The State of our revolution is very strong
After haven read the so called La Republique Du Cameroun military text circulating on social media that details the 17th June , 2018 battle in Ekona, Southern zone and the multiple reports from Denizens on ground zero confirming the transport of corpses to Buea and Douala mortuaries, we can now again give a big gun salutes to the Southern Cameroons restoration forces in Ekona and all those who came for back up. Multiple reports coming from journalists based on the ground in Buea confirm scores of military casualties and at least 5 civilians.
We are aware that the military do not carry civilian or restoration forces corpses to the mortuary, it is only theirs . Most often they took pictures of restoration forces corpses to mock at us.
As a young revolution, each day is a learning process. We must recall that our restoration forces are civilians first and foremost who have decided to pick up arms to defend their land. They have no military training and if they can be doing what they are doing now without the necessary weaponry and training, what then will happen when they have the real combined deal.
Yes, this platform acknowledges that there has been many calls on the IG ASC to act swiftly and I have been on them too. Things will begin to fall in place very soon, therefore we must exercise restrain so that we do not unintentionally give La Republique enough Information they may use tactically and militarily against us. This is why we must caution ourselves as we do not know who read us or listen to our audios/videos.
We are happy that ALL our restoration forces are in good shape and morale. Rebuilding another camp is not an issue. Let us thank them for the brave fight they did yesterday while making sure all defense units and ASC goes to work behind the scenes to stabilise any worries.
We put in prayers civilians caught up in the Ekona battle.
Let us be confident in our pursuit to Buea and by all means #WaterNaWater we are on course to Buea.
Mark Bareta
We love you ground zero.
We are proud of you wonderful defense actions, we are getting all the reports
and images.
You know what to do.
Water Na Water.
Malis & Co
You must have had a very bad and long sleepless night. Why are you preaching hate ? Why are all of you so called ambazonians not bold enough to condemn this kidnappers ?? Is this how you intend to raise funds for your imaginary country ??
I am still waiting for you to come out clearly and condemn the kidnapping of my brothers and sisters by your followers.
Is this the way you aim to leave in your imaginary country ? We never knew this until ambazonians surfaced.
please call for an end of this kidnappings and tell your followers that it is wrong.
Be courageous enough to do so.
Papito and your type. You should be happy they are “kidnapped” and later released unharmed. Can the military kidnap and let go without hurting the victim? How many have the military kidnapped and how many have they released?
Only your government shall drop guns first. As you can see we are thinking of supplying our boys with the same type of weapons your heartless military own.From here we shall see who owns Ambaland. If the kitchen is too hot move to the parlour.
Wata na wata
Till now no restoration army including ADF , Tigers , Vipers etc etc are holding a locality in CameroUn. The day you will. I’ll respect you. Keep up killing and being killed.
Bitches. Cowards.
Mua Isaac,
God punish you. Why do you continue to promote and preach hate ?
Why are you afraid to condemn the kidnappers ?? Stand up and say no to it.
The military has kidnapped nobody but have been sacrificing to get people you have kidnapped released.
Why are you trying to raise funds by kidnapping innocent souls.
I repeat CONDEMN the act of kidnapping if you are bold enough to do like I have been doing.
Animal like you.
@Papito ;;
Mua Isaac and Co,
Bear in mind the stupid young boys you are encouraging to kidnap people never did this before. They will one day kidnap your relatives back home but make sure you do not cry when it happens because you will not be able to raise money for their release. You are warned.
I can understand you are so much frustrated after all the long years spent abroad sweeping the streets with nothing to show. That is why you are blowing hot air behind your computer so that the young prosperous guys at home will not progress in their lives by going to fight a lost battle. How on earth can you imagine youths who have no training and carrying hunting guns can resist a well trained army carrying Kalashnikovs ?? Please stop this carnage. Stop brainwashing innocent youths with your lies and hate speeches. Enough is enough.
Come out clearly and CONDEMN this act of kidnapping like I have been brave to do.
Is this how you dream of funding your imaginary ambazonia ? Totally wrong. We do not commercialize human beings.