilians is to try to justify the regime’s war crimes on and indiscriminate targeting of civilians.
If the convoy really came under armed attack, do you think the TV crew and fake reporter on board would have not ran for cover on the floor of the car in fear? Instead, the crew is steadily filming from beginning to end… and the fake reporter is doing an on-camera calm reporting… with a level of assurance in his voice and face that only comes if you are confident that the attack is staged… You display that much calm only if you are certain of not being hurt. Watch the footage carefully again and pay attention to the military man riding in the back of the pickup truck and visible on the shot showing the fake reporter doing his on-camera recording. The military man is just sitting there… in the back of the pickup… doing nothing during the so-called attacks.
The colonialists are getting better at staging these fake attacks, but they are still getting busted!
Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert (Yindo Toh)
Spokesperson, MoRISC
Give a dog a bad name and then …
I laughed when I saw it. The whole thing is staged.
LRC politicians are very stupid.
That slave banana republic so called journalist is a disgraceful anglofranco fool low class boy boy who couldn’t do the jobs which real journalist report incident honestly, everyone supporting biya is a french colonial puppet supporting a crooked murderer who will do anything to please his slave master france,that traitor cameras man is an enemy,he must be found and taken care of alongside all other SCs traitors, it’s also a disgrace to see a so callef colonial governors trekking on such a primitive,death horror road in a 21 century,aired for the world to see a bush country run by dictator thieves, the reason SCs must be independent to develop,get rid of all that french Cameroon trashes in 58 years of regression, primitiveness and no development
Just as I thought, staged. The reporter appeared too calm for the type of circumstance he was reporting about. He new they were civilians? Who is his/lrc acting coach?
Bali nyonga we will get u. That day, that mouth of urs will be begging for mercy. 😨😨😨😨 we r getting closer. Just a matter of time. As cucu blinz. For her it’s very soon
Aba! For how long will they keep on with this staged drama, I had wondered how they can be attack and no iota of cashuati recorded, it’s a Shame to the jounalist who brought down the morale of his profession by covering such stupid drama for what so ever payment. Shit!
We are not living in a state of war in Cameroon but under the spell of the PUTATIVE hallucinating kidnappers, child molesters who would own mansions like Boh Herbert the USA and real estate while their kids attend the nest schools but would strive for chaos in the land of their birth. Kibarinko Bara Wirki Shit Ntum Coffee Bangfen am I preaching to the choir everyday???Nobody gives a shit and will ever give a shit about aus YEAH US- that they consider a bunch of Monkeys and sub-humans. Stop talking about staged attacks for the white people own Africa that they discovered and we TRULY Owe them for brining development to us. France at least is not hypocritical as they ask for fifty percent of our foreign exchange and other favorable treatment from their ex-colonists and CARCO!We should know our place as Niggers for nobody gives a shit about us and 30 years of exposure to England will NEVER make us Anglo-Saxon no matter how we try to embellish or discontent with nomenclature of Southern Cameroon, Ambazonia etc. The world is even saturated with republics and if SUPERIOR human like the CATAlonians in Basque territory in Spain are told “NYET” to their independence ,what makes you guys think Ambazonia will ever see the light??This so-called struggle is mar4ed from its genesis!The GRAFFI North westerners call the South West (COOS) (COAST). from Bikom to Ndop to WUM and Banso. Bakweris even take it further to call Graffis “MUNJINGNI”. There is nothing like Southern Cameroon unity as we the coastal people have less in common with GRaffis or CAM NO Gos except the iota of English and traditions that the colonial master left us as a legacy!No revolution stops innocent children who cannot consent to anything from going to school and yet the UNESCO which is still an institution created by the white man has not declared a blank year!No revolt would stop innocent people trying to eke out a meager living by burning their schools, declaring GHOST towns and then threatening retributions against violators!The regime in Yaoundé are colonialists !YEAH!Regrettably for AMBAZONIA, we lack the lackey, stooge and colonialist CREDENTIALS as we have no backers and no foreign country will dare recognize us. They preach the integrity of the French CARCO that is Cameroon from Bakassi, Ekok to Nkambe and Yokadouma..While your marginalization complaint has some merits, what can we show for all the strikes, mayhem, threats, Ghost towns, school boycotts, attacks against the security forces, kidnappings and RANSOM business ever since we started this madness? Nothing.We have gone from better to worse and from Kembong to Belo, Kakwa etc,we have abandoned our houses and plantations and now living in the HILL and Bushes! Oh my God -we have regained our natural habitats like true bush men. It is left to our cyber terrorists and internet Lt. Generals to rationalize Joseph Conrad’s assertion Black Africa and Africans being the “HEART OF DARKNESS”.Stop deceiving gullible and innocent people with this internet that was created by the white man !God truly said it all “Those who have eyes should hear,those who have ears should hear!”. Beri Wo Shufai Bara !
Janice, you seem frustrated and impatient, maybe you should call Dr Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela. You ARE WHAT YOU THINK OF YOURSELF. If you think you are a useless monkey of a nigger then you are, others are not, they are winners. We know the black race is persecuted on all continents, but we are making TREMENDOUS Strides in science, technology, politics (OBAMA) sports, culture, music. You sound like a yellow belly coward of a franco lazy slave, who drinks wine, considers themselves useless, surrenders easily under pressure. This struggle will continue forever, not biya, not nobody will stop it. Why are you alive???