Honourable Wirba Joseph, in an open letter condemned the ”unjustifiable” imprisonment and sentencing of Comrade PennTerence Khan to a 12-year prison sentence and a 5 million FCFA fine dished out by the Yaounde military tribunal, calling the colonial court ”teleguided and oppressive” at the same time describing such a verdict as part of the ”master plan to enslave and exterminate the peace-loving people of the Southern Cameroons”.

The firebrand MP of La Republique kangaroo parliament paid particular attention at the closing remarks made on April 10, while addressing the military tribunal’s President, stipulating how Comrade Penn Terence’s tone was void of ”anger or revenge” but observed a calm, composed individual who spoke with utmost civility.

Encouraged by the ”educated” man who was illegally abducted in Bamenda and ferried to Yaounde since January 16, 2017 against his will, despite all this time in captivity has not faltered, the man was still a source of motivation to continue in the fight for freedom.

Faced with the daunting task to restore the ”lost dignity” of his people, Honourable Wirba is urging every Southern Cameroonian to come together in unity at this ”crucial moment” in history to confront a well-organized gang of oppressors such as those causing untold hardship on fellow Ambazonians.

The wirbaforce, reminded comrades of the killings, abduction, rape of women and girls, the militarization of the streets, the burning down of homes from Kwa Kwa to Tadu with the elderly caught in the flames, and the thousands who keep seeking refuge in next door Nigeria living under ”deplorable conditions” and in despair. The Honourable MP requested that ”selfish interests” be kept aside and implore all to come together in the fight for justice that has been deprived fellow Ambazonians for years.

Honourable Wirba Joseph reiterated the pledge made by Penn Terence in his letter ”No fair-minded person can expect justice from this type of charade trial. The Anglo-Saxon system of criminal justice that is supposed to be applied in the English-speaking North West and South West Regions of this country demands that justice is not only done but seen to be done. Those are the principles for which I am prepared if need be to pay the ultimate price”.



Neba Benson,

BaretaNews Foreign Correspondent/Analyst

  1. To Penn Terence Khan with Love and Respect and admiration:

    You and many others languishing in biya’s dungeons today are emblems of justice to the world and to the peaceful people of Ambazonia.

    You have been abducted, imprisoned and tortured by the evil regime of biya and lrc so we Ambazonians can rise up as one people to claim the freedom we have so cherished for over 57 years.

    You were hungry, cold, and abandoned in prison so we Ambazonians can prepare for the eminent hardships that we now face in a system structured to have gradually annihilate Ambazonia. We promise you that will never happen.

    When they slammed 12 years on you, they thought they had nailed you to the ground. What Lrc and biya just did instead empowered and mobilized Ambazonians to reach the summit of the freedom they have so yearned for over 57 years.

    biya just destroyed himself thinking he was getting rid of you. To tell you the least, YOU Terrence Penn have just been magnified and recognized as the Ambazonian every British Southern Cameroonian wants to be. God bless, heal and protect you each day to see your resolve for truth and justice come to maturity for All Ambazonians. WE LOVE YOU TERRENCE

    1. Because the savages of LRC can not catch the sun.

      Can’t you read the name very well you dumb ass. Go outside your self where you live and try to catch the sun if there is one there and see what the sun will tell you.

    2. You sick frenchee nigga. What is your problem. Continue to lament louder. Ambazonia is no longer with your shitty la republic.You stupid people that small France continue to manipulate like little children. Dumb ass nigga.

      1. @007bad for how long have you been practicing the word nigga, because it seems that is the only word in English you know.

  2. @James Agbor and @Neba Benson, you guys should cease and desist using titles such as Honourables and Senators. They earned these titles serving LRC. They decided to leave LRC, to Ambazonia, therefore their titles should stay with LRC.
    You cannot call an american Senator on foreign soil Senator.
    The proper way to address him will be Amarica Senator.

    1. And then what, paper tiger?

      I guest you thing that is going to make your d..k bigger, I guest. Having an erection is out of your reach, so now you thing imprisoning Ambazonians is going to make your man go up.

      Your lady will wait till death for you.

    2. Do you think he is the last man standing? Since you are just waiting for his immunity to expire, by then it will be a different game all together. We started with peace plants, today its different, who knows what tomorrow will bring?

