Restoration forces operating in Ndian County, have arrested the wife of the Mayor of that area, Dikome Balue, Itoe Benjamin Njio. She was napped, Thursday March 15, 2018 following allegations of failing to respect new norms enacted by the Ambazonian soldiers.

Map of Dikome Balue

According to reports, the Ambazonian Restoration Forces (ARF), had passed an order, banning the circulation of vehicles in that County. The decision comes on the heels of another, passed by Camerounese slave, cum Minister of Territorial Administration (MINAT), Paul Atanga Nji.

The MINAT decision prohibited the circulation of motorbikes in the entire Ndian County, a mode of transportation, much cherished by the Ndian people, probably, due to its ability to meander through the rugged terrain.

Unfortunately, the wife of Itoe Benjamin, was parading the streets with her husband’s council Hilux pick-up vehicle. She was stopped, questioned, and later arrested, for failing to respect the new regulations enforced in that part of Ambazonia. The vehicle was also impounded.

As at the moment, the whereabouts of the Mayor’s wife is unknown. Meantime, signals have already been sent to the Mayor of Dikome Balue, informing him that his arrest is imminent.

Dikome Balue council is boarded in the West by Mundemba council, in the South by Ekondo titi Council, in the East by Konye council, in the North by Toko council. It situated at 107 km from Douala and 36 km from Kumba. It covers 5000 km2, that is 1, 33% of the national territory. It is made of 14 villages; 1 urban space (Dikome Balue) with 7 quarters, 3 development zones: Rata, Bowedi and Nembi.

It is estimated at 30256 people (2014 census)

BaretaNews is strictly following developments as to that regards. We shall be feeding you with the latest of news, as soon as we get them.

By Lucas Muma,

Managing Editor – BaretaNews

  1. Stupid people go ahead and arrest his children also. Eh how about his dogs and cats. Na wanda that you are getting desperate by the day. You terrorist bushman are worse than ISIS. The world is watching.

  2. Hope Lrc understood what this would leads to. When everyone cried out that all sit together to re access the form of the state, biya on his high horse arrogantly refused and declared WAR on Ambazonia! Every day he tells the world that he is winning in Ambazonia. Now he (biya) is getting desperate by the day. Lrc is daydreaming. Hope biya can comes to reason to negotiate with Abazonian AIG. The world knows now that lrc declared war on the peace-loving people of Ambazonia ignorantly without counting the cost. Without a standing army in AMBAZONIA, the ADF self defense forces have proven themselves and will continue until biya wakes up and get the message.

  3. Biya declare war? Lol if stopping children from going to school, intimidate government workers, sabotage economy and killing army forces is not war, you may need to consult your dictionary. You are the one who started war and now you’re the one crying and jumping at the same time that you are winning. You need to liberate your 47 IG, bring back our refugees from Nigeria, call out our people now living in bushes and stand face to face with LRC soldiers during fight before talking about winning. Hit and run is a coward tactic, just about anyone can hit someone from behind.

    1. You forget that this was a peaceful revolution, biya has been given over a million occasions to resolve this problem peacefully, we have the right to defend ourselves if you are so smart why don’t you call biya to negotiate peacefully or you replace him and solve the problem. The only way to deal with a bully is by force, that’s why nations have armed forces, let’s see your financial contribution. Ghana boy

  4. That is the result of the arrogance and superior mentality of the Biya regime. They had enough time to start genuine dialogue.

  5. Lawyers and teachers used guns and knifes during there protests in late 2016. The brave police of LRC stepped in two protect the peaceloving people. Fortunately they could imprison the leaders of those bad teachers.
    But again on 1st October 2017 heavy weaponed women came out to the streets. They attacked our brave army. It was a hard fight because those wicked women used special weapons called peaceplants. Fortunately our army had helicopters and they could drop some grenades on the violent demonstrators. LOL

    Who is the victim and who is the real terrorist?

    It was the brutality of LRC who forced Ambazonians to defend themself.

    @JoJo are you a liar, denier or hypocrite? Maybe all of that.

  6. People, it only going to get worst, but freedom is on the way.

    We suffer now and forever live in peace. The savages will be flushed out by force. The will be sent over to LRC where they can learn and practice corruption, savagery, inhuman behaviors and so on.

  7. @George,
    I may be a liar, but you are definitely a dreamer or you have amnesia. Before Biya declared war, your ADF was already on the move with killings. When you liberate your 47 IG, bring back our refugees and stand face to face with LRC for a fight then you can call me liar or hypocrite. Until then you have no arguments beside taking me back to your virtual war as usual.

    1. Yes you are correct. You are a notorious liar. Those armed groups you call ADF or whatsoever appeared after that 1st October killings of LRC forces. It started in my home place Manyu in late October three weeks after LRC helicopter gunships dropped grenades on unarmed civilians. It is Biyas regime and its brutality who caused that. Don’t try to invert the facts. But that is what liars are doing.

      By the way I am not a dreamer. I am just consequent. If a marriage doesn’t work and the husband rejects any advise what to do. There was enough time to solve the problems. The people of the Southern Cameroons and I mean the majority of the people are finished with la Republique.

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