Penal Code Revision





The Euphoria following Paul Biya’s August 30th decree releasing citizens of Southern Cameroons that were abusively and illegally held in prisons in Yaoundé for over 8 months, is simply much ado about nothing, an epitome of hypocrisy. The same scheme that led to such excitement was used in the Internet blackout period a few months back, and has been used countless times in the past. In simple terms it is called pretending to solve a problem. Our people also refer to such dubious practice as “bite and blow”. Oppressors like ours use such vague decrees to divide, confuse and rule their subjects with less trouble. It is also a form of self-aggrandizement, to say the least, something leaders do when they feel they are losing the loyalty of the people they have had and abused for so long. These descriptions all fit perfectly when you read through the infamous decree by the impostor “father of the nation” to borrow from his stooges on praise singing missions on the media.

Unfortunately, the people of Southern Cameroons know the drill too well to buy the malicious and manipulative interpretations of the decree by stooges of the Yaoundé regime. We read in between the lines and understand everything hidden behind each word and phrase used. One of the most popular claims surrogates of Paul Biya and his gang use nowadays is that the entourage of the president doesn’t inform him well about the problems plaguing their country and especially the problem labeled “The Anglophone Problem”. This fat lie makes me laugh all the time I hear it. Dear hypocrites, if there is one person in La Republique du Cameroun who knows “The Anglophone Problem” well, that person is Paul Biya. He was there from when the seeds of the problem were sown and nurtured to what we have today. In fact, he was groomed in the system to handle this problem in the best way beneficial to the bigger master whom he has served in the best way possible throughout his career. Those who say he is misinformed lose sight on the fact that Paul Biya had a political career prior to becoming president. Look at the positions he served in prior to becoming president. As Secretary General and later Prime Minister at the Presidency under Ahmadou Babatoura Ahidjo, he was part and parcel of all the insidious moves towards the annexation and elimination of Southern Cameroons. It is hypocrisy beyond measure for anyone to say he doesn’t know what the problem is. There are less than five administrators still in active service in the two territories of Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun combined who know everything about The Anglophone Problem and Paul Biya is one of them. He knows the inside out of the problem, the solution to it, who to talk to and what to do exactly to do. Stop blaming it on his entourage. Stop the hypocrisy.

Another area where hypocrisy has reached its peak recently in the struggle for the restoration of the statehood of Southern Cameroons has been in the church. The church we knew in November 2016, the one that seemingly stood for justice, truth, the oppressed and the underprivileged has suddenly changed to one that urges children to go to school under all the insecurity because the church will lose a lot of money if they don’t. God-fearing Southern Cameroonian people are still struggling to stomach shocking declarations by some money-minded church leaders who care more about the billions of CFA francs they get around this time of the year than the well being of a suffering people. We now realize how important the month of September is to the church and their schools. It is the month their cash cow comes around. With no school resumption, that cash cow will not be stopping by this time around, hence all the anger. In November 2016 we found solace in the church.


In September 2017 we see betrayal in the same church as they host our oppressors, guns strapped across their backs, cleaning school campuses so they can lure in our children and milk them of the little food money they are left with. Some months back, the people stood with the church against the oppressor threatening to judge and condemn them in court. The oppressor was shamed as the people of God triumphed over the forces of evil. Today that same church echoes calls by the same oppressor to force evil practices on the people. The people of Southern Cameroons say no to dubious church leaders and declarations full of hypocrisy because we shall continue to entrust the struggle in the hands of the almighty with or without such people. We wait for you in church to see how you introduce those sermons you know so well. As our people dance to the alter with their hard earned best for Thanks Giving, they will know you will receive the gifts, bless them and as they turn around you will stab them in the back. Such is the hypocritical church we now worship.

This cankerworm, hypocrisy eating into the struggle is beginning to change some lions of yesterday into lambs of today. That’s the true nature of a revolution. It changes people, brings down some, carries some away and emboldens others. Keep strong and more vigilant that ever.

Ndoh Emmanuel

BaretaNews Contributor

  1. Thank you for an excellent post. Also that is why it is often said that the “Truth shall set you free”. It will appear that these so called people of God have been taking our people for granted.

  2. Boycott all churches who want to open schools, don’t attend their church services or give any offerings, let them eat goat shit. Don’t buy their books or products. Let them suffer too.

  3. I suggest that SCACUF inform us at home about subtle diplomacy. That is let people display signs saying ” je suis biafrain”, ” Enemis dans la maison”, ” anglofool”, ” Gloire au chef de larepulique” “Son excellence le roi pour la vie de larepublique du cameroun”. Please others think of more instead of flying our flag to provoke killings and abductions.

  4. Though am in a strong position supporting the struggle, I disagree with your flimsy attack on the church. From an outsider you can’t judge how the church works and how it has been working for thousands of years. It is the institution everywhere in the world that has uplifted man to know himself and know God. Once uplifted and free from any kind of bondage, use your rights. The Church will always stand with the weak, the marginalised, the oppressed irrespective of political turmoils: If you read from the spectrum of the church, the most vulnerable to them will be the innocent children whom they would like to protect from being used or destroyed by the political struggle. While on our part we claim to be fighting for a better future, that future is still uncertain but the children at present suffer enormously and the church can’t say its right for children to stay at home and become drug addicts, sex sellers…and all the vices cropping up.
    The church always sees things independent of your justifications because it is made up of refined analysts. The human society has grown in learning, discovery, freedom because the church has been instrumental in education. You can’t turn it to be an activist – though its pronouncements must follow the moral code of Justice and freedom for all (including the oppressor). How many priests, bishops, Christians have lost their lives for standing for the truth before you sit in your angle and make streetman criticisms? Do you think school non resumption is the only weapon and most effective weapon to use against the oppressor? Do you have an idea of the fact that if the church stop supporting human development in education, health, etc. your society will crumble on its own and thousands will be dying on daily basis? Do you know how much is invested in sustaining these initiatives and where the money is coming from? Do you think the school fees can effectively support a school to function effectively? please do not express your ignorance in this struggle. Do not let God turn against us. We continue to resist the oppressor with or without school resumption. We have to step up the resistance and bring pain to the oppressor not only thinking of inflicting pain on ourselves. Register and pay your citizen dues please and stop attacking the church because you can never and ever succeed against the church.

