Sacked Consortium President







Is Barrister Nkongho Felix Agbor Balla Playing a Double Faced Game with Yaoundé?

Since After his controversial comments on BBC about Schools Resumption, ghost towns and how he thinks Southern Cameroonians could arrive his two state Federation stand in the current revolutionary struggle, the relationship between Barrister Nkongho Felix Agbor Balla and Nationalist Southern Cameroonians has greatly deteriorated, as the people now see him more as a semi agent of the CPDM working hard to soften the hard independence stand of the people. Yesterday, 2nd November, 2017, the President of the outlawed Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium (CACSC) was billed to present a 20 minutes lecture with a questions and answers session at the Chatham House in UK, on the theme: Escalation of the Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon and the Way forward. Baretanews is still to get hold of the content of that presentation. We will bring it to you as soon as it is made available.

However, an audio recording, with a voice allegedly to be that of the Barrister has gone viral on social media. From the content of the audio, it would appear Barrister Balla is playing a double-faced game with the enemy state La Republique du Cameroon – deceiving them that physically that he stands for a 2 States Federal Cameroon, meanwhile in his heart, it is just a route to reach his final destination, which is the independence of Southern Cameroons where he wants to be the President. In the audio, Balla questions the longevity and tenacity of the Interim President of Ambazonia, H.E Sissiku J. Ayuk-Tabe and the Vice Chairman of the defunct Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Governing Council, Pa Tassang Wilfred in the revolutionary struggle, and even boasted that he will beat Sissiku in any election in Ambaland. Below is a script of some of the Barrister’s allege statements in the audio recording.

“No matter the hatred that people have for me today, I will be president of Ambaland.

I’ll not insult you that you are living in your fairy-tale world if you want secession.

‘If we have a Southern Cameroon State today, I’ll be the president. I am realistic so I want federalism so we can work towards secession.

I’ll beat Sessekou Ayuk in an election. I have an interest for us to have an Ambaland because I know I will be elected as the president.

I worked in Afghanistan and went to Congo and came back. What can someone tell me?

1999 I wrote a thesis on self-determination about southern Cameroon right to self-determination.

In 2002 I was with Albert MUKONG in the EU commission.

17 years ago, where was Tassang? 17 years ago, where was Sessekou?

What have you guys done by protesting outside embassies. I hear you guys are saying that I was released because of your protests?

In 2001 I protested with Cho Ayaba. To march in Europe is easy. I have done this already.

I have a pedigree that none of them have and they know that. That is why SCAFUF is scared of me. If I am invited to their conference to speak, none of them would be able to speak. I’ll ask them individually what they have done for the struggle. What all them are doing can’t match what I can do alone.”

If the above statements are truly coming from the Barrister, then we must say that he needs to take a leave from the struggle and reflect on all what he has said publicly so far since leaving Kondengue and see how he could realign himself to the genuine course of the people, not for a self seeking agenda, but for the interest of the families of hundreds of Southern Cameroonians who have shed their blood for this movement, those that have been handicapped for life, those that remain in prisons across Ambazonia and LRC, and the thousands that are presently taking refugee in Nigeria.

This is not the time for leadership or power tussling, this is the time to free the homeland. The people are seriously looking up to the leaders. Any leader’s ability to beat or not to beat whoever in an election in a completely restored Ambazonia shall be seriously dependent on their personal contributions NOW to free Ambaland and not how long you have been in the struggle.

We must understand that the beginner of the race is not the winner, but the finisher. Political power in a post revolutionary Ambaland shall not be acquired through your eloquence, or knowledge on and longevity in the Southern Cameroons struggle for independence, but by the will of GOD and of the PEOPLE of Southern Cameroons Ambazonia who shall be acting based on your genuine efforts to their Freedom. For how long shall we reiterate this fact?

