divide and rule







My dear people,

Tuesday November 13th, we woke to a horrifying tragedy that plaqued our land, with heartbreaking images reminding us of French Cameroun’s huge appetite to kill Ambazonians, images that would only lead us to agony, sorrow, sleepless nights and sadness. Once again we saw the evil forces of occupation at the height of their mission to obliterate every living soul within our territory.

Over the past 48 hours, I have had the longest nights after a while, with the tragic incident in Donga Mantung County hovering my thoughts. I am aware that as a result, the emotions across the nation of Ambazonia, home and abroad does not differ even though our responses and/or reactions to the saga may have some conflicts in retrospective.

Ambazonians, we are in an existential battle as we pave our way to freedom through this daring expedition- our Independence actualization. The damages and disasters from this war brought upon Ambazonians by French Cameroun are devastating to our nation, to our people, and most especially to the youths, our women and children.

This war has inflicted unthinkable pain on our determined and brave restoration forces who toil day and night with very limited resources believing that sooner we will look at the planes in the skies and design ours, observe the beauties of Paris, Dubai, Los Angeles and have the very opportunity to build our own. Inspite of the uncertainties, they lay down their lives to fight, with the hope that some day Ambazonia will have a voice in this unpredictable world.

It is excruciating to see our beloved brothers being disgracefully wasted by a foreign enemy in their own land. I know the level of sadness that may bring, but we should learn to accept sadness. We have to realize that without losing some battles, winning the war would not be so memorable. I look unto that day because this is a war we shall win.

Regardless of all, we can not minimize the need to place a check on those routes that led to some failures. The truth is, you can better appreciate the wideness and thickness of a forest when you step back and observe from the side mountains.

Fellow Ambazonians,

Over the last 48 hours, I have been to the mountain top, I have taken out time to scan thoroughly, to refine our strategies and counter strategies. I realised that if there is one method employed by the enemy consistently, it is the unfortunate act to turn our own against the struggle. That is exactly the main reason why our hideouts and intelligence might have been punctured sometimes. We have had fake boys stationed in our midst to rake our committies and commit unwarranted acts against our people. This is how our fighters in Donga Mantung were victimized.

We are strict with discipline in our effort to implement the Amba Peace Plan, mobilizing and securing our counties LGA by LGA because situations like the Donga Mantung County saga are predictable and with strictness can be avoidable. I understand that some seeking for their selfish gains have chosen to sabotage this laudable effort with frivolous and ferocious charges against us.

We will not delay our victory by tolerating disorder as we prosecute this war. In the days ahead I will be addressing the General RK and Boyo county affair. As at now, I am carefully consulting with ASC, the affected people of Boyo while the brave general RK undergoes rehabilitation. I would tell you this with no fear of contradiction that, this interim government has genuine concerns and love for every Ambazonian defence soldier more than any individual or group within this revolution. I therefore urge every single Ambazonian to stay resolute and be sure of a great outcome in our endeavours.

Good people of Ambazonia,

Our resilience is our inspiration,
our struggle is rapidly gaining global recognition and steam, with the recent debate at the UK Parliament calling for practical measures to address the ongoing conflict, we should be motivated to galvanize and valorize our ground game using the Amba peace plan, mobilize our counties LGA by LGA. This premium strategy is our unique opportunity to take responsibility from our various communities and secure total liberty in no distant time.

There are some few evil pratitioners trying to endorse the federalist show of arrogance and hypocrisy in our land through AAC3, they are merely doing so to gain and deviate attention. They shall surely hit the rocks. Ambazonians I call on you all to stay focus because this conference has been banned in Ambazonia and so shall it be.

In the end, I wish to remind you that our President Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe and our other leaders will be in the kangaroo courts of Yaounde today 15th November 2018. As we hope with great expectations, we should never forget that freedom is a hard but honourable choice to make and we must fight to defend it. Let us enforce the national shutdown of our entire territory-Sisiku AyukTabe National ghost town day, stay vigilant, prayerful and hopeful.

Long live Ambazonia,
Short live the war,
God bless you
And may God bless the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.

Dr. Samuel Sako

  1. Nice, coming from our beloved leader and Acting President. We are behind you. We hope that Comrade Cho Ayaba will do the right thing and request to join our country’s IG before it is too late.

