Independence day speech of the Acting President Ambazonia




June 18, 2018

Dear Ambazonians:
Accept revolutionary greetings from your humble servant. I want to clarify some aspects stated in multiple audios that have emerged on social media recently because you, the people of Ambazonia, deserve to know the truth about IG workings toward our independence restoration.

First, we recognize that, at this stage of our liberation war, stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. Despite our challenges, we are making significant progress and the enemy is desperately using all crooked methods and agents to weaken our momentum and determination. I can assure you that we have crossed a point of negative return. Thus, our focus is Buea and nothing but Buea.

Second, I want to assure Ambazonians that your leadership, in the IG and ASC, is not sleeping. Together with other groups and individuals, we are leveraging resources and expertise and opportunities on the diplomatic and self-defence fronts. We are aware that some attacks on the IG are ploys by LRC with the intent to understand how IG and ASC operate. We will not fall to the trap of the enemy. For security and safety reasons, the diplomatic activities of the IG and self-defence activities of the ASC are embedded in a complex web for the success of the liberation war. These tactics and strategies are bringing success. While we recognize that mistakes are made, which is normal as humans, and like any Government, we will learn and emerge stronger.

Third, the IG, like the ASC, has well established processes and mechanisms of operation and manned with bright Ambazonians that we shall all be proud of when we celebrate our victory in Buea. This liberation fight is above any one person and therefore, we must channel our energies, ideas and resources to ultimately restore our statehood.
Fourth, there is so much noise out there especially in the social media. Yes, we will continue to use social media as one of our weapons. But, we would like to encourage fellow Ambazonians to ask difficult questions whenever they receive an audio. Not every audio, video, or analysis is entirely from Ambazonia. Most of the time, this information is deliberately circulated by LRC agents as one of their tools to create confusion among Ambazonians.

Finally, we are working within an international community and our actions and behavior strives to remain within the international norms. On behalf of the men and women who work day and night in the IG, I want to assure Ambazonians that we are up and above our task. The ultimate goal of Ambazonians independence is non-negotiable and we are closer to victory than ever before.

We are working together, for the good of everyone, and we count on your usual support and loyalty.

Thank you,
Secretary of State Department of Homeland Security

Federal Republic of Ambazonia

  1. The IG & ASC are not going to be rushed by anyone. I have paid to mytriptobuea & my wife has done the same, received our tickets.
    A gentleman came to our town hall meeting on MTTB in our chapter on the weekend and was asking why the ASC has not yet provided bla bla to the boys. First, I asked if he has contributed to MTTB or Changshoesboys and he stammered, then said the IG should used what she has already question is, if everyone were to assume that others have already paid, will the IG have any fund to support ground zero? The drive to donate to MTTB or changshoesboys is the atrocities and suffering of our pipo and not what IG has done with “already collected” because you are assuming/ hoping that somw one else contributed and have no absolute certainty.
    Let us assume that the IG has monwy available for ground zero work, can you instead of being a complainer, call IG or ASC with information on how to safely bring “Ndikang” to Ambazonia at record time compared to what they are currently doing?
    Contribute to MTTB, you give excuses; contribute to changshoes boys, you give excuses; contribute to ARCC, you give excuses; contribute to SOCADEF, you give excuses; now listen to me, you are tuned-out by the IG and ASC.
    Contribute where ever you want, MTTB changshoesboys etc instead of doing nothing and complaining incessantly.

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