The way Forward by Rev. Friar Charles LYONGA MATUTE.
What I suggest is that all these leaders should meet take a vow and a written agreement that after the restoration no one stays in office. They should all give their powers then federal governments formed in the various states that will be created. This agreement should be as binding as the constitution. A two party system like that of the US should be preferable to clear off power mongering politicians who have nothing to offer rather than to use the political platform to enrich themselves like Ni John and Co.
So many GoFundme movements are being born day in day out. To me, there are more fake ones so I suggest we see into a body that such funds could be accounted for. Those collecting funds should do it with good faith and please no one should give money to a doubtful source and all those who cannot account for should note that when we get to Buea we shall try them.
It is time we seek strategies which will help our struggle. Let us shun from public critics of our fellow Ambazonians.Those Federalists who want to use our leaders in jail as their passport to remain under la republique slavery I have this for you:
Those in jail are not guilty of any crime and there is no law that will judge you on crimes committed after your arrest by others even if they are your accomplices so let us not try to twist justice to favour our course and make others look vulnerable. If Bala and co are to be judged it will be based on their stand as from the day of their arrest. And there is no case against them. So let us stop this quarter arguments. Those are some of the facts La Republique wants to use to intimidate us so as to negotiate for federation but we say too late Hewett. People who were arrested without any due procedures why do you think buying to the last wish of the government can be of any help. Even if Bala is for total restoration as a jurist he knows best that staying on his stand as from the time of his arrest will make the charges on secession complicated for his barbaric accusers.
So let us out here be focused and not get confused. Those back at home cannot openly declare secession as they shall be open to torture and intimidation. Those of us in the diaspora are to determine the turn of events so let us be united. I once again call on the church to stand for the truth and preach openly even if it means being killed is that not what we vowed; to denounce satan in all its form? I call on our bishops to work on the excommunication of Biya who is shameless and a disgrace to the Church.
I remain your humble Servant , Rev. Friar Charles LYONGA MATUTE a southern Cameroonian Roman Catholic missionary based in Italy.
We don’t even need federal system again. We want to go Rev. We have had enough of this nonsense. We want our FREEDOM. FREEDOM FOR OUR DARLING STATE “SOUTHERN CAMEROOM
You painted it out very well. I can only say YES.
As we build our nation back, we must put a very powerful system were no political part, no organization, no group of individuals, no person, … is ever going to raise above the people of Ambazonia or the state of Ambazonia.
And if they dare, they will face the entire nation of Ambazonia. I personally only financially support initiatives that all groups are part of so as encourage them to stick together for that is exactly what we need. I don’t favor a particular group or person even if they are really good. Most important for me, the united front is also militaristically minded,
I am for the whole family, we must stand together as one, weak and strong, better or not, shining or not shining. This is the foundation that we must stand on weather we are arguing, shouting at each other or not.
I don’t have anything to do with Lovers of LRC, I tolorate very well people of federation because I was once one. My days of being a lover of LRC was when I was out of my mind.
I honestly do believe that the SC United Front is the way forward but a lot of structuring has to take place and is taking place.
All SC should unit under SCACUF, it has more structure,credibility and away from the brutality and bribery of LRC, SCACUF should be communicating more to SC people abroad and at home on social media and word of mouth,making itself known as the only well organised body to move this struggle to it’s main goals of total restoration, many people at home does not know SCACUF because it was formed when the internet was blocked,the Consortium has the duty to continue to tell the people that they are SCACUF especially as LRC is trying to bribe Balla and all those vulnerable locked up in kondengui prison, LRC needs to know that this struggle is not about a few individuals who will be fooled with a high governmental position, just to be another powerless,traitor puppet slave for the LRC regime just like the many weak anglophones
Now is the time we Southern Cameroon’s Had to come out of slavery and tortured. I listen to power mongers who said the struggle has ended. I ask myself then were are our leaders? are they dead!. I want to seize this opportunity to talk to all Southern Cameroonians, we should not use our own hands and break our own eggs. Our leaders had launched a fight and all they need from us is a push because we had suffers a lot in the hands of this colonial masters who had nothing to offer but instead collect from us. I had weakness several wrongs happening in this Country but who I’m I to talk. The President knows our ability and the rick potential we had that is why they are talking every thing from us. South West had all the rick potential in Cameroon but we can not boost of any industry or transformation units. The President of La Republic talk of emerging Cameroon through agriculture, where was he went he was young and vibrant?. Dear Southern Cameroonian today is the time we should reunite to mark the end of our struggle
We have never being united like this, these shows that we are moving towards restoration. And our people are ready for any upstarckle. Biya,s government is crombling gradually god is hearing cry for 55yrs with an illegitimate government that has enslaves our people this time we say enough.and after our restoration I think we should build up a political plattform of that we shouldn’t endup fighting among our selves.and there should be transparency in everything we do.long leave ambasland the struggle continues.