penal code

How Quarter Head Allegedly Set up Massacred Ambazonians in Buea on Ghost town Day

BaretaNews reporters have now gotten firsthand accounts from survivor victims and other eye witnesses in Bakweri town of how terrorist forces of La Republic du Cameroun (LRC) massacred more than 9 young men in Buea, Capital of Ambazonia, on Monday July 30, 2018.

The boys were playing different games (ludo and cards) while smoking weed in a popular weed joint patronized even by colonial forces; the quarter head, a retired warder set up the young men for execution; Some were killed on the scene of action while others ferried in a military hilux and executed in a banana plantation after Liongo village, towards Ekona. Colonial Mayor of Buea, Patrick Ekema showed up shortly after with AK47 wielding terrorist forces and seized the corpses to an unknown destination; how the life of a “francophone victim” was spared after identifying himself to the terrorist forces; all those massacred identified as native Bakwerians born and breath in Buea; how the family of Esambe Roland Ndune saw him dead in a vision and pleaded with him not to go out on ghost town days.

What actually happened to the Young Men in Buea?

According to a survivor of the attack, it was around mid-day when more than 10 of them (young men) gathered at their usual joint in Bakweri town – under a tree right inside the quarter where they always come and play bet games popularly known as” njambo” in local parlance. While playing their games, they suddenly heard a gunshot and saw one of their colleagues down in a pool of blood.

“I don’t know how I and others suddenly found ourselves running into the nearby bush. As we were running, we continued hearing gunshots, its only after the shooting ended that two of us came out of the bush as we heard people crying and shouting… I was shocked to see my friends all shot dead and soaked in blood” said a survivor.

Narrating his own side of the story, the second survivor told BaretaNews reporters that while he was on his way to the joint, he passed in front of the house of the quarter head Mr. Tonga, a retired warder and over heard him telling somebody on phone that; “they are already here playing njambo and smoking banga (Indian herm.)”

The victim said he didn’t take the phone conversation of the quarter head serious because he (the quarter head) knows very well most of the boys who often come to gather under the tree to play games. It was only after the attack that he started thinking who could have told the colonial forces that they were in that place at that particular time, considering that the scene of action is very faraway from the main road.

According to him, there are some colonial military officers who often joined them on weekends at the joint to smoke weed and play “njambo.” As proof that it was the quarter head who allegedly set up the victims, residents of that quarter have given different versions of how he had been referring to the youngmen who often meet under the tree to smoke and play games as Amba boys.

The population gathered the four corpses in the neighborhood and identified them to be all children of the neighborhood born and breath in Buea. As the mourning and waling was ongoing, the colonial mayor of Buea suddenly showed up with a gun guided by a group of colonial forces. He demanded the youths to bring forth all the corpses which they then ferried away to an unknown destination.

How Esambe Roland was Killed and how family members begged him not to go out

As all these were happening, the population did not know that other victims were shot and they ran and died in the nearby bushes, while three others were caught and ferried away in the military hilux after the attack. It was only two days that the corpses of the other six victims were discovered, including that of Esambe Roland Ndune, a resident of Sandpit, who was arrested alongside two others, including a francophone (who was later released) and the other two executed in the banana plantation after Liongo village.

Sources close to the Esambe family say that according to two of the survivors, the colonial forces arrive the joint when they were playing ludo game. Among the LRC military terrorists was an anglophone guy who was leading the way and knows Esambe Roland aka Grand Dakwas very well. According to the story, the Ambazonian born military terrorist motioned to Grand Dakwas and his friends to run for their lives and fired a warning shot into the air.

As they started running they were pursued by the other terrorist forces, shot the others and caught two of them. Dakwas was shot on the leg and also caught while two others escaped unhurt. The three arrested were carried inside the military vehicle and in the course of ferrying them to the execution site, they discovered the Francophone guy among the three and he was set free.

They then took Dakwas and the other victim to the plantation at Liongo just after Muea, tied their hands and faces then shot, killed and dumped their bodies there. The family of Esambe Roland was thus alerted by the guys who successfully escaped after they did not see him among those shot dead. It was later the freed Francophone guy came to report that Esambe Roland aka Dakwas and another person were taken away. Their corpses were later discovered on Wednesday in the Mousaka banana Plantation already in a state of decomposition.

According to our source, family members forewarned Dakwas that morning pleading that he should not go out as they had dreams that he was shot by the military. “Even his small boy child held him that morning not to go out until he (Dakwas) pulled himself away from the child and went before this unfortunate incident happened to him.” The source added.

The various accounts on the massacre have all the proofs of a well-orchestrated incident with the quarter head, retired Warder Tonga and other high-level personalities within the municipality allegedly in the know of what happened. Considering the fact that 98% percent of the victims are native Bakwerians, does it therefore corroborate the claim by some Men of God in Buea that there is a grand occultic agenda to spill the blood of a good number of young Bakwerians for electioneering sacrifices in LRC like the Santa elites already allegedly did in the Piyin-Menka Massacre?

