Tapang Ivo

I really do not have a problem with the formation of governments by any other group fighting for this struggle. But here are Tapang’s takes:

1. The amount of energy we spend forming governments should be invested in taking off the existing government. At this time, there is no swift harmonized coordination. A few groups are just quick to set up governments, perhaps at their own internal decision-making processes, but no one of them has gained control over the peoples nor an inch of territory in Southern Cameroons. What we need now is a harmonized strategy even if we have diverse means to an end.

2. Because we have not killed the roaming elephant and given the ongoing efforts to enforce unity in diversity among all groups, creating governments now will only divide further and not unite. We should not invite distractions at this stage.

3. The creation of governments is no joke nor a child’s place. First, it takes into consideration the leader of the body creating the government and if that leader wields a generalized legitimacy over the people? At this stage, we are only trying to establish our legitimacy. So let us not scatter what we are trying to gather.

4. Yes, cabinet members are appointed but governments are elected. Couldn’t it be suggested that we, collectively, elect a government first after we must have killed that elephant? That elected government will then appoint its Ministers and PM and other state officials.

5. A proxy government is great but should have a broad-base representation. This can only be done in a participatory political fashion. The people back home should be able to freely vote online and articulate their own interests. Setting up governments in the diaspora would not adequately represent ground action or voices on the ground.

*** I am only a freethinker and a solution-oriented critic. Tapang Ivo Tanku

  1. You guys are doing a decent job, but should not fall into the temptation of commenting on the the ‘noise’ around you. You’ve got to tune it out. If a pressure group chooses to form a government (inclusive or not), that is their strategy, and you guys should not be concerned about their direction. Just stick to your lane and if people choose to align with their ideas, so be it. Let’s not spend too much time analyzing or attempting to ‘fix’ the ideas/roadmap of another pressure group. It’s a revolution – stay focused and march forward. See you folks in Los Angeles.

  2. i strongly agree with mr Tapang Ivo. its not time for us to start formx a gov’t without killing the elephant, LA REPUBLIQUE who is our enemy. Let’s keep focus. we have won the battle and soon we gonna win the war.

  3. How are we going to kill the elephant? by continuous ghost towns n no schools? it is evident the school year is blank but we must understand most if not all parents will not accept a second blank year. like someone asked “if UN wants to talk to S Cameroonians, who will she contact with different groups? “. an INTERIM govt may just be a great idea that will make LRC n international community take us seriously

  4. Creating a government now isn’t a good idea what our leaders in detaintion diaspora people should also be thinking. Is my own point of view.

  5. On the other hand diaspora people are right creating an interim government would make LR take it seriously. I think so

  6. All I wish this various groups is that they should not forget that they are operating in a political arena and as such must reason politically not emotionally or self centered.

    We preach unity to our people, guest what, it now coming back at us. Those of us leading must practice exactly what we preach to the people.

    Keep on the good work.

  7. In my opinion to have a PM right now makes no sense. A government needs legitimation by its populations. Nevertheless we are united in diversity. And for God’s sake let us hunt that elephant.

    Biya tears Cameroon apart.


    1. Its a great idea I guess because as if now we dont have a reliable bidy to represent us if the UN was ti talk ti Southern Cameroon today who will they talk to? If any govt was to entertain our plight who will they talk to ? If LRC was to dialogue with Southern Cameroon who will they talk to so we should stoo wasting our time and set up a temporal or transition govt in place if not we will be like huntets ina forest who dont have a sense of directions.Mt takes

    2. Its a great idea I guess because as of now we dont have a reliable body to represent us if the UN was to talk to Southern Cameroon today who will they talk to? If any govt was to entertain our plight who will they talk to ? If LRC was to dialogue with Southern Cameroon who will they talk to so we should stop wasting our time and step it up set up a temporal or transition govt in place if not we will be like huntets in a forest who dont have a sense of directions.Mt takes

  8. what we need do is put in place a plan to move from ghost towns to another level .Our oppressors are calculating we will run out of steam and we can show them we can only get stronger by putting in place an after ghost town plan

    1. Participate and win the next coming elections to have the key and real command of the territory with authority elected by people.

      Afterwards with those elected people, we can legally create a government.

      God is wisdom

  9. Great idea! We must not end at perpetual ghost towns. Libyans used the same approach to topple Ghaddafi. Besides, the argument of broad representation through electoral vote cast at this point if no internet connection in West Cameroon is a tactics of diversion. Interim government will take us to the next level and make way for a permanent government elected by the people. Mind you all power hungry confusionists that the people are watching and in the end they might just purge you out to choose rationality.

  10. Dear all,

    Is it a joke or you no more have anything to do? Which government ? on Who ? Really!!!!

    This is very very childdish and immature my friends. Which victory are you celebrating ?

    Are you the new Mafany & Co. Incorporated? The struggle just started and you are already thinking of who shall reign over who! Human being selfishness!!!!! Sucking the blood of your siblings, african people with the love of empty titles!!!!!

    We do not need that now!!!!! Grow up and learn what is the art of true political game.

    GOD is wisdom

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