  3. Malis
    Read within the lines and see the type of English you write.
    Instead of saying ‘you think’ you write ‘you thing’ !!!!
    This depicts what you are doing abroad. You are so uneducated that is why you want all schools to be burnt down so that our people will be like you.
    I am very sorry for you.
    I promise to arrest you anytime you set foot in our beloved country.

    1. Your beloved la republic, you fool. We are Ambazonians not frenchee niggas you son of a bitch. Ambazonia will never be governable again by your crooked la republic.

      1. You are Ambazonian? How about you start by burning cameroon passport you are now holding? It’s true that madness would never end.

  4. You can jail Wirba, jail Penn Terrence, jail all Ambazonians if you have the jail capacity, Ambazonia will be free. Who is in this freedom movement that does not know that he/she cam be jailed or murdered? Who is afraid of jail/death doe a just cause. I will live a day like a king than 100 days like as slave. If you choose Status, enjoy yourself. Wirba and others know their worth.

  5. Dear Comrades, do not reply to all these francophones who spend 24 hours on this website writing rubbish. They are paid to do so. Just ignore them as we work our way to Buea.

  6. Please refrain from giving credibility to all these french slaves. In a world where everyone is gravitating towards equality these lowlifes jubilate at playing second fiddle and are going crazy because we refuse to be subjugated by this Beti criminal call Biya.

  7. A movement that is against the future of the children? There will never be a victory and taught IG and Mark Bareta will make millions out of the sheep goats in their prisons.

    1. @ Jojo, aka internet troll
      If you don’t like the “movement” take your kids and family across the Moungo River, where Frank Biya will become your next president.

      1. @Moh Ewelle, Facebook Warrior remember that you can’t change the truth mo matter how you try to manipulate the truth. It’s better for you to keep your nation on Facebook as its, hoping that Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder wouldn’t send you out of business.




    1. Last time you stated that you are from SW. Since you don’t know where you’re from you need to meet a good doctor. My dear little East Camerounian boy schizophrenia is a very serious sickness. Please consult a good doctor in your hometown Bafoussam. Or is it Yaoundé? Obviously it is the same sickness internet troll Jojo has got. He cannot distinguish between Mezam and Manyu. Don’t waste your time with your comedy in that forum. Better you write your nonsense in your home forum CIN. There you can get some thumbs up or down depending on the stupidity and nonsense you write.

      May god protect our courageous brother honarable Joseph Wirba. We love you for your boldness.

      1. @george, how are things in Nigeria? you will soon be next in Kondengui, you have now been limited to your bedroom with internet connection.

        You all claim you started with peace plants, Yes you had peace plants with intention to capture government buildings and hoist unknown flags. How do you think you will bypass LRC forces with AK47s to put up those your jerseys on Gov’t buildings? Your so called political defence groups deceived the youths back on October 1 to come out and what happened?

  9. George,
    Yes he is bold and what about you ?
    He is at home showing his boldness and you are abroad behind a computer screen encouraging him to proceed to jail.
    Coward like you. Come home and speak if you are bold.

    1. Papito aka homeboy aka bamenda boy you seem to be very desperate little LRC thug. Right now our brave boys control the roads leading into Ndian. And your forces can’t do anything against that. Even your master Biya pays them now a tiny compensation of 30.000 to face our brave boys. But instead the cowardice soldiers bribe their officers not being deployed in our homeland. It is just the beginning. Please do not forget to make an appointment with a good doctor.

      Long live Ambazonia our beautiful homeland.

  10. The funny thing is that this Internet Warrior, AKA @George is more interesting in knowing where people from rather than pay attention to what they said.
    This is the same guy who last time said he served in the military, which could well be the online military, but he couldn’t said the difference between a land mine and a claymore mine. What a disgrace! It’s sad to know that these are the people who want to run a country!

  11. So called Papito alias Professeur, if you know that you hold any truth in all that you say, remove the cover on your face like me and speak the truth.

    Let me jailed (I am here in Cameroun) like Penn, the so called trial of Mr Penn was a kafka trial.

    Remember how Moboutu glowed over injustice in his Zaire. Think again about how he ended: died and was buried like a rat in Morocco. You people destroyed my late father’s small house in Kugwe village. Know that the law of nature has no pity for the likes of you and others in power in La republique du Cameroun

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