My Fellow Ambazonians,

This is our revolution to escape slavery and humiliation. This has been our last stance against a despotic and murderous system that has robbed us of humanity and turned our streets into rivers of blood. Yet we must constantly remind ourselves of the pain of this revolution, especially on the very people who have been subjected to torment for more than 50 years. It’s not easy to tell our people who suffer this pain on Ground Zero time and again that it will get better when the butcher has insisted on making the pain permanent. The consequences of Cameroun’s excesses in our land and on the psychology of our people is huge. It will haunt us for long. It may leave with a generation forever. We must, therefore, recognize these things and begin to take remedial actions to mitigate their effect by providing effective forms of communicative therapy to our people. Words of hope, caution, and positivism are powerful instruments used in a mental readjustment in times pain and uncertainty. We may never remember their names because the very nature of colonialism is to make you celebrate your oppressors and fight against your heroes. This generation is bleeding to make sure that all those professors on GZ whose blood gives us HOPE must be remembered in the first Chapter of our story.

In the midst of this hope for liberty and carnage, there is still us and those who believe that we must remain slaves under Cameroun. Through their selfish actions, they have helped Cameroun persist in its claim to hold us in bondage or eliminate us from the face of the earth. There is us and those whose selfishness and naivety buried in their short-term blindness in the politics of Cameroun have prolonged the days of our suffering and delayed the day of complete takeover. They are called ENABLERS. They blame us for engaging in self defence for our survival. They think if we simply accept to remain a colony then the suffering will end and the occupy will provide us with autonomy.

There are enablers who still give Cameroun hope that it can use them to still control Ambazonia. There are enablers whom the international system counts on in bringing peace without justice Their facts are so starkly different from their stance. While Fru Ndi has declared rightly that Cameroun has no control over Ambazonia, he still believes we must remain a colony of Cameroun. While Cardinal Christian Tumi has also declared and rightly too that there was no Union between Ambazonia and Cameroun, he still believes bringing peace to Cameroun is far more important than bringing Justice to Ambazonia. Other enablers have stated the facts of our being correctly and rehearsed the historical realities with piercing accuracy. Yet their insistence that Ambazonia must remain enslaved and a colony of Cameroun is what is delaying our recognition. The international system thinks they can be used to keep Ambazonia under Cameroun while their oil companies continue to steal our oil; their timber companies continue to degrade our forest and our misery continue unabetted. The license to our occupation was handed to Cameroun before by enablers and the West. We must put an end to it now once and for all.

My fellow soldiers of the revolution,

Cameroun has lost control. That is an unquestionable reality. Ambazonia must thus be recognized as an independent state. This will provide it with the powers within the international system to negotiate and secure for Ambazonians opportunities that will stop the humanitarian crisis. Enablers will not change the course of our resistance against the tyranny of colonialism. The arrest and brief detention of Pa John Fru Ndi however sad are signs of things to come. We do not forget about those who risked for us. We never undermine the role of those who spoke for us when we could not. We are also very defiant against those who enable colonialism and brutality in our land. Going forward, we will be looking at policies beyond non-collaboration with enablers. There is the need to arrest these high-profile enablers and put them in custody until independence. Those who speak in support of colonialism while using our suffering as the basis of their argument must be stopped. Those who speak for our enslavement while pretending to care about our wounded, tortured and murdered must henceforth stay in protective custody. All societies in their hour of survival have taken the same actions.

Fellow soldiers of the Revolution,

A man invades your home and ask you each year to gather your family and march in celebration for his take over. This is where all humans, be they cripple, dumb or deaf rise in defiance. Ambazonians have risen and will not take lectures from the slave Master anymore. The month of May 2019 will be a special month. Colonial Governors don’t give us lectures. Our defense forces must henceforth redirect all their resources to capturing or killing these angels of suffering. As the Vice president and the Secretary of State and Secretary for Recognition and Peace take targeted diplomacy to a new level the month of May must be a month of the test of wills that should determine who is in charge: invaders and murderers or liberators and soldiers of the revolution. We must all reenergize our revolution and send the occupier and enablers an unmistaken message that Ambazonia is Free and shall never again become a colony of a backward and decadent country in the face of the earth; that Ambazonia is free and will not sit on the table to provide the occupier with another license to enslave. It is time they move their last forces out.

God bless Ambazonia

Dr Cho Ayaba

  1. This traitor is really trying to make him self relevant and it amazes me how Mack is always helping to give this traitor a voice. He killed Ivo and our brave fighters.

  2. Arrest and garri enablers immediately, most of them has done everything they came on earth to do,they have older previlage children while enabling biya to continue killing vulnerable young children future generations,who will be wasting time for their up keeping when arrested?just another burden on the already problems during war,are they war criminals? Ambazonia has no prisons yet why hold them up in areas where it can be located by satellite and attacked by lrc? Please Mark these traitors have no soul,to garri them will send a strong signal to those greedy Shithole elites and worthless MPs who never represent the interests of their people,they I’ll choose to exile in lrc till death,who cares? wicked,evil monsters anglofool who have blood in their hands with biya the butcher French puppet,born in Equatorial Guinea, pretend to be a french Cameroonian, deceitful jackass

  3. This is an opportunity to thank all those in the diaspora who against all odds are doing their best to provide the correct Sugar Cane and Groundnuts (grahnuts) to the defenders of the home. It was comforting to see the new arrivals in Bali. But please no videos or celebrating with the groundnuts (grahnuts). We know their use so they should not be wasted in this way the LRC criminals will think twice before venturing into our territory.

