
Barrister Eyambe, Assistant Secretary General and Tassang Wilfred, Programme Coordinator of the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium have both rebuked the Cameroon Bar President for attempting to lure Common Law Lawyers back to the courts. In a press release dated 10th April, the Consortium leaders had this to say:

The Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium, CACSC has taken note of a press release issued by the President of the Cameroon BAR Association, Jackson Ngnie Kamga, alleging a series of meetings with some so-called “very senior” lawyers in Bamenda and Buea, which meetings recommended that the Bar president was “hereby authorized to enter into dialogue with the Government on matters bearing on the Common Law Lawyers”.
The release dated the 9th of April, 2017 also recommends that “…advocates of the South West and North West regions shall resume work on the 2nd May 2017, for the resolutions of the ad hoc committee submitted to the Prime Minister and approved by the Head of States to be fully implemented”.

The Consortium wishes to remind all and sundry that Barrister Jackson Ngnie Kamga is not a Common Law Lawyer, does not know anything concerning the Common Law and is well aware of the existence of four Common Law Lawyers’ Associations into which all the said lawyers are regrouped; Fako Lawyers Association- FAKLA, Meme Lawyers Association- MELA, Manyu Lawyers Association- MALA and the North West Lawyers Association- NOWELA, and their presidents, who were the only ones initially mandated to talk on their behalf. That means any meeting and resolutions arrived at with any so-called “very senior” lawyers and the resolutions thereof are null and void.

Further, Barrister Jackson Ngnie Kamga is not unaware that the Common Law Lawyers had joined other civil society associations working for the restoration of the statehood of Southern Cameroons to form the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium and made it the sole body to handle any issues with the government – where it could become necessary. This simply means no one, except the Consortium, through its elected representatives – some of whom are in detention and others on the run, have the power to conduct any negotiations on behalf of Common Law Lawyers.

Regarding the so-called promises made by the government, through the Minister of State, Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals to redeem demands made several months ago by Common Law Lawyers, the Consortium made it clear the measures which mostly represented political promises which could at any time be swept under the carpet, were too little and came too late.

We are calling on both national and international opinion to witness that the Biya-led regime can never be trusted at any time and instances abound to prove this point; where are the laptops promised to university students over one year today? Where is the 2 billion CFA F subvention promised to lay private and mission schools in Cameroon about five months back? Where is the ring-road Mr. Biya promised the people of the North West Region he would personally supervise over 22 years ago?

Thus, any reference to those promises, made worse with the inclusion of conditions, will be regarded henceforth as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition towards the peace loving people of the Southern Cameroons and shall be tantamount to unnecessary provocation.

We wish to re-iterate here that the strike by Common Law Lawyers and teachers in Southern Cameroons remain in full force until further notice. The said industrial actions shall only be called off whenever deemed necessary by the people of Southern Cameroons after a reform of their educational system and the completion of the process of putting in place of the Southern Cameroons BAR Association.

The Consortium is, therefore, calling on the people of Southern Cameroons to remain vigilant and resolute as we forge ahead with the ongoing unstoppable drive to restore the statehood our of dear nation.

God is with us!

For the Consortium,

Barrister Eyambe Elias, Deputy Secretary General Tassang Wilfred, Programs Coordinator

  1. this Barrister Jackson Ngnie Kamga has no respect for humanity and freedom , where did he study Law? if in Yaounde it won’t surprise anyone by his arrogance and disrespect for justice, all the anglophone locked up in jail and struggle,there are many importance issue in this struggle than one pitiful, deluded kamga

  2. Great rebuttal; this is precisely what I was waiting to hear from the officials of the Southern Cameroons Common Lawyers Consortium. I am extremely relieved by this unambiguous statement that no ground has been ceded to the murdering regime of the diaper wearing octogenarian despot of La Republique du Cameroun, and that there present course of action against the regime continues unabated.. It would have been unmitigated tragedy if, we, the people of Southern Cameroons, through our Common Lawyers Consortium, had reversed the ongoing course of action which has proven to be very effective against the machinations of that evil regime. Our young people at the universities of Buea and Bamenda did not sacrifice their lives only for us to dishonor their memories. So too, are our young women who where seriously humiliated and violated by being raped by the jack booted thugs of that evil regime who call themselves soldiers. From the name, I dare deduce that the President of the Cameroon Bar Association is not a Southern Cameroonian. He might have been tasked to sabotage the action now in vogue against this marauding regime ofthe Republic Cameroun. Let’s continue to be vigilant againstl vultures like Jackson Ngnie Kamga.

  3. We need ammunition to start with (plenty of AK-47, Shoulder to air grenades, etc). War is the answer and once we carry out a few brutal killings, it would not take long before the UN, LRC and France know we’re not playing. We have been having a lot of peaceful protests here and there and we need to start some for war planning. When we do, only full ethnic Ambazonian shall be granted entry into the planning hall and I mean people with no relationship or roots in LRC, regardless of the generation. Naturally, if I had to let in one non Ambazonian, I will let a Nigerian in the hall instead of any one with LRC background. war is not play. The UN knows that our destiny is in our hands and one gun shot can change the whole ball game. Block by Block. Neighborhood by Neighborhood

  4. No one with LRC background will be allowed to hold any position in future governments of Southern Cameroons either as a civil servant or politician. They should know well enough not to even try to live the country. They are the same ingrates sabotaging our current drive for restoration with their idiotic talk of federation. We have had enough from them of their disloyalty and ungratefulness!!!!

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