Ambazonians Owe Mark Zukerberg a Litter of Palm Wine After Arriving Buea
Mark Zukerberg, the CEO of Facebook, and the developers of digital technology and other Social Media Platforms, deserve the appreciations of the global citizens and Ambazonians in particular, for coming up with such platforms that have significantly dictated the pace of socio-political revolutionary waves across the nations in the 21st Century, and presently in the quest by Ambalanders for Freedom, from 56 years of servitude from La Republique du Cameroun (LRC). As we end the year, we salute him but rest to say, it is not over. We need more technology to keep hurting dictatorship around the world.
It is no news that Facebook in particular and social media in general, have truly given a voice to Ambazonians in this revolutionary movement. Sometimes, the BaretaNews team is left wondering, how the fight would have been, with a wide coverage LRC CRTV, without a massive Facebook or related social media platforms for Ambazonians. This, thus support the position of many scholars, including that of Comrade Tapang Ivo Tanku, who have argued that 21st century wars and revolutions are fought and won on the cyber space, before transcending to the field.
Consequently, gone are those days, when our ancestors were roundly crushed by successive dictatorial and killer regimes for daring to speak out, without the world ever getting to hear their horrible stories of man’s inhumanity to man. Gone are those days, when the Fonchas, the Munas, the Juas and the Endeleys, cried foul to the world against the annexation of Ambazonia by LRC, but their voices couldn’t go beyond the cover pages of the weekly editions of Cameroon Post, affordable then, only to privileged civil servants. Gone are those days when LRC’s colonial forces invaded the homes of Ambazonians, abducted boys and men, killed some and looted their properties; and by 7 pm, their families would paradoxically tune to the lone crook CRTV, radio or television, to get the “true” story of what really happened to their loved ones.
We now live in a generation, where no one politician, not even the colonial vampire, Paul Biya, has the monopoly of dictating the direction the citizenry must follow; a generation, where Mark Zuckerberg, has provided the citizenry with a cheap platform, in which they can vomit their anger against the kleptomaniac system at any time, and it will get to the hearing of the political witches and wizards in Yaoundé; a generation, where the citizens, through a simple click, will attend one revolutionary rally from different locations around the world, determine the direction of their collective destinies and execute the resolutions in the field. That is the android and social media generation, ready to rewrite the history of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia
It is however unfortunate that the analogue, annexationist and kleptoparasitic regime of LRC has failed to live up to this new generational reality. No wonder, they still depend on 1990s strategies of brutality, corruption and excess force, in silencing dissenting voices. They have failed and they shall continue to fail, until they come to terms with the fact that they now live in a generation, where the happenings on grown in line with the destiny of the masses, are strongly determined by the happenings online, and particularly on Facebook, and not the happenings in air conditioned offices, somewhere in Etoudi, orchestrated by an egocentric few.
That is the power of the social media, and that is the Power of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg therefore deserves a litter of Palm Wine from Ambazonians, after they must have arrived Buea, the revolutionary destination.
James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst