Ayaba Cho, CIC AGC





Fellow soldiers of the Revolution,

The state of our revolution is good and our triad approach remains relevant today as they were two years ago. We must remain fiercely opposed to all those who seek to advance Cameroon’s interest in our land. We must fight like the last generation existing to defend the independence of Ambazonia, protect our people and seek justice for those unjustly afflicted. We will hunt every member of the Biya regime and bring even their corpse to Buea for trial. You hurt an Ambazonia and we will find you wherever. Our blood spilled, liberty curtailed, pain felt will be remembered for ever by those who survive; but Ambazonia will not forget or forgive those who have spilled the blood of its people

Thank you for still believing in the dream. Thank you for being the Never Again Generation that has refused to succumb to the bestialities of alien rule imposed from a distant brutal outfit. You remain the master of your destiny and the singular authors of your own history. We have done well as a people in prosecuting our revolution and history has recorded our endeavors.

We must now strengthen the bridge we built in Washington and make sure everyone is involved; especially those visibly and deliberately excluded during our talks. The state of our revolution is good and the weeks ahead will be more difficult.

When my words wouldn’t inspire you anymore, the vigor of my strategies weakened and the relevance of my name by friends and foes long forgotten, the defence of the freedom of Ambazonia must still remain a project worth fighting and dying for.

God bless Ambazonia and protect our soldiers.

Dr Cho Ayaba, Leader, Ambazonia Governing Council

  1. Thank you CIC Dr. Cho Ayaba. As a proud and participating citizen of Ambazonia, I pledge my support to our revolution until Ambazonia regains her freedom. We are stronger when we are together/speak with one voice. Thank you and other leaders for thinking about the common good of the enslaved people of Southern Cameroon.

    1. Broda Bali Nyonga,
      In a message received via WhatsApp yesterday, I read with disgust that the Fon of Bali Nyonga, a CPDM bulwark, declared he was converting the prison farm in Bali to a LRC military camp in an effort to neutralize Ambazonian fight for freedom. I wonder what comment you have for your royal highness.

      1. Bro Mbeuh,
        Don’t mind the empty throne of Bali Nyongha. He and his multiple wives have relocated to Yaounde for 2 months now. Amba reigns in Bali and it’s from Bali that the onslaught on Abakwa will arise. Watch Mamfe, Widikum, Batibo and Bali axis of this resistance. He is just blowing hot air for a favor from the butcher-of-CameroUn. He now finds himself in a bind, can’t believe it but just accepts his fate. He knows that the chicken that he, Fon Ganyonga has, we the Bali people have the hen that laid the egg that produced the chicken. We will solve him like “ABC” and he knows the people of his village. We have succeeded to establish a strong restorattion force base in Bali and has been purging the village of traitors. Why has he and all his wives moved to Yaounde on a sort of self exile. Stupid man

  2. Thanks bro for sharing your opinion of the traitor Fon. The struggle shall go on for as long as it takes until freedom is attained.

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