UPC (Union des Populations du Cameroun) and the Diaspora.

The UPC was the main political party that fought a bloody war for the independence of French Cameroun. Their headquarters was in Kumba (Nigeria) at the time. Kumba is now situated in the Southern Cameroons after our independence. As the French were fighting and killing them, our forefathers decided to reach out to them by providing them with a safe place in the diaspora for them to plan and launch their attacks. They were practically going through a genocide.

One of their main leaders was a certain Dr Felix Moumie. He and his family were based in Kumba even though their roots can be traced in French Cameroun. Like the family of Felix Moumie, many other French Cameroun families took cover in Anglophone Cameroon as their bloody war with France continued before they finally got independence. Anglophone Cameroon was not part of this war as we were Nigerians at the time. But our forefathers took dangerous risk to help them in their war in not only sheltering them but buying and smuggling arms to their fighters in French Cameroun.

I will leave the details of how we ended up joining French Cameroun for another writeup but I will like to point out that we trusted their leaders like Felix Moumie. Our forefathers had regular meetings with him and others in Kettering House in Limbe (Victoria) and in Kumba before coming to this understanding to unite the two Cameroons through a “Two State Federation of Equal Status”. Those who know what was discussed in these meetings feel betrayed.

They fought their war from the diaspora and with our help. They should always remember how we helped in sheltering them, providing them with financial support, risking our lives to fight alongside them and smuggling weapons to them and how empathetic our forefathers were to their cause.


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