  2. this guy is all about nonsense speech, the IG is weak, they are taking the 6th step without taking the first, you seek power at the peoples’ expense, you promise to leave power if you do not take us to buea after MT2B contribution please resign please Sako Resign ResignResignResignResignResignResignResignResignResignResignResignResignResignResignResign

  3. Mark Bareta, you are an IDIOT, I personally address you an IDIOT. An INDOMITABLE FOOL you are Mark. Why would sako wait for the people to cry this long before he could come out to say he loved the ambazonian people? Why would sako being a pastor not able to allow transparency in the accounts of the IG? Why would sako lied to the people through you that because of the multiple calls made by capo daniel, his presentation on the decolonisation of ambazonia was cancelled? Why hasn’t sako for the length of time he’s been in office knocked just one international door to present our case? Why is sako in tete-a-tete with other frontline activists? Why are you Mark Bareta not willing to tell sako and chris anus in the face the evil they are committing on GZ? Mark you are part of this evil, I pronounce you guilty. Why would sako through your desperate accomplice eric tataw refuse assistance to other groups of fighters not belonging to ASC because they did not fall under ASC? Are we fighting for personal interest or collective interest? Is there anybody so supernatural to free ambazonia more than the other? I have earlier told you, the day these people will know the other side of you Mark, they will hunt you without MERCY. You are a traitor Mark. This your platform is nothing more than CRTV and VISION 4 TV. What is difficult for sako and chris anus to assume their failures and greed and relent for other capable men to carry on? The notion of the term IG is killing this revolution, knowing well that we don’t have a government. A government that is not recognized anywhere in the wide world. A government that controls its territory but on facebook. A president that is unable to meet a colleague and present our case for fostering. A secretary of communications that is good at stupid communiques but unable to release the promised hell to lrc. A communication secretary that is highly tribal in actions than Atam Milan. You Mark, you think you are maneuvering the people, but you will realize that they are only taking strides while waiting for the right time to hang you. When this IG will finally collapse, you will certainly go stay in a cave. I am writing to you because you were more than active and truthful in this revolution than any other person. I remember the days when Mark writes, or when Mark in live, come see viewers. Young man, my advice to you is you better hear the cry of your people and join the team. Even if we get federation, Mark, the people
    WILL NOT forgive you. They WILL hunt you down. IG is a band of greedy individuals and you know it, yet you decided to sell your people. What love has sako for the people when they are refusing to help other group fighters? What love has sako for us when they colluded with lrc to kidnapped students at PSS Nkwen? What love has the IG when they refuse to give medications and mattresses donated by other NGOs to the refugee in Nigeria, with pretext that they were waiting for the right time? You people dismissed Atam Milan for betraying Ayuk and Co, yet you went again and extended a hand of fellowship to Milan. What game are you people playing? Go listen to Dr. Success Nkongho. Mark I have a lot to say, but I will tell you this. IG had bribe you, that’s fact. But I will tell you not to be afraid that they will point you finger. The money they gave you is still your money, it is ambazonia money. Tell the people what they did to you and shame the devil. You people are blaming Ayaba about oil deal, let me ask : if a free born will sell their possessions to free his people from slavery and a slave master is selling these your very possessions to oppress and suppress you the more, bought ammunition to kill you and your people, which would you prefer? How can someone table you a project and starts disclosing to all when you have not checked to verify the authenticity of the project? You see that Ayaba was even setup by you people of the IG. How come he was attacked immediately without even seeing the company of interest? You people planted everything just to tarnish that guy’s reputation in the eys of the Ambazonia people. Mark, repent and be truthful this time, or you will live to testify your regrets.

  4. My advice to the IG is to stay calm and don’t accept any pressure that
    is coming your way. Sako, do not move an inch.

    AGC, SOCADEF, MoRISC, … you will never be part of Ambazonia. We will never ever
    allow these fools to rule us, never.
    We Ambazonians are going to die in our numbers to make sure these devils
    never ever lead us.

    WE ARE NOT BEGGING YOU Ayab, Akwanga, Boh, … We will never beg you. Will
    die, be slaves to Biya, that beg you. We do not want you people. You are a curse.

    WE Ambazonians are responsible for everything that is happening, We
    Ambazonians know very well the traitors, the problem makers, the fools
    but we do not want to put them in their place. Crazy Ambazonians want
    fools to be their leaders.

    All these carnage is happening simply because of people in the diaspora,
    who does not want County by County? but guess what, we are not turning

    RIP Amigo.

    1. To the IG,
      if you keep trying to be the one in charge everywhere, we will come after you.
      Don’t interfere with the county by county or we will destroy everything. Stay away,
      you are not going to chose leaders for us at the County or LGA level.

      Eric should assume full control of military issues.

  5. Eric,please let hungry no kill we oooo.
    The senseless burning of the vehicle in Muyuka carrying flour to Kumba could be avoided.
    After all,it is for Ambazonia.
    Advice GZ boys please.


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