By Agbor James

BaretaNews Political Analyst

  1. I could never believe that I would say that one day but Mr. Issa Tchiroma you were right by saying that “we had a hidden agenda”. Or better One of us had one. To become the president of Ambaland. To beat Sessekou. To force federalism to reach “Seccession”. I haven’t heard that audio message but if true Mr. Balla go for vaccation. Please stay away for some time. Reflect the b####### you said. Let other people lead us.

    1. With that, it is now safe to say that Balla is done and fallen to rise NO MORE. I was the first one curse out this son of a dead man on this forum, remember? Balla, small boy, you are done. You can longer even win the race for head boy. Yet again, with ya big head!

  2. We hold firm this principle one for all and all for one but if truly those are Balla’s words, then he just need rest.

    1. Kennedy you said something really important. What we need is unity. Nobody is fighting alone. Only together we can beat our enemy.

  3. This Agbor Balla man is a total distraction from our liberation struggle. This fool is talking of presidential position when we are presently concentrating on our liberation struggle? In my opinion, presently this man is far more dangerous than la republic agents, considering his words and actions. We the Ambazonia people do not have time to waste on this self egoistic maniac.

    1. The soul purpose he was release and sent to Europe was to make us spent our whole time talking about him instead of focusing on our people.

      In occultism, this is call the application of chaos magic to cause cognitive dissonance, consciousness fragmentation, and it seams to be working.

    1. This was a private conversation that was recorded secretly. He was caught saying terrible things in this audio and its a disgrace to him and his political ambition, his hidden agenda was revealed.

  4. If some of these claims are true, then it would seem to me that Agbor Balla is fixed for failure. I just hope he picks himself up from that dust sooner or later.

  5. It is no surprise to me at all. Commenting On this same platform on September 8, 2017, I said the following:

    “Like I mentioned about a week ago, I repeat that stance now. That we respect all southern Cameroonians just released from prison. However, our just released leaders must understand that their release has been made possible due to a new leadership put in place while they were in prison. This leadership has received the blessings of Southern Cameroonians and the leadership is doing a wonderful job that is why the momentum was kept. The best thing for Dr Agbor Balla and Dr. Fontem and others from prison to do is follow this new leadership. If they choose to open their mouths or act for the revolution on the ground, they must do so in agreement with SCACUF and the Governing Council.

    If they try to go their own way, they should know that We the people shall treat them like traitors colluding with the enemy (La Republique du Cameroun) ”


    On October 24, 2017, once again I posted the following comment following the statement by Ayah Paul calling on an All Anglophone Conference 3 and the statements by Prof. George Mnyamdi:

    “OH!! My Dear SCACUF and GC, Please, Please be ware of people like Prof George Nyamndi And Ayah Paul Abine, NEVER EVER make the mistake of inviting them to any of your conclaves, these people are being manipulated by Biya and gang to infiltrate your ranks. Yaounde knows that these can be outspoken and if they can start talking sympathetically towards our struggle, then SCACUF may bring them in. Do not fall into the trap. They are La Republique’s spies. If they are genuine, then by their fruits we shall know them. They cannot be allowed to infiltrate the ranks of SCACUF at this point. Not until we have reached Buea. If we find them worthy then we would not mind giving them positions in Government. We can still give Ayah Abin his position of Justice again if necessary. BUT BE WARE, there are many of their kind now being fabricated by La republique. I HAVE WARNED. BE WARE. From the inside”

    What else is there to say? Dear Ambazonians, all the evil ploys of La Republique concocted with the help of some self seeking maniacs in the name of Southern Cameroonians is now manifesting. All Ambazonians must be on the guard. We must put down the enemy in all its forms and persons.


    Ambazonians are not this stupid and foolish.

    It is of absolute importance that Baretanew do not participate in propagating, amplifying this magic spell they are casting through Balla.

    Any normal person who still have their sight will see very clearly what they are out for.

    Look at the garbage you want us to now spend out time and attention with.

    PLEASE don’t post anything concerning Balla anymore, I don give a fuck even if it’s him being the precedent of heaven, We got more important things.

