Ndu June 6, 1992 to June 6, 2017: We remember Ndu Martyrs.

BaretaNews stand with the property of Ndu on this day. Southern Cameroonians share your pain. Never again shall we allow La Republique and her agents treat us as slaves.


It was on Saturday(seng) June 6th 1992 when the security forces of LR invaded Ndu town arresting innocent citizens in the name of poll-tax drive which ended up in gunshots.
1)Oben Peter Ashu (SDO Donga/Mantung)
2)Tanyi Tiku Arikai Martin(D.O Central)
3)Top local cpdm politicians.
*6 people shot dead
on the spot
*hundreds arrested and taken to Nkambe
*torture began

FROM MONDAY 8th to Friday 11th;
*several acts of arson including:
1) mass arrest and taken to a “concentration camp”
2) rape
3)bottles and guns inserted into women’s virginia
4)women asked to rub menses on their faces
5)fathers(naked) forced to keep staring at their daughters’ virgina.
6)homes highly looted
7)cars set ablaze
8)many dinizens escaped on self exile from Ndu for good till this day
9) men escaped and stayed in bushes, farms and forests for days
10) students writing GCE equally arrested and tortured.

1)over a hundred more die of torture and stress related illnesses
2)dozens self exiled
3)looted business shops crumbled
4)uniformed officers became a nightmare to Ndu man
5)poll tax was abolished under pressure from opposition party (SDF)
6)Oben Peter promoted as governor for the SW
7)Tanyi Tiku Arikai Martin promoted as SDO for Bui and later governor for the East
8) collapse of NCC(Ndu Comprehensive College-used as detention center). The population gave it the name Ndu Concentration Camp(NCC)
9)collapse of relationship between the people and top traditional authority
10)collapse of relationship between population and government representative (politicians)

May God continue to console and inspire Ndu people especially victims and those that were either directly or indirectly affected.

Humbly submitted by Tarlusi Jitzi George

  1. I now see, people like late Oben Peter Ashu don’t just fall from no where, he had a track record of madness. This now makes sense.

    Those day that the terrorist regime of LRC and its hand picked agents roamed and terrorize our people in Southern Cameroon are long gone. Let them try it again.

    We truly feel you pain. They will never again dare do this to us.

  2. Good reason why schools, lawyers and key offices should remain closed, until restoration of our independence. We share your pain. Never again shall this happen any where in our beloved country

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