    1. So what did God do to the people who slaughtered 100 (one hundred ) million native Americans and stole their land?

      I remember this great act of GENOCIDE was committed by white western European catholics and protestants. With approval from these religious institutions, including the pope. They built churches simultaneously in America and Africa while conducting the GENOCIDES in both continents (more than 100 million Africans were also slaughtered during the same period) and now celebrate “Thanks giving” every year to thank their God for the stolen land.

      Southern Cameroonians and Africans in general should start boycotting all these foreign imposed religions.

      We cannot continue to worship the same imaginary white god like the people who enslaved ou ancestors for the past 500 years.

      1. If school resumption is not the only effective non violence measure of resistance tell me the alternative. I will listen to you if you object and propose tested alternative. Don’t pretend to be one of us. The church has said multiple times that they losy billions of fcfa. They are fighting for the church economy. The Bishops etc have been tuned-out by the people but the greedy gut still don’t get it. Has the church lifted a finger since the shooting in Kumbo. Where is your outrage about the killing. Where is your outrage about the raping of university girls in UB. We will not send our kids in harms way. I have not read a comment from you against all the atrocities against the people of SC. Stop pretending to be one of us. You can not pretend feel our pain

  5. Paul Biya is a central architect of the dismantling of the federation. Ahidjo didn’t have the smarts to do it – he was not that educated. Biya returned from France (Sorbonne) in 1962 and was one of the most educated legal scholars in the Cameroon government that was not French.

    It is instead because Biya knows so much that he has been silent. Because for all these years, the Cameroon Gov’t suppressed so much information about Southern Cameroons. By the way, THERE’s NO ANGLOPHONE PROBLEM. The word ‘Anglophone’ was brought in to make us FORGET OUR IDENTITY. Rather, there certainly was and is a SOUTHERN CAMEROONS PROBLEM. My Francophone friends now remind me that they too are Anglophones, because they can speak English. Wow. When did a Bamenda man ever call him Francophone because he can say ‘Bonjour’?

    In 1973, Mongo Beti wrote a book (Main Baisse Sur Le Cameroon -> Heavy Hand Over Cameroon). The french and Cameroon governments bought every copy of the book and destroyed them. But they couldn’t kill the book. Today it’s on

    To Biya: The genie has left the bottle – and can’t be put back in. We now know, and we can not unknow what we know.

  6. This so called Sorbonne that is known and praised only lrc and some SCians are fooled to believe it is one the best in the world is largely responsible for the types of crooks ruling lrc. You never here of Sorbonne outside of Cameroon, be it in Europe, America or Asia. Tell me one French politician who went to Sorbonne and I will tell you 10 that did not. We hear of Harvard, Oxford, Princeton,……. Cambridge, Uppsala, Johannesburg, Ibadan etc etc. Universities are rated partly by the quality of their alumni and you can guess Sorbonne’s rating by the mess in lrc.

  7. Mr F P Ebong I disagree with u that his reasons is flimsy, rather you’ve not commented as a wise person. He tells the truth. If the Church can’t stand up for the truth who else can? Am a serious Christian n I know Christian values to my finger tip.It shows the true mafia of the church. The Church has become so conformed to the world something God himself is really very angry at and warns against”DO NOT BE CONFORM TO THE WORLD” Apart from cardinal Ntumi n the other MOG from kumbo who have spoken against this the rest of the church is quiet n claiming to be praying for the situation, they fail to understand that there is time to pray n a time to act. The Biya’s regim at this time understand only action coz we’ve been prayig for years. Lets face reality not fantasies at this point in time. Please be reasonabl,the people stood for the Church n still looks up to the Church for redemption why fail them in this way my brother???? Take a deep breath n relook into the Church action n see the mafia therein

  8. We must continue the strugle but if we fail to éducate our Children who will représente and lead our new nation to the prosperity? The church is Wright even during the war women keep on given life to later substain the fallen soldiers

  9. To the best of my knowledge all this grammar u guys are pouring out today, it is because you at least went through the confused educational system in Cameroon, so why prevent other children to be like you? The heat is on, but not at the détriment of the children, and that is the reason why the Church has decided to call for school resumption, and for those of you who have started attacking the church be warned.

    1. Or else what will happen?

      Please enlighten us on what happened to the western Europeans that exterminated the natives of America and stole their land.

      What did your church/god do to those europeans who enslaved millions of Africans for 500 years to develop their countries and slaughtered more than 100 million more. THEY RAPED MILLIONS OF AFRICAN WOMEN AND CHILDREN WHILE BUILDING THEIR CHURCH IN AFRICA and then used these institutions to brainwash Africans to start worshipping them….

      The Southern Cameroonian revolution is about freedom from mental slavery.

  10. How can we go ahead to educate the children while the government of Mr Biya wants to stop the Anglo Saxon system of education? They want everything to be in French. Why? Ask yourself this question “what are the factors leading to the anglophone crisis?” Then you shall understand why schools can’t resume.

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