penal code

“Merry Christmas!”
Merry Christmas my dear Kongnyuy. You of all should know the importance of Christmas; unless you are telling me your father never told you your name means God’s love! Yes, it is his love that has kept us and enabled us to bear with the intolerance from Nkokoma for this half century.

You know what? I have pardoned the insensitivity of your half siblings because I know that they know that there exist a problem which they say is not a problem! They are like the goat who told the dog, “What you have just seen and are barking, I saw it long ago but chose to remain silent!” But silent for how long? Little wonder that sheep like as they are, they are let to slaughter without opening their mouths!

For how long can a rightful heir continue to be satisfied with handfuls of food doled out to him from his rightful inheritance by an usurper? For how long can a person bear the shame after he has been stripped of his dignity and deprived of the cultural identity that defines him and gives value to him as a person?

You can’t say shadows don’t exist just because you sit in darkness. You cannot resign yourself to accept the lie and falsehood by constantly allowing greedy brothers to eat all the meat while you are contented with eating fufu with empty sauce!

You have as much right to the legacy like the rest! My friend, shine your eyes! “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery”, because “a fool at fifty is a fool forever!”
Back to the feast of Christmas; let me leave you with the words of the angel to the shepherds in the nearby fields of Bethlehem: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people…” (Lk. 2: 1-14).

Yes, the struggles and resilience of the few today is going to serve the general good for tomorrow’s generation. Keep in mind that the liberation of the oppressed presupposes the liberation of the oppressor!

Before I go, find out whether Ngala and all the others who were kidnapped have been released without ransome. Enanga should not go to Nkokoma on the same day that Foncham is expected Upkontry. They are expected to speak with one voice because it concerns the “Die for big compound!” Once more, merry Christmas! Wishing you God’s abundant blessings! Peace be with you!

PCC Synod Clerk

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