Stop the Genocidal Violence before Cataclysmic Loss of Life – ARCC Warns the International Community

The Ambazonia Recognition Collaboration Council (ARCC), has recently alerted the international community on the need to take concrete and urgent actions to curb the ongoing war crimes, atrocities and genocidal violence, perpetuated by the colonial forces of La Republique du CameroUn, against the sovereign people and territory of Ambazonia. The ARCC leaders made this call last Sunday, February 25, 2018 in Washington DC (USA), amidst growing fears that the increasing violent conflict would result in cataclysmic loss of life.

According to the ARCC communiqué signed by one of its front line leaders Dr. Cho Ayaba, leader of the AGC, over 200 Southern Cameroonians have been slaughtered by Mr. Biya’s terrorist forces since the beginning of February, with their crime being the fact that they are English-speaking citizens and allegedly identify the Ambazonian independent movement.

“The senseless massacre which have continued unabated since October, 2016, include execution-style killings and beheading of civilians whose main crime stems from the fact that they are English-Speaking or are suspected of identifying themselves as Ambazonians. The ongoing group-targeted violence in Ambazonia shares the same seed of evil that ultimately led to the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.” The statement noted.

“As bad as it already is, the violence promises to get worse. The regime of Mr. Biya has deployed thousands of additional troops to Ambazonia where an increasing number of civilians arrested, tortured and put on mock trial have been lynched, summarily executed or, in some gruesome cases, beheaded or burnt alive. Photos and videos of the atrocities have been documented and widely disseminated on the internet by regime forces, as part of a campaign of fear designed to break the resolve of those campaigning for the break-up of present day Cameroon into two independent States.” They added.

ARCC further reminds the international community of the current spread of hate messages on both sides of the political divide (Ambazonians and LRC’ans), with soldiers of LRC spreading audios announcing the training and impending deployment of a killer squads to Ambazonia in late March, to indiscriminately kill civilians. On the other hand, Ambazonians are spreading audios of plans to launch attacks in other cities across in CameroUn, while urging Ambazonians in French cities to return home in order to avoid being victims of genocide. This reminder, according to ARCC is particularly directed to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, who currently leads the African Union, and President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leon, the first African nation to recognise the Palestine Liberation Organization.

ARCC equally notes the cross razing of entire Ambazonian villages, cross-border genocide, trial of citizens in military tribunals and the handing over of long jail sentences to Ambazonian citizens through Kangaroo Court trials. All these repressive measures according to the revolutionary gentlemen, are not in anyway going to stop the resolve of Ambazonians from fighting to the end to get what they want – which is the total restoration of the independence of Ambazonia under the colonial occupation of LRC.

Describing as provocative, the decision of the SDF to filled in a Presidential candidate at a time when the majority of Ambazonians have vowed that there will be no elections in Ambazonia, ARCC warns the world that, the UN, African Union and the Commonwealth officials are to be blamed for the escalation and mass killings. These is because, the leaders of the UN and Commonwealth have all swallowed their tongues, since after making brief visits to the Cameroons, and have first hand information of what is happening. They also blame Britain, the former colonial master of Ambazonia, for the botched decolonization process, especially as the territory of was already self-governing in 1954 even before the independence of the territory.

In conclusion, ARCC, describe as laughable the adoption of a 10 State Federation by the SDF in its last convention, noting that, even the two States Federation, equal in Status prescribed by the UN, which was once accepted by Ambazonians, has become a nonstarter. ARCC, therefore “pledges to pursue the revolution until Ambazonia is recognized as Africa’s youngest sovereign nation.”

James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst.

  1. What are you afraid of ?
    Cry cry Ambazonia.
    You are the one who kill and destroy and you want to warn international.
    Please stop your hypocrisy useless Ambazozo.
    What do you call souvereign people ? the groupuscule that is hiding in the forest and acting cowardly against the people of the NW and SW ?
    You will be punished, you be chased even in the forest you are hiding.
    You will be cut off from the funding if any,

    Long Live Cameroon

    1. You so called ambozanians are terrorists,hypocrites and devils.all the killings and crimes you people have committed against humanity have been noted. Your time is coming soon.

  2. Saa you are the number one idiote, follow blindly ambazozo.
    you will be loser forever.
    The fact is you will not get inch of our country.

    Long Live Cameroon

  3. @ MOG
    Please Sir, you want to see only what you want your ayes to see.
    Ambazozo are the only responsible for this coward attact.
    Ambazoz are treathning people to follow their satanic ideology, but it will be just failure.
    Nobody in cameroon will such satanic ideology,
    – Ambazozo torched school
    – Ambazozo torched churchs
    – Ambazozo beheading the population of SW and NW
    Please to all of you who believe and respect human being, stop funding those terrorist called Ambazonia

    Long Live Cameroon

  4. @ Saa
    The only thing you know is to insult people.
    I dont need to insult you to make you understand that your ideology is satanic and it is just make money and kill people of NW and SW cameroon.
    Everybody know your agenda, but fortunately it is a failure in any way.
    Keep hiding in the buches, we will find you and punish you accordingly.
    You will get no issue, believe me.
    Long Live Cameroon

  5. @James Agbor,
    Sir what a funny writeup, how can draw the international community attention on a particular matter and at the same time trying to educate them? You should first educate yourself on how to lead a revolution before start one. Isn’t you who urged the killing of anyone not in agreement with your satanic ideology, killing of students/teachers, calling for civil war? It’s very pathetic on your part to talk about genocide. Do you really think the world is da stupit as the people who follow you?
    Whenever you choose to take weapons against a country military, you should not expect to be treated with kindness. Even the USA don’t tolerate those who mess with the integrity of their territory. You are talking to wrong people my brother; the USA now view Ambazon as a terrorist group.
    One more point, stop saying that most Anglophone want this ill idea of secession.

    1. Jojo not only most anglophones but ALL anglophones wants secession. If u want to prove us wrong why not call for the referendum ?

      1. I don’t want secession so the chairman and our new MINAT ministry what else? your logique of “all” do mot hold any waters? Nice try anyway.

  6. Don’t worry, I already exposed all the infiltrators and people of Cameroun roots on this forum. I caught them with their pants down and you simply need to read their emotional responses to my previous post to know that, for them, I got home (Including George). All the true natural Amba pikins did not bother about my posts, because they are naturally 100% Amba. Sorry for you with great great great great grand parents amd family from Cameroun, trying to be one of us. Be yourself and love your country Cameroun. We are Amba forever. No love for you. So, to Amba pikins here, don’t respond or be offended by any of these illegal immigrants in Ambaland who protested against my previous posts. Now you know who they are and their reactions to my posts only goes to confirm that they will easily betray and stab you in the back. Hate them!

    1. Atem I am Ejagham a true Amba pikin. You write sometimes a lot of nonsense. My problem is that you generalise facts. Your way of thinking is racist and quite harmful to our struggle.

  7. Genocide? What genocide? Either you don’t know what the word means (which I doubt) or your being intellectually dishonest. Enough with the hyperbole you almost sound like Atanga Nii Paul.

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