Pre-1972 Federation Cameroon- Ambazonia
Donald Trupresidential U.S President Donald Trump






The United State President Donald Trump attending a Nato summit in Brussels, Belgium has vowed to help end “vicious and violent” conflicts in Africa. He was speaking to Journalists at the sidelines of the summit when he said ending vicious wars in Africa is on the USA very strong list of priorities. Some of things President Trump added are:

  • Africa right now has got problems like few people would understand.
  • They have got things going on there that nobody could believe in this room.
  • If you saw some of the things that I see through intelligence – what’s going on in Africa – it is so sad, it is so vicious and violent – and we want peace.
  • We want peace for Africa. We want peace all over the world.
  • That’s my number one goal – peace all over the world and we are building up a tremendous military because I really believe through strength you get peace.
  • We are going to have a military like we never had before.”

Reading through President Trump statements and considering the type of President he has become, one who matches words to action, it is clear that Trump’s vow on ending conflicts in Africa will come to pass. This is coming at a time the Cameroons are facing one of the worst conflicts in their political history which has resulted in lots of deaths, refugees, internal displaced persons, properties destroyed and vandalised, all of which have been done by La Republique Du Cameroun forces. President Trump in his statements sadly noted that what he sees through intelligence is so sad, vicious and violent in Africa and thus this is becoming one of his priorities going forward in Africa. BaretaNews understands that the recent outing ( of the US Ambassador to Cameroun where he called out Biya’s forces for carrying out targeted killings and forcefull disapearance, the Southern Cameroons delegation presentation at the US Congress on June 27th, 2017 are some of the intelligence that President Trump have come across in Africa especially as the Cameroons is proofing to be one of US strategic military partner in the zone.

It is therefore clear that considering the recent violent videos showing how La Republique Du Cameroun-LRC Military shot and killed publicly Camerounese in the north of Cameroun including young babies (; another showing the violence molestation of Camerounese north of Cameroun (; the atrocities committed in Southern Cameroons by the same military, the USA now has the moral responsibility to review their military corporation with Cameroun and suspend any military ties because some of the US trained LRC military are actively involved in the current conflict in ‘Anglophone’ Cameroon.

BaretaNews is confident that President Trump will sail through his vow, begin by ending the conflict in LRC-Southern Cameroons war so that both nations can begin to rebuild and live peacefully.

Mark Bareta

  1. This is a great opportunity for the IG to secure a credible lobbying house in the US to succinctly make our case to the American government. Please, this is not time for taking cheap shots at each other.
    Personally, the audio that was played recently by Eric Tataw is very incriminating of that Etoudi criminal call Biya. I almost fell out of my chair to hear him acknowledge Buea as the Capital of West Cameroon/Southern Cameroon. Yet they have LRC hoodlums on in this forum talking about one and indivisible.

    1. U guys r retarded or simply disillusional. U r on ur own. Nobody is coming to help u, u should have known better be4 u pick up arms. U can manipulate some people sometime but u can’t manipulate everybody all the time. Misrepresenting Trump will not help u. It might help ur moral for a while but the reality is that u r on ur own face to Cameroon. Ur fate is seal fools ambaidiots terrorists

      1. Shillah you as retarded and jealous as I thought, we are not asking for help, we are stating facts so that evil thugs like you and lrc don’t distort them. Dummy with den guns look at what we have done so far. Go back and look at 2017, while there look at francafrique no hope they can mount such a challenge, maquisard cowards like you were slaughtered, just like Chad, CAR, Ivory Coast, DRC etc, you gave up, uneducated buffoons, Ambazonia only six million, have been to US Congress, UN,EU, AU own SCBC ten times better than crtv, fool

    2. Mukong,

      so, according to you, Trump cannot be referring to those banga smokers in the bush+sponsors and their atrocities?

      You have dipped your fingers in tar. It’s very normal! That is exactly what happens when a group of amateurs begin to share ministerial posts among themselves without wanting to listen to geo-strategists, simply because of greed and haste to become rich. Only to turn back and pretend to be fighting for a people.

  2. @Shillah please come out of your primitive slavery,have some self pride, freedom of human rights in a embarrassing dirty slum french Cameroon where your butcher old regressive head of states has put fear onto its people,held the entire country underdeveloped,you cannot even have clean drinking water yet you are happy to live that way in 58 years? ignorance, illiteracy, unpatriotic is killing you francofools,the reason Ambazonians are smart not to continue living like beggars,french colonial puppet slaves in their own country

    1. U didn’t say anything new that u terrorists have not said yet. Until then u will still be on ur own n sharing others hard earn money. But ambanetland will never see a day of light

      1. Shillah you and other buffoons like fake shithole bamenday boy and other idiots are biyas bastards, produced in a mud shit hole moveka, you are begging for attention here, but you will be treated as scum because your bastard father the BUTCHER of Ambazonia murderer of women and children paulshithead, blood tasty shit head SuPER UNDEVELOPER, biyabulushit cannibal.

  3. The LRC as you call it is having some pr issues now but it will pass – specially if the west can use the situation to sign some new deals with the criminal biya .

    Once again we the blacks will loose – turning our hopes always to the west to try and have solution to our problem is stupid ,immature and foolish .

    Ambazonia does not mean a thing to anybody anywhere – talking about atrocity ,just look at how american kill our black brother every day in america until they have to sing “black lives matter ”

    what a pity – it is like begging for a white man to acknowledge that we exist .

    keep fooling yourself here .

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