Junior SOBAN Brian Njotsa in his quest to understand the current wave of financial contributions towards the fight against Boko Haram sought to know my position in terms of the current financial contributions. In summary he mentioned how the military budget for 2015 was squarely increased. He made mentioned of traditional rulers from Bamboutous division dishing out 22 million CFA to the Minister of Defence Edgar Alain, another 207 million was dished to the minister from resident of the littoral province, the residents from Northwest contributed 80 million and the contribution spree continues to other regions. Brian recalled the 1986 lake Nyos incidnt where food items and basics necessities were made available but ended up at the home of Government officials. He lambasted the situation in 1994 where money was contributed to support the indomitable lions world cup team in USA which also got missing, the Minister of communication ended up by saying the money got missing in the plane between Mvomeka and USA…..now what do I make of these contributions?
My Position:
My Position:
While I support in principle the support of the nation towards the army fight against Boko Haram. I personally think the matches organised in support of the army is the best the Cameroun people can give the military.My Junior brother Brian has put his thoughts so well with glaring examples.From these examples, we should understood that nothing good can come from this ruling Yaounde Junta.The ruling class always look for situations like this to squeeze money from the citizens.It has been always political. Those who contributes these money are all CPDM fanatics who needs political gain, they are playing to the gallery, they all are trying to cover their corrupt practices so that they would keep evading taxes, for every one million each person contribute, they receive four times that through corruption and shady deals with the Government.Some are doing to increase their bargaining power to tilt developmental projects and contracts in their favour.In fact the Cameroon of today has no rule of doing things,you must belong to that class.
Those military personnel both at the war front and injured will not receive a dime, if they do it will be peanuts. The Cameroun people do not even know where this fund is going, how will it be used. From previous examples of contributions in this country, the government cannot be trusted. Our politicians are heartless, didn’t you see the recent container of food stuffs being offered disappearing up the north? Have we heard anybody saying anything? Have we seen any country in the world engaging in military battles and their citizens contributing money to support the Government?
The military budget should take care of that and when that is increase, other budgets heads are touched therefore indirectly the whole nation should be contributing to the fight.At the end of the day Cameroon is
God is still saying something
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