Youth Activist





Ambazonia Restoration forces have shown La Republique du Cameroun the path to follow. Minister Prof. Leke has been released on medical grounds, advanced age and on condition that he shall not repeat the treasonable offense.

Paul Biya should borrow a leave from this show of good faith. Southern Cameroons citizens are human rights sensitive and humanist. They have, in an unexpected way, demonstrated their attachment to human rights values. Mr. Biya’s terrorists are illegally holding several eminent university lecturers in Sisiku Ayuk Tabe’s leadership team, senior citizens like Nfor Ngala Nfor. Mr. Biya should go ahead and release them without trial.

Failing this, all colonial administrators and Anglophone collaborators prostituting with the annexationist regime in Yaounde will be arrested and tried for high treason by Ambazonia Restoration authorities.

La Republique should learn for the last time.

Anglophones brought them democracy, multiparty politics, independent exam boards, among several others and now Ambazonians have taught them the first steps of a dialogue to liquidate the union.

Take this offer or regret it forever.

For Anglophone black legs serving the occupiers, know that there is no hiding place. Restoration forces will find you when they chose. BIRs and gendarmes cannot protect you. Your knowledge of Ambazonia territory and its sacred forests cannot protect you. Only the free people restoring the state of Southern Cameroons will decide your fate and the future of their country.

Repent. Fund the liberation of your homeland. End the betrayal of your people. The largesse of mercy like the release of Minister Leke Tambo will not happen again.

Release all Southern Cameroons nationals and come to the table to negotiate the terms of separation.

Tapang Ivo Tanku

Phd Fellow, Security Studies.


  1. Stupid Ivo, do you think kidnapping your own brothers will make LRC panic? Kidnap even tchiroma, biya will not panic, you shouldn’t have released Prof Like IDIOT. Do you know how many civilians die for every stupid mistake you make? You call yourself phd fellow in security i wonder what kind of security?

    1. Home boy don’t mind tapang. His student visa is nearing the end n he want asylum in the US therefore we all should understand his reactions. His friends Yannick said here n we all heard it.

  2. That is the general.

    Stupid LRC fools, they can’t fight, can’t do nothing. The only thing they can do is lie, steal, rape, drink and get drunk, burn down communities, slaughter innocent civilians, with the support for their western allies. With all the foreign support they get they can not make a single progress, big shame.

    No politicians in existence are ever going to be as stupid like those of LRC. Still to this day, they are not yet able to differentiate between a revolution and physical human bodies.

    It’s now two years counting and Ambazonian have everything in place. The IG is running with perfection, self defense is doing a wonderful job.

    It’s live or die and we Ambazonians have chosen to live. we are teaching these LRC bandits and terrorist a lesson and weather they like it or not they will learn it by force.
    No peace of what so ever, NEVER. We will sacrifice our blood and liberate our selves for these savages.

  3. @Homeboy, please do not mind this idiot, he is desperate. Where is the Ambazoni country’s unity of command? A country who claim to have a structure, who is he and on what ground he is giving ultimatum? This is a sign of a country in disarray, where everyone goes out and said things without regard to consequences.

  4. @Malis, are you one of those banga smokers? I wanda why are you so angry! Get out of your virtual war and live reality. Cameroon is one and will stay as such and if you don’t like it take your fucking country to the bottom of ocean, where tou can still find free spaces. By the way tou should forget that our army are the one who put your big brother BoKo Haram on his knees and it’s only a matter of time before you are decimated. Show our braves men and women in uniforms some respect.

  5. I do not agree with Comrade Ivo most of the time, not ideologically but mannerism. Nonetheless, I recognize his lucid articulation. Here him “The largesse of mercy like the release of Minister Leke Tambo will not happen again.”
    Ivo is just one of the many Ambazonians who are men/wpmen of letters and through this use of letters on twitter and facebook, they have sold Ambazonia to the world bigtime and have brought nooremac to her knees.

    With bare hands, we have resisted a war they started hoping it will be shock and awe, and conquer in 2 weeks but it has turned out to be bleeding them economically, psychologically and diplomatically.

    We are now raising money to escalate pre-emptively economic sabotage, self defense and deliver the KO. Go make your contribution, believe me, french Cameroon pees for every $ that gets into the account.

  6. Day dreamers,demons have eaten your souls , the devil has only one objective since the creation of take over power , to kill and to sons and daughters of Cane, we know your true father.lucifer, be ready to burn in hell for all the bloodshed.
    God knows Cameroon/Cameroun,May Jesus won on the cross already so no batthe can overcome love , unity and peace of this country in His name.God bless Cameroon , bless Paul Biya , bless Atanga Paul,bless the oneness of Cameroon/Cameroun.

    1. Ooh little Marcel is crying. I am so sorry for your shithole french colony. We better separate from you little froggies. Cry cry with your old dictator.

      Long live Ambazonia

  7. this is the most naive,worst and weak measure to kidnap and release the enemy,kidnapped SCs leaders by biya have disappeared for months without a trace, our people are killed everyday, displaced, villages and their property burnt, yet these so called SCs forces hand over the enemy for medical grounds? why hold them hostages like terrorists in the first place,instead of killing them which will send a strong revenge signal? lrc has declared war on SCs, their arm forces have no sympathy towards the people,has SCs forces not learnt a lesson from holding peace plants last time?if biya’s regime does not listen to international bodies, why should he listen to people he hates and call them terrorists?SCs forces must act like true liberastion warriors not sympathy scouts,the international community will see hostage taking as terrorism, the biya government is a terrorist because it has abducted 47 SCs government members so they must end this nonsense of hostage, SCs forces must be destroying lrc interests in the regions which will hurt them and the international communities,remember these industries for 57 years are being exploited with zero benefit to their communities as all revenues are embezzled and used to make some cosmetics in Yaounde and Douala which are still dirty slum infested with rats etc

  8. Nonsense,
    Keep dreaming, you can go and look for your dearest Ambaland in deep Ocean.

    Long Live Cameroon

  9. You have not seen anything yet . Desperation is going to make some people to take us to hell with them.

    From where i stand , this situation is helping Biya and co like never before .

    you Have made the problem worse .

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