The Prime Ministerial decision had created a commission to hear the grievances tabled by Anglophone teachers. The commission despite popular outcry for boycott started today at the Governor’s office in Bamenda, Capital of the North West Region.
The day started on a sad note as the Ministers converged in Bamenda. The Governor of the North West Region had ordered arm forces to block all movements to and from Bamenda and Kumbo-Nkambe. The occupational forces of La République blocked the road at Wainamah sending back all vehicles bound for Bamenda and Bamenda to Kumbo till 6pm.
BaretaNews ponder why movements within the city should be blocked because ministers are in town to dialogue. Meanwhile, the meeting with the teachers in Bamenda commenced with a lot of bad faith from the Government. Our reporter in the field said the Government is not committed to solving the problems. They prepared their own agenda, dictated the the problems and asked Minister Fame Ndongo to read out solutions which the unions had to adopt without room for dialogue. The government just wanted the leaders to sign their final release. Luckily, leaders refused to sign the attendance register. They had already sensed danger. Within the meeting, they insisted for the release of detained youths and the Yaounde delegation said that it was not in their power to do so.
At this juncture, the teachers walked out of the hall but they were prevented to leave. The commission ordered military officers to hold them hostage. They were subsequently released. Speaking to the press after the meeting, Mr. Tassang Wilfred, President CATTU declared the following:
1. South West Teachers Trade Union must be brought in. It is an “Anglophone” issue not NW. Time to divide the people has passed.
2. All those arrested in Kumba, Buea and Bamenda MUST be released.
3. The dead bodies of those killed MUST be accounted.
As soon as these would be done, dialogue will continue- Tassang declared.
Meanwhile, the teachers have declared that, the strike action continues.
On another related story, Barrister Bobga, President of the Lawyers Association from the North West Region has been impeached by the association. Details on this later!
God is still saying something.