ub lecturers

UB Lecturers: the Lecturers Syndicate of the University of Buea has called for a strike action over unpaid research allowances and teachers’ bonuses. The General Assembly of SYNES-UB, met on 27 June 2016 in an Extraordinary Session to discuss the non-payment of teachers’ bonuses, some of which date as far back as 2014.

The General Assembly reviewed the moves made so far by SYNES to have these bonuses paid. It noted that appeals to Deans and Directors and courtesy visits to these officials had not yielded any fruit. The General Assembly was visibly disappointment that the cries of teachers had generally fallen on deaf ears. It recalled that while some Dean had simply snubbed their teacher’s others gave false hopes of payment even when they knew that no payments were going to be made.

These unpaid bonuses are affecting UB lecturers’ lives very negatively and the General Assembly thinks that this can no longer continue. The delay in the payment of the first quarter of the Research Modernization Allowance (RMA) and the consequences on teachers was also discussed.

The General Assembly noted that the last RMA was paid about 40 days after the expected date. The General Assembly unanimously adopted the following Resolutions

1 . To write to the Vice-Chancellor to notify her that ALL teachers will begin a one-week warning strike if the entirety of teachers’ bonuses are not paid on or before Friday 8 July 2016.

  1. To suspend all teachers’ services (teaching, examination and marking) if and when the strike begins.
  2. To start an indefinite strike action if the second quarter of the Research Modernization Allowance decreed by the Head of State is not paid to all teachers by 15 July 2016.
  3. Authorizing the Executive of SYNES-UB to immediately engage all lecturers and the university community so that no one interferes with the peaceful expression of lecturers’ discontent.

BaretaNews Statement:

On a serious note, BaretaNews finds this somewhat ridiculous. The system in Cameroon is entirely messed up. This reporter recalls that this has been the same scenario many years ago since he was in the University. Every year we have lecturers striking to force bonuses and research allowances. Must they strike before such monies are paid? Is there no budget head for that which naturally flows when payments are due? Why should the lecturers become crying babies every year to ask what really is theirs? Is it a means to keep them dependable? Why should the system not be effective for once? Come to think about it, some persons have questioned the University of Buea Lecturers research capabilities. Many faults them for doing no work with the research allowance they are asking for because people hardly see their articles in international journals. Some say you cannot even google a name of a UB lecturer and get something substantive academically. Others argued that these lecturers barely want the money to continue chasing Molyko girls, drinking beer and eating roasted fish without actually putting real work into research.

However, BaretaNews thinks UB lecturers should get what they deserved and we hope to see our lecturers more in the international scene, publishing articles and books.

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