







University of Bamenda Lecturer Writes To Mark Bareta: Calls On Ambazonians To Bear With Them

Following the shooting to death of five Ambazonians by La Republique military on Thursday July 12th, 2018, a situation wherein BBC Randy Joe Sa’ah reported over the BBC, Mark Bareta, Southern Cameroons activist sent out a statement calling for the arrest of the University of Bamenda Vice-Chancellor and other administrators on his Sunday, July 15th Facebook Live Show. This move by Mark Bareta has prompted a lecturer from that University explaining what had happened. Read on

“…Mark I have read your Facebook post about the killing of University of Bamenda students and your ordering of the arrest of UBa administrators, and wish to clear the air. It’s very important. Investigations by UBa have taken place. The official in charge even abandoned his travel plans because of the matter. But UBa is not allowed to say much on such issues. Don’t forget the country we live in here, people can also very easily be killed by the other side. Five corpses were reported at the Bamenda mortuary as coming from bambili, but only one was ultimately confirmed and named to be a UBa student. He was shot between 8 and 9 pm by a seemingly mentally deranged genderme officer, who had been drinking beer at a local hotel bar around 8.30 pm. His friends even almost fought with him for shooting at the student. They were extremely furious at him. Another person was shot earlier that evening by the same genderme, but was an okada man with whom they had a fight.

All the student leaders and many landlords met and it turned out that only one UBa student was shot that night, his picture, alone, already posted on fb. The matter has been reported to his superiors for action. Please do you have the names and pictures of the other alledged four UBa students shot so we can go investigate further? We have not received any other names. Of course, the University is extremely saddened by the loss of its student and others in such barbaric ways, condemns the act with its last iota of energy and calls on the competent authorities to take immediate action as required by the law.

Finally, Mr Mark, how can you be ordering for the arrest of your own teachers, some of whom may be behind the scenes supporting you? If you want to shut down the University and have a way of doing it, please kindly do so and leave the innocent administrators out of it. It will even help give them more holidays to travel. Don’t forget they don’t own the place. It is just a job they are doing. They are powerless and voiceless on this issue, except you want to see them killed like fouls as well. Some of them have openly clamoured for genuine dialogue to take place, that’s about all they can do. They have never said anything against you or the Amba boys anywhere. So it’s not fair. Please kindly publish this to add to your previous posting on this matter. You are a strong and popular opinion leader and so your words have plenty of power. Thank you….”

NB: I am keeping the name of lecturer sealed for Obvious reasons. I am publishing this even though I have been called out on it. We cannot be afraid of our own selves. While we understand the situation where our people find themselves, we still call on them to keep supporting in ways appropriate doing their own best to see homeland free, respecting Amba laws etc. However, investigations into this must continue.

Mark Bareta.


  1. Our people back home can not come out openly in the public and say the truth because they will be killed.

    The above statement was clearly written by the demonic colonial government of LRC. All one can read from the above writing is the terror and treats been directed right now towards the victims family and others.
    This above respond from the university is simply them begging and telling us that they can not openly come out and say what happen.

    But, as always, the truth will be exposed without bringing the families of those who lost their love ones in danger.

  2. Mark with due respect the families must know the truth unfortunately french Cameroon tell lies or conduct no investigation,so you must stick to your guns and publish all the names of these lecturers to be eliminated by SCs self defense,these lecturers are all lrc agents so disregard his stupid letter,I am also baffle how these lrc soldiers drink in Ambazonians bars without being attack,our people must stop being frightful or scared of these terrorists army and police,how can they watch their people being tortured without many forming a gang to deal with them, if they do not start standing up like strong thinking men, they will all get killed,why can they not make simple petrol bombs to blow up lrc moving vehicles in their tegioy? French Cameroon soldiers think they are weak so they must start disproving them,all able adults must fend their communities not just waiting for self defense forces

  3. Our people get killed daily and most LRC traitors in Ambaland sit quietly and take pleasure at the things that are happening to us. Then suddenly they are panic stricken because Mark dares to publish their names for being culpable to the killings of University students? Who is fooling who? At least the moment of truth is just around the Conner.

  4. It’s sounds funny to believe I’m reading from a lecturer’s post, this man shot first the student an later that same day he shot an Ocadaman, an my intellectual is telling me other Gendames where not happy wt this colleague of theirs, I think you need to think well an come up with something competent, this doesn’t sound convincing.

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