  7. Just listened the audio recording. Bad sound but his statements could be heard clearly. Hhhm. I would say he destroyed his political career. Arrogance is a bad advisor. Let us all focus on the struggle. The regime must be pushed to release all arrested. And most important we must remain united.

  8. chaff balla is good ridden, Sessekou is a patriotic SCs,it is a bonus he does not live in that colonial corrupt country in order to assist join force to drive lrc out of Ambazonian land, balla who stated he can become president because he lives there has become corrupted and evil blood drinker,speaking like an illiterate,arrogant dictator dog just like his master biya,his mission in UK failed!many true SCs in this struggle know he is a shameful SCs traitor like Ekema and co, he has taken all the corrupt money to fly over Europe just like those in the regime who were humiliated before,he will become the most hated PM in lrc by the francophones,this nonentity will never be allowed to be participate in the running of new Southern Cameroons with his new fake CPDM friends, the party which has destroyed the SW/NW regions!

  9. Let him get out of de struggle he us a can he start battling in post if president without dem archiving wat de r out for??he jst wanna bring in confusion

  10. Please we can make our points without resorting to profanity. Yes, just looking at the body language of our brother in London will tell you that something has gone terribly wrong with Barrister Balla. But at this juncture, we have to be very careful because Biya and the Beti criminals are going to kill Balla and we will be blame for it. So let us be civil how we handle this matter for by our own actions we are instead pushing him to the devils of LRC.
    To imagine the work that Hon. Wirba has done in documenting some of the atrocities of the terrorist organization from LRC call army on our people with very limited resources, yet we have one of our own going around wasting valuable resources that is greatly needed for this struggle while at the same time setting himself up to be killed by the etoudi junta while deluding himself that he has things under control. I just pray that he does not become the fly that followed the corpse into the grave because he refused to listen. Let him not say he was not warned.
    If this unrepentant murderer called Biya can kill his own wife; why can Balla not read the hand writing on the wall?

  11. There are many things we need to focus on right now:
    1. Our Ambazonian refugees in Nigeria
    2. To free our comrades

    The Governing Council has to come up with strategies for both issues.

  12. Very typical of these “anglophones” who have doctorate degrees in writing petitions, trying gain something by putting others down. Uum! biyas psychological evil spell on us. If it is true, then let’s challenge him. This struggle was started with Foncha, when he resigned, different groups have picked up with different resources through the stages. Balls you use your experience to continue, now with social media, with 2million in the diaspora, with tremendous successes in just under one year, with so many lives lost,maimed and imprisoned, this MOVEMENT is GREATER than you or any one. It belongs to the people. I will however show mercy on you, from reports of torture, biya must have injected you with some mind
    altering drug. Please get a proper medical check up while in England. Here is why we should not PANIC 2 million in the diaspora X $100 = $200, 000,000 money talks, this about can start rebuilding Ambazonia without Federalism, IMF or any international agency.

  13. He who fetches ant-infested firewood should be ready to dine with lizards. Balla, heed to these voices of wisdom before it is too late.

  14. You people don’t even realize that Mr. Balla was one of you – he might have chosen or believe in a different path to achieve the same secession you want but he was one of yours – he still wanted the secession but slowly .

    Now to show your political imaturity you expose him with this recording – now he is dead politically , and will be no use to you – but a least he was on your side .

    you did not see that because you are so brutal in your approch .

    you have forgiven sisiku tabe for saying “Bamileke girl . . . I will find you . . .”
    or you did not care because he was taking of another tribe from another country ??

    But now you cannot forgive Mr. Balla .

    You see we say a lot of things in private ,presidents,ministers do that all the time .

    If you knew the meaning of this struggle of yours ,you would not have published that at all after listening to it .

    Now you understand that LRC knew from the begining what was the projet of Mr. Balla and co and you will agree now that it had little or nothing to do with lawyers griviences . . . –

    LRC might be a very bad government ,but they know politic 1000 better that you guys here saling your own because of difference of opinion .

    just because he said he wanted to be president ? of Ambaland ? what is wrong with that ?

    yes he might be over himself ,so what ?

