Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency
Southern Cameroonians met in South Africa on June 16th, 2017 under the banner of SCACUF SA conference during which a SCACUF Proposed Road Map for the formation of The Interim Government of The Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia was tabled. BaretaNews is hopeful that as the leaders of the SCACUF leadership council meet to discuss this draft proposals, they must consider bringing forward the elections earlier than stipulated so that the interim government can give the people a clear road map to restoration as some of our people are eager/confused about the next step and or academic year. Below is the text as presented.

Considering all related UN Articles and Resolutions (UN Art. 76 (b), UN Art 102(1), UN Res
1514 of 1960, and UN Res 1541 of 1960; UN RES 1608(XV) of 1961, ACHPR verdict in Communication 266 of 2002; Africa Constitutive Act 4(b); Cameroons Confession at the ICJ that Bakassi is in Southern Cameroons;

Considering UN vote of April 21, 1961 (64 in favour, 23 against and 10 abstentions) granting Independence to Southern Cameroons;

Considering President Biya’s declaration to Former UNSG Koffi Annan that he will withdraw to the boundary at Independence on Jan 1, 1960 which is the International Boundary between Ambazonia (Former British Southern Cameroons) and the Republic of Cameroon;

Empowered by the Formation of the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium Front (SCACUF) and mindful of all SCACUF Lagos Conclave Resolutions with Mandate to lead in restoration process;

Mindful of The Banjul Ruling on Communication 266/2003;
Mindful of the Abuja FHC of March 5, 2002;
Mindful of Law No 84/01 of 1984 enacted by President Paul Biya in Cameroon;
Mindful of The illegal and unconstitutional abolishment of the West Cameroon House of Assembly by Ahmadu Ahidjo;
Mindful of the Absence of a Union Treaty between Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun
Mindful of resolution 9 of the 2nd SCACUF conclave in lagos mandating the creation of a draft constitution for the people of Southern Cameroons
Mindful of resolution 14 of the 2nd SCACUF conclave in lagos mandating adopting the restoration of the sovereign state of southern Cameroons
Mindful of resolution 15 of the 2nd SCACUF conclave in lagos adopting the MORISC map as working document towards a SCACUF roadmap
Mindful of resolution 17 of the 2nd SCACUF conclave in lagos mandating the creation of the Southern Cameroons broadcasting Corporation (SCBC)

(SCACUF) hereby outline a draft roadmap for the formation of the interim government for the people of southern Cameroons;

1. Development of Charter for the Restoration of Independence by the 30 of June 2017

The charter defines within what parameters the interim government will function in terms of

• Elections
• Mandate of interim government
• Duration of mandate for interim government

2. Constitution of electoral commission by 13th of July 2017

The Electoral Commission as an independent constitutional body will manage free and fair elections through the participation of citizens, in a process that deepens electoral democracy in Southern Cameroon

• Representation from every county in Southern Cameroon
• Mandating of electoral commission

3. Voter education and outreach by the 30th of June 2017

Launching of campaign to educate voters. Due to the annexation of our territory by LRC voting will be through an Electoral College. The campaign for the education of voters will use the same communication channels available to Southern Cameroonians (Mobilization, communication, foot soldiers, SCBC TV, other TV /radio stations and social media) to educate the public

Electoral College

This is a duly constituted representative body that is made up of persons chosen to represent communities and vote on their behalf.

Constitution of the Electoral College:
Diaspora Electoral College

• All Countries worldwide with Southern Cameroonians. Number of Electoral College votes per country is dependent on number of SCACUF registered members from that country. This ensures the initiation of a credible and verifiable voters roll. National Electoral College

• Representation from all 13 counties. All counties have equal representation and equal number of votes to the Electoral College.

Meme county = 5 votes
Fako county= 5 votes
Momo county = 5 votes
Bui county = 5 votes

Process Flow for Electoral College elections

High level Milestones
1 Stakeholder engagement and community outreach for buy in.
2 Identification and certification of qualifying voters
3 Registration of qualified delegates.
4 Issuing of unique voter ID number through country Heads (to uphold 1 citizen 1 vote principle)
5 Actual Voting
6 Counting of votes (Automatically tallied by voting system)
7 Third party auditing of results (To ensure transparency e.g Price Waterhouse Coopers.)
8 Release of results ( Electoral commission pronounce Results)

NB. Detail Rules available in Electoral Guide to be released by electoral commision

4. Voter registration starts by 11th of July 2017
All southern Cameroonians everywhere in the world above the age of 18 are eligible to vote. Voter registration process to open as indicated and closed as indicated. Upon closing of voters roll no new registrations will be accepted.

5. Voter verification and issuing of unique voter registration number from 20th of July till end of registration process

• All voters will be issued with a unique voter registration number.
• Every citizen can use their unique voter registration number to cast their vote on SCACUF website.
• Issuing of unique numbers and verification of voters roll will close this step of the process and quality assure the voters roll as constituted of Southern Cameroonians who meet the voting requirements.

6. Publishing of timeline and guidelines for Prime Ministers election by the 25th July 2017

Commission accepts mandate followed by Press release addressing:
• Prime minister application process
• Guidelines for qualifying candidates
• Guidelines for qualifying to vote in electoral college
• Laws and regulations
• Campaign material
• Campaign funding
• Process for independent observers to participate
• Impartiality
• Integrity
• Accountability
• Transparency
• Participation
• Responsiveness

7. Candidate application process opens by 25th of July to the 7th of august 2017

8. Campaigning and citizens engagement starts from the 26th till 48hrs before election date.
• Official launch of campaign by candidates
• Each candidate to receive airtime on SCBC for personal campaign
• 2 Live Debate on SCBC TV

9. Voting for Prime Minister of the Southern Cameroons from 3rd September to 4th September 2017
• Voting on SCACUF website and other mobile avenues across Southern Cameroons and the diaspora.
• Quality assuring by third party / independent auditor to be appointed by electoral commission.

10. Tallying and release of results 48hours after polls close on 6th September 2017

11. Taking of Oath of Office and formation of new government of the Southern Cameroons by PM as directed by Constitution.
12. Prime minister recognizes and transforms the SCACUF leadership council to interim Southern Cameroons senate House to ensure balance of power in the interim.

13. Office of prime minister officially starts submission with help of ally UN member state for membership at the 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 72) that will convene at UN Headquarters on Tuesday, 12 September 2017

14. Prime minister’s office concludes agreement with financial partner to launch the Southern Cameroons Pre independence Bonds to finance the interim government.

Presented By the SCACUF Planning & Policy Committee On this 16th Day of June 2017

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