  4. The article is a DOG’S DINNER, very badly written (a lot of grammatical errors, omission of punctuation marks, verbs and nouns mixed up, etc). Hard to read and understand!!! Total disgrace, Mr PIG-IGNORANT “PhD holder” Ayaba Cho Lucas. The NOBLE SAVAGE does not have a bachelor’s degree, let alone a PhD.


    Mr Ayaba Cho Lucas is as stubborn as an illiterate goat, and he is MOVED TO AND FRO BY EVERY WIND OF DOCTRINE, NO STRATEGIST. He now says that the amba terrorists should Butcher, Decapitate, Torture, Torment, Kidnap for hefty ransoms, and Maim other Anglophone Cameroonians in the North West and South West Regions, who have a different political opinion, those who are against terrorism and secession (FEDERALISTS). He calls them ENABLERS, e.g. Cardinal Tumi, Ni John Fru Ndi, Nfon Victor Mukete, etc. On March 23, 2019, Ayaba Cho said and I quote “we shall now take the war to Cameroon under international law”. Frankly, I can’t decipher the implication of “under international law”. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN AND IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. WHY? FIRST, he has NO CONTROL over the terrorists on GZ, and SECONDLY, the terrorists on GZ have morphed or metamorphosed into an organized criminal enterprise. They are making so much money from the hefty ransoms and building houses in Nigeria and in LRC. THEY ARE MAKING MORE MONEY THAN PROMISED THEM BY SO-CALLED LEADERS IN THE DIASPORA (the emperors have no clothes). SINCE THE SO-CALLED LEADERS ARE NOT THOSE PAYING THE PIPER (AMBA TERRORISTS), THEY CAN NOT CALL THE TUNE. Thus, the so-called leaders of the so-called ambazonian struggle in the diaspora have had the wind taken out of their sails. The statements made by these so-called leaders are belied by the actions taken by the terrorists on GZ. Instead of taking the “war” to Cameroun, the “war” has been taken to “ambazonia” – CIRCULAR FIRING. Yesterday, April 28, 2019, there was a “war” between Ediki terrorists and Mbalangi terrorists. Remember the massacre in Munyenge by Akwanga’s terrorists and the Guzang (Batibo) massacre by Ayaba Cho’s terrorists – SELF-CANNIBALIZATION.

    The so-called leaders in the diaspora who hoodwinked the ambazombie terrorists into taking up arms, over promised and under delivered, and have had their arses kicked. They go along with crazy ideas and suggestions (e.g. ghost towns, lockdowns) dreamed up by illiterates and semi-educated ambazombie terrorists in their drug-induced and in a drunken stupor, without any critico-analytic reflection or inductive and deductive logic or reasoning.

    Ayaba Cho says and I quote “there is the need to arrest these high-profile enablers and put them in custody until independence”. This good-for-nothing shameless man is calling wise men (pragmatic federalists) mad. There has always been a dog eat dog, a ruthlessly competitive situation, between the pragmatists (federalists) and the savages (those advocating for independence, and there is NOT A DOG’S CHANCE.) led by Ayaba Cho (the NOBLE SAVAGE). Even though the pragmatists are misunderstood by Ayaba and his race of savages, I think the pragmatists will rise above taunts and remain unruffled.

    The ultimate question now is: What will happen to the ENABLERS (FEDERALISTS) living abroad or in the diaspora? For example, Hon. Wirba in the UK; Dr. Fontem Neba; and all those who attended the APNC Washington DC Conference and were labelled ENABLERS by Ayaba Cho. WILL ALL OF THEM BE KIDNAPPED AND HELD INCOMMUNICADO IN SECRET DUNGEONS IN THE USA, UK, GERMANY, ETC. UNTIL “AMBAZONIAN INDEPENDENCE” (PIPE DREAM), OR WILL THEY BE KIDNAPPED AND BEHEADED ON THE STREETS OF THE COUNTRIES THEY RESIDE BY AYABA CHO’S HIT SQUAD (TEAM OF ASSASSINS)?

    Kidnapping and beheading the ENABLERS in Cameroon, e.g. Barrister Agbor Nkongho; Hon. Ayah Paul Abine; Elie Smith; Mancho Bibixy (better off in the LRC prison where he is), etc. can easily be accomplished by Ayaba Cho’s HIT SQUAD. THE HUNTERS HAVE BECOME THE HUNTED. MADNESS!!! MADNESS!!! MADNESS!!!

  5. Mukong, I want to deliver my grahnuts directly: My no in Belgium= Mr Grahnuts lyca mob;0465812320. Thanks. We have to arrest all parliamentarians an lock them up in our caves and bushes. Oshi Joshua has said Cameroon has lost control over Ambazonia:the descendants of our so called senators and parliamentarians should be barred from active public life(to be decided by the Amba government)

  6. Amba forces do not kidnap: we arrest you, judge you, pass down a sentence on you; imprisonment you, fine you or ban
    you from participation in public politics until due(further) notice.

  7. Tabetando, well said my Brother. These are tough times and we owe it to ourselves and our generation to do all that is humanly necessary to free the homeland from thieves and plunderers.

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