Agbor James

  1. We are not leaving anything to chance. The Francophone guy was set free is part of the conspiracy. It does not matter what he reported later about those who were taken away. That is just a decoy to make people belief in his innocence.

  2. Let me digress a bit from the rubric of this news post. Yesterday I read from an online French Cameroun newspaper, information of France’s boyish Macron extending an invitation to dictator Biya to attend a Paris summit on peace. I’ll post the link below. But here is the kicker. Paul Barthélemy Biya’a bi Mvondo has scheduled his re-(s)election bid on October the 7th, 2018. The summit that Macron is inviting him to attend (as head of state of his country Cameroun) is scheduled for November 12-14, 2018. Now it shouldn’t take a form 1 student to clearly see that the so called presidential election in Cameroun is an exercise in futility to fool the world, since Biya’s schedule of activities as head of state extends over a month after elections that are yet to hold and the winner declared. Go figure the connection of the French vassal state of Cameroun to its benefactor, the occupant of Élysée Palace.

    To the young men who lost their lives to the trigger happy killers from LRC, may their souls RIP.

  3. Ugly STUTTERER BABOON KIBARINKO FACED NKANE PICKIN Mark WIRKI SHit Ntum!Why are you so dumb??Why sit behind a keyboard and screen and utilize tools set up by the white man to raise funds and kill your own kind!This is the price to pay for not being realistic.There is no hope to our youth because of your hallucination and illusion.They had a social order and lived on less than 1000 frs cfa a day now they cannot afford 200frs cfa and have resorted to DRUGS!Who is to blame?The PUTATIVE Republic of Amabazonia set up by nobody.The white man set up his capital in Buea when we walked around naked.He taught us his language on put clothes on our backs!yes he clothed the BARBARIANS.There was no Ambazonia.Stop frustrating GULLIBLE minds and talking about the route to Buea!Nobody has endorsed your cause and nobody will.Now young men have no option but to hang out,FUCK,Kidnap for ransomes, storm markets and private property and even mount roadblocks extorting money from emaciated poor voiceless souls.Despite General Odeshi, we are now living in the BUSHES,FUCKING in the bushes, Sleeping in trees and drinking maggot infested water (TUMBU WATER).What the fuck is wrong with you monkeys?We shall smoke more BANGA (weed) and more chickens willo come home to roost courtesy of Ambazonia.We are on our way to BAMENDA -the GRAFFI capital of the online republic.Leave our GBEA alone you MUNJIONGNIs and Cam no Gos!

    1. Bassa fool. ‘Endorse’ our course or not. Who cares. We are Ambazonians. Total Independence is our goal and that is where 99% of Ambas are heading whether you frenchee nigga mentality like it or not. IT IS A GOD ORDAINED STRUGGLE!!!!!

  4. These Beti/Bulu/Ewondo criminals think by speaking and acting in their stupid ways, it will make Ambazonians to succumb to their macaque primitive ways should understand that they will answer for all the criminalistics that they have perpetuated in our land. At this juncture, the focus is on purging the traitors that are in our communities starting with the likes of ekema Patrick. The fact that this bootlicker will go to any length to make himself relevant including participation in the killing of unarmed civilians is justification that he should not live to see the light of the next day.

    1. @Mukong and others, we Cameroonians would stand by our brothers and sisters from SW and push your devilish organisation back to where you belong.
      Again: Leave the South West alone they didn’t create this, you started the hole thing. As our hero Mayor said, you are still being warned.
      Note that People from SW don’t want anything to do with you ‘Ambazonians.
      You have destroyed our brother’s land and they want you out and you should respect that. As you all always said marriage is not by force. Back off.

      1. I am from SW and fully endorse my Ambazonien brothers and sisters from the Northern Zone. Anyway NW and SW is a creation of Ahidjo to divide and rule Southern Cameroonians.

  5. Knowing that retired warder Tonga and Mr. Patrick Ekema are linked to the untimely death of this Ambazonian youths gives me some kind of closure. I know who to hold for being particularly responsible?

  6. Rubbish you all maybe at peace at your apartment in overseas, but note that Millions of citizens in Cameroon are not.

    Yes, the reason millions of citizens in the SW/NW are not living in peace is because of the Ambazonia kidnappings and beheadings of anglophones who don’t support their foolishness. Nobody in their right mind will support an organization that kidnaps and beheads people who disagree with them. This is exactly what Boko Haram and Issis terrorist do to their people who disagree with them which therefore qualifies the Ambazonians as terrorists. All you fools should go on ground zero and carry the figh yourselves. Bunch of internet warriors.

  7. Thank you Jojo.
    They are all animals in human skin.
    How do they think kidnapping people is a way to make their views heard ?

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