The chairman of Cameroon’s main opposition party, John Fru Ndi, said Saturday youths calling for his replacement as a potential SDF presidential candidate for the 2018 poll are “irresponsible.”
Fru Ndi told supporters at a national conventional in the opposition stronghold of Bamenda that youths keep chanting “Youths Must Grow,” in a bid to see him steer clear of his party’s much-needed leadership, according to Bamenda-based journalists who covered the event.
Journalist, Kiven Brenda, reports that SDF Vice Chairman, Joshua Osih, “refuted claims that he has been endorsed by SDF as a presidential candidate.”
In recent months, tensions have been brewing within the party as youths repeatedly called on the endorsement of Osih who is perceived in some media reports as the most favorite candidate who could replace an “aging” Fru Ndi.
Although Fru Ndi, 75, still wields support especially at grassroots level, his nationwide support has been weakening ever since the charismatic leader was cheated at the October 1992 presidential poll, citing media reports.
Observers have criticized Fru Ndi for his 26-year grip as party chairman. “How can he accuse Paul Biya of his 34-year rule meanwhile he practices the same thing in his party,” Kum Gerald asked.
According to the SDF party rules, only a national convention of delegates can elect a presidential candidate. So far, it is unclear who will run for president, although it is inkling that Fru Ndi will hang on for the 2018 poll.
By Tapang Ivo
Culled for BaretaNews.