It came like a ballistic missile, Wednesday April 25 2018, when news broke out that the Senior Discipline Master (SDM), of the Government High School (GBHS), Ashu Thomas Nkongho, had been shot dead on campus. He was shot through the right eye by unknown gunmen, in an attack that also saw the left arm of a female student, cut off.
As predictable as it could be, the beggarly Camerounese regime, took to the press, linking the attack to atrocities caused by the Ambazonian Defence forces (ADF). According to cooked information dished out through its sycophantic news outlets, it was stated clear that the Ambazonian forces are compared to the Boko Haram insurgents who all advocate for no school.
Clearly enough, the motive of la Republique du Cameroun (LRC), was and is to pain a very bleak picture of the Ambazonian struggle, so it can command some support from the international community. It attempted (in vain) to paint the Ambazonian forces as abductors so it can harmonise the international definition of a Terrorist. Unfortunately, that information was busted by the same tourists, whom LRC had blatantly lied that they were kidnapped.
This recent incident of the killing of a secondary school teacher on campus, comes to expose LRC’s malicious intentions in painting the Ambazonian struggle, black.
Who killed the GBHS Kosala Teacher?

A woman whose identity is yet to be known linked her husband, Atina Clement (Bulu-LRC extraction), to the GBHS Kosala murder incident. According to sources, the woman who’s said to own a Provision Shop at the Kosala Junction amongst the business buildings constructed by the Kumba II Council, has on Thursday April 26, 2018 reported her husband to the police as the author of the shooting to death of the SDM GBHS, Kosala – Kumba.
According to information, the woman went to the police in evening of Wednesday April 25. 2018 and complained that the husband has been accusing her of having an affair with the deceased. She also reportedly said that the husband has beaten her on several occasions with the lasted being on the night of Tuesday April 24, 2018 in which he’s promised to kill the purported lover the next morning.
It would be too much of a coincidence that the following morning; Wednesday April 25, 2018 at about 7:30AM, in a school as populated as GBHS Kosala in Kumba II Sub-Division, Meme Division, South West, only Ashu Thomas Nkongho would be shot dead by unknown men. To make matters worse, the woman confessed to the police that on Wednesday morning after the incident, her husband returned home with two unidentified men on a bike.
As we write, the man, who’s married with four children to same woman now implicating him is currently being held at the Kumba Central Police Station. Reports also indicate the woman pleaded for protective custody. It has also been revealed that the suspect and the deceased lived in same neighbourhood; behind Hope Clinic, Kosala.
By Lucas Muma,
Managing Editor – BaretaNews
So an idiot with a small dick killed that teacher. Ashu was the love affair of his wife. But why they chopped that girls hand/arm? Bunch of criminals.
Oh my God @Lucas Muma, I wanda why you haven’t find where your 47 IGs and co are! The way you jump to conclusion said alot about you. Stop the nonsense and let the police do their investigation.
Don’t mind Lucas he is trying to hide terrorist ambazozo criminal act. The should man up to their action. It makes no sense to kill the principal n chop off a student hand that has nothing to do wit the affair. 2nd point why would she go for protected custody to lrc which authority is no longer recognise by u ambaidiots? All this just show us that u guys r simply boko haram alike and u deserve to be dealt with as such.
Tell them Bamenda Boy!This Putative Ambazonia republic is now a joke!
I take great exception to your opening sentence quote,”WHERE ARE YOU RECEIVED YOUR TRAINING TO BECOME JOURNALIST ; SURELY IN NIGERIA.” Perhaps a gentle reminder that Nigerian academic institutions have over the decades trained Southern Cameroonians in the hundreds, if not thousands, who have excelled in their respective fields and contributed positively to nation and global building. Some names worth mentioning are W.N.O Effiong, J.N. Foncha, S. T. Muna, B.T.B Forietia, Bernard Nsokika Fonlon, George Kisob, J. C. Kankolo and a long list of others both current and of blessed memory.
Bamenda boy, I am sure you recognize some of these names or have read about them in the course of your schooling. It is alright for you to criticize the author of this piece, Lucas Muma, but to cast the nation of Nigeria in less than honorable fashion, academic wise, is to expose some degree of ignorance on your part.
For all the Thomases in that forum. It was not Lucas Muma who revealed the truth behind that killing in first place. Mimi from Equinoxe was one of the first who reported the bitter truth. To all French Camerounians you desperately blame the wrong party.
A man,whether he is a bulu or not, killed the lover of his wife. That’s it.
