Over the weekend from the 7-10 July, 2017, the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front-SCACUF met in Nigeria where a Governing Body for the Southern Cameroons was set up.BaretaNews will like to throw more lights on the resolutions reached. It is clear from the resolutions sent to BaretaNews that the Southern Cameroons now has a governing body. This governing body has three organs
1. The Executive Council
2. The Legislative
3. The Judicial
SCACUF after four days of meeting in the conclave elected Sessekou Ayuk Julius Tabe as the Chairman, Mr. Tassang Wilfred as the Vice Chairman and Mr. Millan Atam as the Secretary General of the executive council. The other positions have not been made known. What we now understand is that the Southern Cameroons has a government in the place of a governing body. The appellation which SCACUF is telling us is that they have a Chairman of the executive council. This Chairman is the head of the governing body and in that capacity act on/behalf of Southern Cameroons. Now those of you who call him an interim President or Interim Prime Minister really does not matter. It is all a matter of semantics. The message is that he is the head and now leads the governing body. Any of such appellation according to my understanding can go. In the same light Mr. Tassang Wilfred can still be addressed as Deputy President or Deputy Prime Minister and Mr. Millan Atam, the Secretary of State. However, let me be clear that these appellations do not matter. All that the people of Southern Cameroons need is for these persons to march the people to Buea. Like I have been saying , those who control the ground game shall be the ones to lead people to Buea.
These are some of the resolutions reached at the conclave
- The Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Education Board was created under the new Governing body. This board shall communicate a new academic Calender and a different curriculum for our people sooner.In this light, any school or institution that will open its doors without the directives from the interim governing body will be seen to have committed treason against the state of Southern Cameroons as such the consequences shall be unknown. Adhering to La Republique calender is treason.
- The SCACUF conclave also created a Southern Cameroons Defense Committee that will be in charge for the defense of Southern Cameroons. This defense committee, BaretaNews is told will be under the direct supervision of the governing body. The conclave concluded that self defense is a legitimate right. The Southern Cameroons Governing body under the leadership of Chairman Sessekou Ayuk Julius Tabe is taking the high roads. Indeed surprises are abound. Some never knew slave trade, the most inhumane trade in human history will ever end but it did. The slavery and annexation of Southern Cameroons by the colonial regime of La Republique will soon come to its end.
- The conclave also informed Southern Cameroonians that SCAPAC will henceforth be the treasury arm of the Southern Cameroons governing body. It shall manage finances. SCAPAC Board shall be reconstituted we are told.In this way, my understanding is that SCAPAC under the supervision of the interim government shall take charge of the payment of salaries of teachers, lawyers etc. This is the more reason every son and daughter especially those out of Southern Cameroons are encourage to register on the SCACUF website and start paying your taxes. You can call it the citizen levy, contribution or whatever. We are told, a more affordable means shall be made available for those who are home and who are willing to also belong in the contribution scheme.
- The conclave called for the immediate and unconditional release of Barrister Felix NkonghoAgborBalla, Dr. Fontem Neba, Mancho Bibixy, Justice Paul Ayah Abine, students from various institutions of learning and all the other abductees now languishing in the dungeons of “La Republique du Cameroun”.
- The Conclave Expressed outrage and condemned the GENOCIDAL policies of “La Republique du Cameroun” against the peace-loving people of the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia, and deplored the continued abduction, incarceration and systematic torture of the citizens of Ambazonia in the torture centers of the Yaounde government.
- Condemned in strong terms the removal and court martialing of civilians in military courts far away from the areas where they were arrested and arbitrary trials of accused persons without legal assistance in a language they do not understand and under a different legal system in total violation of the Banjul Ruling in Communication 266/2009 and other international instruments to which Cameroun is a signatory.