    The question is what next ?. because now you are killing your own ?

    See how we are fighting for the legacy of colonisation – we are so stupid to the point that we are lost into it – sad .

    1. This is the voice of reason.. It should be good to know that Balla has Ambaland in mind. There is nothing wrong in nursing ambitions of president when we eventually get there. All right thinking SCIans should have those ambitions. This means that we are thinking like free people in the land that we hope to have by God’s grace. I say kudos to your point of view.

    2. Why the fuzz? This is just the beginning.

      Balla is the only person who can challenge Sisi, and beat him in any democratic election, clean and clear.

      If you think other leaders are there fighting for your good, big mistake.

      Some of you are going to go on High Blood medication once real masks will begin to unveil themselves.

      Balla is just a scapegoat. Judas cannot be detected that easily, they are forcing Balla to be Judas. We will soon know the original Judas.

  15. Balla said these things in hiding. Meaning that he genuinely meant every single word he said. If you and Balla are politically mature enough, you would understand that it is Politically immature to consider fellow comrades in a struggle as nonentities just like he did of President Sessekou Ayuk and Pa Tassang. Great leaders do not brag about their past glories. Rather they uses such greatness to enhance greatness for all. We still have greater Glory ahead of us and that is what intelligent people will focus on and not past ones.

    It is outrageous and dim-witted to think that Balla actually wanted Secession. First, it would seem to me that he cannot differentiate between secession and restoration. For if in this fake union there is anyone who has ventured secession it is La Republique du Cameroun. According to the union between Southern Cameroons and La Republique, they seceded in 1984 by going against the spirit and letter of the arrangements of the founding fathers. Going by this therefore, it is but automatic that that Southern Cameroons restores its own Independence the Same way La Republique did in 1984. I will recommend you look up what the Treatise on the formation and destruction of states says. So may be you and Balla go get yourselves schooled again before you come back bragging on all the your achievements.

    It is said that when God wants to destroy evil men he first makes them confused. If Balla claims he is for his so called Secession, why would he think such a move is a fairy-tale when pursued by others and normal when it is he who wants to pursue it?

    ‘If we have a Southern Cameroon State today, I’ll be the president. I am realistic so I want federalism so we can work towards secession.

    I’ll not insult you that you are living in your fairy-tale world if you want secession.

    ‘If we have a Southern Cameroon State today, I’ll be the president. I am realistic so I want federalism so we can work towards secession.

    I’ll beat Sessekou Ayuk in an election. I have an interest for us to have an Ambaland because I know I will be elected as the president.
    I worked in Afghanistan and went to Congo and came back. What can someone tell me?
    1999 I wrote a thesis on self-determination about southern Cameroon right to self-determination.
    In 2002 I was with Albert MUKONG in the EU commission.
    17 years ago, where was Tassang? 17 years ago, where was Sessekou?

    What have you guys done by protesting outside embassies. I hear you guys are saying that I was released because of your protests?”

    Of course it is on record that while Balla was in prison he kept sending out text messages calling on the people to continue with Ghosts towns and schools shot down otherwise they will be killed. So life is good for Balla alone and not for other Southern Cameroonians? Now that he is out, he wants schools to resume and courts return so that the rest in prison can be killed. Of course he does not need any rival. For we still have our real heroes in prison. Mandela remained in Prison because he refused to take bribe or keep quiet.

    Barrister Balla, as a point of reminder, in as much as it is not wrong to aspire for political office, all Ambazonians have decided at this point to be selfless in order to achieve the goal which is finally pushing out the enemy and bring back normal life to our people. We hope you still have some of your wits with you to tell you to do the same. Do not do it because you have an interest for Ambaland because you know you will be elected as the president. Do not forget, there may be presidents out there better than you or our Interim president.

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