Samantha Power, America’s United Nations Ambassador trip to cameroon

BaretaNews recalls that on April, 18th 2016, an armored jeep belonging to the motorcade of Samantha Power, America’s United Nations Ambassador, struck and killed a 7-year young boy who darted into the road in the north of the Cameroons. The incident occurred near the small city of Moloko, in northern Cameroon, where Power, her aides and accompanying journalists were headed to meet refugees and others displaced by the years of brutal attacks across West Africa.

The United States have hence decided to show good will to the community where the boy came from. In this light, the State Department of the United States revealed that they have compensated the family with 1 Million CFA with a pair of cows, hundreds of kilograms of flour, onions, rice, salt, sugar, cartons of soap and oil. The Statement department announced that a water well will be provided to the community to provide fresh drinking water as a means to immortalized the memory of the boy. The state department revealed the compensation were in line with the custom and tradition of the area.

Also, it was revealed that Cameroon’s government, aid organizations operating in the area and the UN provided another 5 Million CFA to the family.

While we cannot get back the life of the 7-year-old kid, BaretaNews thinks it was a good move to compensate the family. No amount of money can bring the child back to life but the plans to provide fresh drinking water to the community should be applauded. However, this only goes to cast further doubts about the government resolve to provide drinking water to its citizens. Maybe, the US government could have focused on other areas had it been the community had affordable drinking water.

BaretaNews hopes this money actually gets into the hands of the family and not through the government. The government of Paul Biya is capable of different kinds of theft and corruption without the blink of the eye.


God is still saying something.


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