Senatorial Elections: Consortium Launches “Operation Call Your Councilors”
The annexationist government of La République du Cameroun is continuing preparations towards what it calls Senatorial Elections to be conducted on the 25th day of March 2018 on the territory of Southern Cameroons against the wishes and aspirations of a clear majority of the population. Since this phase of the struggle of the people of the Southern Cameroons broke out in November 2016, hundreds of people, young and old alike have lost their lives by the hands of terrorist forces from La République du Cameroun who justify their presence on our land with claims of coming to protect the lives and property of these same people.
Considering all the atrocities and multifarious abuses being meted out on the peace-loving people of the Southern Cameroons daily, the burning down of whole villages and the charring to death of some of our old and sick parents without remorse and the wanton destruction of the sources of livelihood of our people, it is imperative for us to re-iterate to all those who might have forgotten that it shall never ever be business as usual again for agents of La République du Cameroun in the Southern Cameroons.
The CONSORTIUM also wishes to recall here that during the first ever Conclave of representatives of Southern Cameroons’ frontline liberation movements, all political activities were suspended on our territory until further notice. This means no Southern Cameroonian is to participate in any way or form, either as a candidate or elector at any elections organized by the colonizer; La République du Cameroun. Any plans being hatched by Yaounde and its agents to impose their elections on our people for whatever motives shall be strictly resisted.
This is the time more than ever before for us to wonder aloud how some people plan to go for elections when the people they seek to represent are all being rendered homeless, when whole villages are being wiped out of the map of our fatherland, when thousands of those we should be standing for are being made refugees in foreign lands? How do we expect elections to be held in times of war? Of course, we are at war; the President of La République du Cameroun, Paul Biya declared war on us loud and clear, referring to us all as “terrorists”.
The CONSORTIUM is hereby urging all Southern Cameroonians to not only ignore the said elections, but to remind their Councilors all over of their duties as representatives of the people at local level. Southern Cameroonians all over the world are also called upon to group themselves according to their various Local Government Areas, LGA, compile lists of their Councilors with telephone contacts and set up calling squads to begin reminding them not only of the need, but equally of the importance of staying away from polls that are only meant to further enslave a people already crumbling under the weight economic exploitation, marginalization, dehumanizing treatment and slavery.

Let it be made clear to all our Councilors, that the CONSORTIUM has received intelligence that some of them have written to the colonial administration in Yaounde requesting that they be allocated the sum of CFA F One Million each to enable them to stem all the risks involved in taking part in those elections under a tense atmosphere. This is an indication that our Councilors, some of whom have also seen their homes burnt down by terrorist soldiers from La République du Cameroun, seen some of their family members gunned down or maimed before their very eyes and whose sources of income have also been reduced to ashes, are however ready to receive bribes to once more stand against their people, the very ones who elected them into those positions.
We also like to remind the said Councilors that in the present circumstances, they have only one choice to make; stand with us the people or stand against us. There is no middle position where the youth of Southern Cameroons, the future of our nation is being decimated systematically with no pity. Any Councilor who will ignore these calls and participate in those elections will be considered as having adorned themselves, their children and their entire generations with the blood of our martyrs still waiting in oblivion to witness our total freedom before crossing the bar. Their actions will also be considered the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition towards their brethren only begging for love and that will meet with total rejection in our various communities.
God is with us,
The Consortium has spoken well. How can Abazonians vote when they are raped, molested, incarcerated, killed and forced in exile by biya and his evil force? How do you declare war on a people, turn back and ask them to vote to keep you in power to continue your atrocities on them? This is the time for all Abazonian counselors to stand up as one person to say NO to biya. Every counselor should call biya or write to tell him our people are killed, incarcerated, raped, and forced into exile every day in Ambaland since he declared war on us. If he wants any vote, he should stop the killing, rape, free all incarcerated and bring back all on exile from Nigeria. There is no vote in Ambaland for biya’s lrc. We have nothing at this moment to do with Lrc…
Any Ambazonian who goes out to vote is a murderous traitor,lrc cpdm are killing their people, burning homes, terrorising civilians, militarized their regions,who gives a nonentity old colonial administration to curfew grown up local people?only a banana republic demonic dictators do evil deeds like lrc,any SCs slave traitor propaganding election should be eliminated period!biya has declared war on SCs our independence in none negotiated,the struggle to rid lrc from our territories must continue!