Pre-1972 Federation Cameroon- Ambazonia
Donald Trupresidential U.S President Donald Trump


US Government Counts Herself Out Of Ongoing LRC Dialogue

By Mbah Godlove

The United States Embassy in Yaounde, capital of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC), says the US government has not endorsed the ongoing dialogue in the country, opposing public view as opined by some local media reports recently.

In a communique whose release coincided with the day Ambazonians were celebrating their independence day on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, the US government unequivocally states that: “The United States is a neutral observer of the process and, while we have offered to play a role in identifying an eventual solution, we would need to be asked by both sides before taking on this role.”

The document expands that erstwhile US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Herman Cohen has debunked allegations that he had accepted to be a spokesman for Ambazonia and that he would not be able to partake in negotiations to broker a peace deal that will lead to the eventual independence of Ambazonia.

The US Embassy also reiterated on the fact that frank dialogue between both countries could stop the deadlock that was initiated by Mr. Biya when he waged an ethnic civil war that has triggered the genocidal massacre of a recorded close to 2000 Ambazonians, forcing half a million refugees to flee to neighboring LRC and Nigeria.

It is unclear why the regime of President Biya is avoiding international mediators to oversee a tricky dialogue which he pretentiously called for on September 10.

The denial to invite a neutral body to supervise what many have termed as the Biyalogue, despite pressing demands from political parties, religious authorities and Herman Cohen, have made Ambazonians in the diaspora and others back home to shun the merrymaking event in Yaounde.

Ambazonians have unequivocally said they will not be part of such a ceremony in Yaounde while mass killings of their comrades are still being perpetrated by the brutal LRC forces.

They also hold that, at least, it would have been more reasonable if their leaders who are incarcerated across their colonizer’s country were first set free.

1 comment
  1. If there is one thing that these Beti/Bulu criminals know best, it is how to wallow in their own stupidity. Sadly enough, we have a bunch of good-for-nothing individuals who instead of cautioning the Beti/Bulu criminals as to the excesses of their criminality in Ambazonian are instead willing to congregate in Yaounde for an irrelevant jamboree call dialogue.

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