Brussels-Belgium: March 31 – April 2, 2017

Conference Theme:‘‘Building Global Synergy towards the Restoration of the Statehood of the former British Southern Cameroons”

Southern Cameroonians the world over will be concerting in a Three (3) day Conference in Brussels – the capital of Europe, from March 31 – April 2, 2017 on the Theme: ‘‘Building Global Synergy towards the Restoration of the Statehood of the former British Southern Cameroons”

The objectives of the Conference shall be a come together of all Southern Cameroonians of goodwill, all stakeholders involved in the Restoration of the Statehood and Independence of the former British Southern Cameroons, all the leaders of any movements involved in the liberation of Southern Cameroons at home and abroad.

This Conference is being organized by ‘The Interim Consortium Leadership’ in conjunction with All Southern Cameroonians in Europe and will be held abroad instead of at home, for reasons we already know. Given that Nation Building is a Civic Responsibility and State Loyalty is an Obligation, it is therefore, our civic responsibility as Southern Cameroonians to participate fully and or setup a ‘Coalition of the Willing’ in the Building of Our Nation.

In order to successfully build up an outstanding nation, we need visionary, patriotic, selfless and level-headed people. We have a nation under colonial occupation with conspiracy and manipulation from France in particular, some agencies of the United Nations and some of our own greedy and overzealous Southern Cameroons elites and politicians.

The annexed and colonised peoples of the Southern Cameroons have suffered for the past 55 years; subjected to numerous forms of atrocities including: the suppression of the rights of association and meetings; suppression of the right to freedom of expression; shutting-down of the internet in the entire Southern Cameroons territory; maiming, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, arbitrary arrests and summary executions. We are facing the possibility of a genocide being committed by the Government of La Republique du Cameroun against our people. For over five decades, we have complained, protested, wept, mourned, and even tried to accept our fate by requesting a compromise proposal of a federation.

Unfortunately, we have only had arrests, maiming, torture, rape, extrajudicial killings/murders, increased exploitation and systematic efforts to eradicate our cultural heritage and complete the process of annexation and wipe out our Anglo-Saxon identity.

Since the early fifties we have risen at different times against the oppressive regime of Cameroun Republic, but the response has been unacceptable brutality. In the wake of the Lawyers and Teachers strike actions, our people have risen from every nook and cranny of the world in one voice. This therefore presents a golden opportunity to Southern Cameroonians to achieve the independence we have been yearning for over decades. Hence the objectives of this Southern Cameroon European Conference 2017 shall be to:

1) Define a united front for the struggle of the restoration of Southern Cameroons independence;
2) Harness all efforts and resources both human and material available for this struggle;
3) Put in place an all-inclusive structure that will coordinate this struggle;
4) Outline the role of Southern Cameroons based at home and in the diaspora towards this struggle;
5) Put in place a robust and accountable fundraising mechanism;
6) Outline a possible roadmap for the struggle with possible alternatives.

In view of all of the above, Southern Cameroonians all over Europe, will be meeting in Brussels-Belgium, the European capital and the seat of the European Union for a 3-day Conference from March 31 – 2 April 2017.

Information on Conference Registration, Programme and Accommodation will provided in our subsequent correspondences. For all enquiries, write to:

Contact Information: Atanga Maxcelius +32466205809
Prince Ayamba +32465908509
Afu Eugene +32465927671
Mark Bareta +32489644251

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