Mark Bara
Bara Mark on Southern Cameroons

The Liberation Week Intensifies.

Good Morning Southern Cameroonians

Since Monday 15th May, a number of things have happened. Some of which we cannot be proud but it becomes a necessary evil by those carrying the acts to pass a message of discontent. An overwhelming majority of our people continue to boycott the GCE practicals and common entrance exams. This shall continue into the written part. We continue to call on our parents to guard against the sham of a political GCE.

We have also seen our streets, campuses militarised. We have seen the few stubborn kids taking exams being invigilated by security operatives. We even saw a video of students confessing how they know nothing about what they are going to write. We have seen mysterious bees attacking a government school and our friend in the United Nations, ICP has tasked the UN spokesperson to take on UNESCO silence on the educational system in Cameroon. We have seen the desecration of our GCE. What else have we not seen?

As we march towards the biggest boycott of our history, we should remind ourselves that it is not only the boycott of the 20th May but the end of such celebrations in Southern Cameroons because the date by all form and content is illegal and a fraud. Never again shall we allow 20th May be celebrated in our land. We are aware that as a colonised people, the regime shall still use its military, government officials, CPDM members to march past under one of the tightest security ever administered on such a day. As we have succeeded in taking hostage of Southern Cameroons, we must continue to make Southern Cameroons ungovernable till the aspirations of the people are met. We therefore, call on all and sundry to continue spreading the message of 20th May boycott and Mami water liberation Ghost Towns.

This morning meditation will continue to be speak truth into your actions. Believe that by your actions, you shall take this struggle one step ahead to victory. This is why we must sink our differences, unite under a common purpose to flush la Republique away from our homeland. We must by our daily actions promote the struggle at every given opportunity.We must take unilateral actions to safe motherland. Yes, take unilateral actions to inflict a cost on La Republique.

My dear people, no one said it’s gonna be easy but we must keep marching, holding each other hands together and be ready to support where we fall short. We must also remind the diaspora to boycott all events or concerts concerning the 20th May. Ghost those areas and show your worth as a people.

This morning I was told a timber truck in Mbanga Bakundu along Kumba road was burnt as a sign of protest of our resource exploitation. While I am still trying to ascertain this news with photos, we must welcome this development of stopping the exploitation of our resources by inflicting a cost on La Republique.

Continue to have faith in your own abilities to free Southern Cameroons. Now, text 50 persons by SMS about the need to continue the boycott of that political GCE and observe Liberation Ghost Towns on Saturday 20th May.

God bless you all

Mark Bareta
Bui County
Southern Cameroons
Follow the struggle and not individuals

  1. Success awaits those who don’t give up.
    We will keep resisting, marching, ghost town-ing until freedom comes. With our sacrifices we are paying the price for our freedom.

  2. Go news on burning the Timber truck and we need more like that. If the driver is from LRC, he should not be spared too. Next, we should start burning petrol trucks and even the ones transporting rubber.

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