U r an apologist of terrorism @George which make u a terrorist as well. Let assume for a moment that the affair is true. Wat is ur explanation of the finger choping? It make no sense. If he wanted to kill his wife lover why no ambush him alone. Why go to his work place. No no it’s the work of ambazozo boys. Only the war against the right for education can explain this type of barbarism from ambazozo. So my dear ambaidiots assume don’t run from ur actions
My friend George whenever you take a story and run with without naming his source, you will own it. The best this guy should have done was to put the entire story in cotation. He try to take credit for someone else story, but this backfire big time. A good reporter would alway put stories that are not from his source in cotation mark.
“Wat is ur explanation of the finger choping? It make no sense.”
1. Distraction from the murder motive.
2. Occultic measure by the two guys helping that husband.
“It make no sense. If he wanted to kill his wife lover why no ambush him alone. Why go to his work place.”
Jealousy makes you blind and furious. There are enough examples that the act of murder is done at a public place.
“No no it’s the work of ambazozo boys.”
That is what your brain tells you. But the facts on the ground are different. Means you base your judgement on presumptions and not evidence.
Ugly Stutterer Banso MONKEY Mark Bara Wirki (Shit) Ntum et Al!You guys know how to wreak havoc like the true MONKEYS from the jungle in your reasoning and your actions! May I ask you a question? Has the population and peasant of the North West and South West reaped anything from this your madness called AMBAZONIA that the whole world does not recognize let alone talk about?What do you have to show for your senseless and primitive cause? Mayhem, Hunger, ghost towns, Soliciting money online overseas, settling scores out of jealousy by burning down schools and other properties and firing at soldiers, extorting money from innocent people and sending them to seek refuge in the BUSHES and Hills, KIDNAPPING and getting ransoms and the list continues!
Your so-called revolution is now derailed and has become a TRUE CRIMINASL ACT targeting innocent people like this school warden from Kosala whose only fault was to go to his job (That most of you guys are to lazy to have and maintain) and feed his family. You guys are beyond wicked and Machiavellic nature. AFTER THE Deed that sheds light on your wayward and barbaric uncouth ways, you turn around and blame the Cameroonian authorities. Shame! Take responsibility for your devilish acts!You killed the school warden and his family of 200 who relied on him as their bread winner will now perish from hunger, diseases etc. SHEGE DURUWA you bunch of MONKEYS and Primitive PRIMTES and Sub-HUmans.AMbazonia-A PUTATIVE republic of disgruntled bunch of NIGGERS ,set up by nobody!We need some BANANAS!EIIIIIIIIIIIII!
Wow how dump you are. Who declared war against Southern Cameroonians? Believe it or not but our people in the villages trust their own defense forces. But when your terrorist army appears the run for bush. Why? Does the army not defend the people. Infact LRC army participates in cruel crimes against humanity in the SC.
Concerning that poor guy from Kumba. He had a sexual relationship with a married woman. Her husband is a notorious wifebeater and known in Kumba. Now the police took him in custody. So unfortunately for you morons the teacher was not killed by restoration forces. As I already told your beer drinking friend Shillah you judge on presumptions and not evidence. Enjoy your day in the beer parlour idiot.
Well @george ur story of police custody is No Where to be corroborated in Cameroon. So that one is urs n urs only. The motive u gave earlier do not hold cz going to the man’s work place under the current climate was a suicide. Why didn’t he go to the police himself after his act since he did it in Broad daylight. My dear George the trademark of operation here is the one of ambazozo boys. Motorbike,gunshot finger choping.
Muyuka Friday : Sophie Mandengue Maloba, 42, mother of three and pregnant, was surprised at her workplace(A School) by armed men riding a motorcycle.She later died due to the multiple injuries. Can you expalain this other case ? Try use less propaganda as possible.
those who have trust in the decay french Cameroon regime of biya are all unpatriotic slaves,what can french Cameroon show for in the 58 years in power? nothing apart from few cosmetic in Yaounde and Douala though still all disgusting dirty regions, all Cameroon regions are decaying slums, what is there to be proud of in Cameroonian? nothing,a embarrassing, decaying low class banana republic,those who have been in power only think of stealing as much money as possible,have no care for their citizens,they live in nice houses, have house servants,yet surrounded with slums, poverty,sewage gutters,dirty sanitation, infested with mosquitoes, rats, cockroaches, potholes, dusty muddy roads,water and electricity shortage,those in charge are all unpatriotic men and women who travel abroad to beautiful countries for their monthly needs to be met,while many of the poor majority are being bribe by those in power to maintain the status quo,support the few elites to continue terrorism, dictatorship and stay in power, SCs must fight,develop their regions and empower their people, french Cameroon has become dependent poor black slave beggars,looking at foreign countries for their existence as incapable human beings