As part of our weekly social corner, BaretaNews brings to you this latest on the Bakweri people. Again, these words written herein are just subjective and most often represents the conceptions/misconceptions or general view people sometimes have with the Bakweri people. BaretaNews will like to hear from you Bakweri friends and all those who have engaged with Bakweri people in one way or the other.

The Bakweri people are those who love free life. They love to enjoy a lot. Eating, drinking, dancing and having fun are one of their trademarks. Sometimes they love having all these for free but most especially their salary and/or hard earn money goes for social activity.

A Bakweri man will prefer to rent than to build a house. Most often than not, they are masters of land selling to two or more people. They have been described by some as ” Professional land Dealers”. If you are buying a land from a Bakweri man you need to be extra careful. A bakweri man will prefer to sell his land and rent from the person he sold his land to. It seems most of them are strangers in their own land.

However, Bakweri people are open people, they are not greedy. They love to share what they have. They sometimes prefer to share even to their last cents just to make a friend or family happy, they will not care about tomorrow. They will share today, eat everything now and believes tomorrow shall take care of itself. They are also very educated and intelligent set of people and they love to dress “British”. They are gentle men and ladies.

I think Bakweri people are the “Europeans” of Cameroon. From their most often white colour skin to their clean, stylish habits. They know how to make “Nyanga” both boys and girls and one of the issue which stands out with the Bakweri people is that both partner cheats on each other. It seems the woman and the man find no problem when the other cheating because they know very well that each of them does.

A bakweri woman will hardly stay at home, most of them get divorced-I cannot tell why, but I think a Bakweri man hates to be under oppression, if the marriage seems not working, they can’t stay. If the man seems to be in a difficult position, they somewhat forget the good days and walk away. They love a free life-they cherish their freedom and that’s why they are always on the side of the winning team. For a Bakweri man to join the opposition is very difficult. They do not like “Ndortyyy”.

A Bakweri man can easily sell you out to the opposing camp. They go the direction that matters, some have described them as sellouts. They are very fearful. They do not have the heart and courage to stand situations. Some have described the Bakweri people as very lazy and they love everything deliver to them on a platter of Gold.

One other thing which stands out with the Bakweri people is that, they love and claims relationship. In fact, it seems all of them are related. Once one of them is appointed director, minister, etc or one is a public figure, all Bakweri people will start claiming relationship with such persons. That person becomes automatic their brother, sister, uncle or aunt.

This is just subjective and cannot be taken as the truth. I have a series of Bakweri friends and on a personal note, I do not think all of them fits that description above apart from the fact that they love women and enjoyment. The rest comes as a result of conceptions/Misconceptions people have.

This is Mark Bara and I approve this message.

God is still saying something.

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