Rev. 12:11
” And they have conquered by the blood of the Lamb and by
the word of their testimony.”
The Holy Book says life is in the blood. The Book says there
can be no remission of sins without the shedding of blood.
In all religions, blood is (has been) needed for atonement
and cleansing; the blood of cattle, birds and even reptiles.
Blood is needed today even for the advancement of the
enemy’s schemes against God’s people.
However, the blood of the innocent cry out of the belly
of the earth for justice. Abel’s blood cried out and God
descended. He still hears, our God and still descends.
He has heard the lamentations of his people for over
56 years.
In Psalms 75:2, the Lord says, “At the set time that I
appoint, I will judge with equity”. But for God to fight
for us and judge for us, we must be His own.
This is the set time for the liberation of God’s chosen;
and we are His chosen. That is why all the arrests,
intimidation, threats and killings don’t have a
bearing on God’s people.
The spirit that guides this struggle is of God. That is
why the enemy will intimidate even God’s servants.
The more Yaoundé threatens however, the more
the Church speaks out against evil with boldness.
For the spirit He has given us is not the spirit of fear
but of courage and boldness.
If God be for us, who can be against us?
Our God is a jealous God. He won’t share His glory
with anyone, He says. When He fought for Gideon,
He made sure there was no room for doubt where
the victory came from.
When He fought for Judah, Jehoshaphat the King
knew who fought for them. They gathered the spoils
This battle is God ordained. There therefore is no
room for bloodletting; not even the blood of the
enemy. Blood is blood and every blood speaks.
During war, most of those who get killed are the
innocent. Even the children of the oppressor are
counted among the innocent. We shall account
for every drop of blood spilt.
Remember that God would not allow David to
build Him a house because David had spilt blood.
Also, do not forget, that God went to war with David
and gave him victory all round, so that David did not
lose a battle. Yet, He found David’s hands soiled.
This should tell us how God the Creator values
human life.
The Bible tells us that there is sin and there is a sin
that leads to death. In 1Jn.5:16, the Bible directs;
“If anyone sees his brother committing a sin that
does not lead to death, he should pray that God would
give him life. This applies to those who commit sins
that do not lead to death (only). There is a sin that leads
Bondage is not good. But freedom that comes through the spilling
of blood, especially by those whom God has not called, is bound
to come with untold consequences. You need examples; I humbly
refer you to DR Congo and South Sudan.
Permit me also refer you to the nation we once called Fatherland.
The problems of LRC do not stem from Ahidjo, Paul Biya and the
French; they stem first from the blood of innocent children spilt
during the independence struggle. The blood of the fathers of
independence of that land is still crying out for justice. That
blood needs to be atoned for. Until that is done, LRC will not
know peace even after SC goes away.
All the blood poured out in demonic cauldrons can not set
free. It yokes the land the more.
This is the set time for the Liberation of our people. And
that time was not set by man but by God Himself.
That is why Yaoundé is so helpless. In their struggle to
put down the uprising, Yaoundé digs deeper into Pharaoh’s
stubbornness, thereby driving themselves ever closer to
the Red Sea of their destruction. The time is very close.
To warmongers, I say caution. This struggle is for the
elect by God. And them that God has called for this
struggle, He has equipped. His weapons are not carnal
for the adversary is not physical but spiritual. We fight
against demonic forces; bloodsuckers. Horses and chariots,
Kalashnikovs and tankers can’t fight this battle. The present
confusion in Yaounde is not caused by a bomb shell. It is
by the Spirit of the Most High, the God who ambushes our
enemies for us.
If our God is fighting for us, then we must let Him fight.
We should keep the peaceful resistance in praise and worship.
We should sing; “Praise the Lord for His mercy endures
Do not be misled. Easy victory comes by the barrel.
Its price will be an unstable SC. Factions shall rise up
against faction and the blood of the innocent shall
cry out for justice against the land. Of what use will
it be if we acquire independence and have not peace?
But enduring victory is wrought at the place of prayer.
Therefore SC, come together and pray.
Speak to the land and command it to reject every
evil altar erected to keep us under bondage and
captivity. command the land to hear the voice of
God and to erupt. Cry out to God and let our cries get
to His throne ever so loudly.
This season, let the Church, against which the gates
of Hades have no power, sock and drench SC
in the blood of the Lamb. The Lamb and the blood without
blemish. The blood by which our victory is wrought.
In the name of Jesus. AMEN.
Programmes Coordinator, Consortium
A Must Read And a Must Share
So say we all.
No matter what other strategy we use, we must put God first. This has been my call in early January when I prescribed the Southern Cameroon’s Candle Light Prayers for Liberation. And I know in my heart and Spirit that the cry of all Southern Cameroonians has reached the Most High God. For those who do not believe, just look around and you will see the evidence everywhere. Look at the total confusion Biya and La Republique du cameroun is in now. At every turn they are making in-reparable mistakes. We must not relent in our prayers.
Of course The children of Israel cried out and God listened to them in the same way he listened to us. He also gave them a mighty arm through Moses, so that Physical pain is inflicted on Pharaoh and his evil government. So too God is leading a mighty army for the Children of Southern Cameroons for their liberation. So we Southern Cameroonians must also accept this mighty army and give it support.
God still raises Some Moses’ in our times. thank you sir you met Him in thwe Burning bushe
This, I must say is the most outstanding speech and proclamation I have received since this struggle commenced. God remains King over our nation of SC and there is nothing or no one who can change that. May we continue to Praise Him in the beauty of His Holiness. His Majesty is forever.