Merciful Truth: Southern Cameroonians remain endangered species in La Republique Du Cameroun.
The Supreme Court Reform Bill: A perfect illustration.
In the new bill submitted to Parliament of La Republique on Thursday June 22nd, 2017, to reform the court so that Common Law will be included, one of the paragraphs as eligibility of judges to be appointed into the court reads: “MUST have an Anglo-Saxon background”
First and foremost let us take into context the present scenario in Cameroon. Let us assume the country stays as such without any change of form or separation, we are going to quickly realised that the so called Supreme Court bill did not in anyway protect the Anglophone minority. The text should have read that those called to the common law section in any courts in the Southern Cameroons and Supreme Court division of Common Law must not be only those with Anglo Saxon Background but must be “Anglophones-citizens of NW and SW regions as defined few months ago by the Minister of Justice himself on who an Anglophone is in the present Cameroon” We all know that in the present Cameroon context, an Anglophone is not language, academic background but is ancestrally linked.
We are very much aware that a lot of Francophones i.e citizens from La Republique are studying now in the Anglo Saxon education and yes that makes them to have an Anglo Saxon background as the bill suggested but they are not “Anglophones” in the Cameroonian context. We see this every day and take note: it is their right to right to study in any educational background. However, it is the place of a genuine Government to protect their minority people’s. All these scenario we are assuming it in the present Cameroonian context as it is currently unfolding in real time.
This is what will happen as common law departments have been opened in state Universities. The majority Francophones will invade the common law faculties of state universities. In a few years time, there will be more francophone common law lawyers than Anglophones. These Francophones will be admitted into the common law departments of ENAM and the Supreme Court as well as the lower courts. They will also be sent to courts in Southern Cameroons to practice and they will practice very well as aboriginal people of Southern Cameroons.The minority Southern Cameroonians will no longer have the argument that “Francophone magistrates do not master the common law”.
The leadership of La Republique Du Cameroun is simply scamming Southern Cameroonians. The truth of the matter is Southern Cameroonians remain an endangered species in La Republique. If La Republique means business and wishes to protect the people of Former British Southern Cameroons who came into this cohabitation of a union, then the text of the Supreme Court bill must change to reflect an exclusive protection for the peoples of Southern Cameroons. There are no two ways about this. La Republique must know that in Cameroon, there are two peoples. This assessment has been made to remind federalists of what will happen and federalists must begin by making sure that the text in the Supreme Court change and it begins with the SDF MPs in Parliament who are all federalists by default.
The above explanation falls squarely in this present state of Cameroon of what will happen. It x-rays the thoughts of the coloniser and gives us the direction where La Republique us thinking.
Now, after knowing the above, it falls back to all those fighting to restore the Southern Cameroons state. We all see the reasons we must continue this struggle. We now see the scam the government want to play above us and we must continue to ensure that the restoration of Southern Cameroons statehood comes to reality. God help us all.
Mark Bareta
Southern Cameroons
Follow the struggle and not individuals.
In reality what do we gain from the SDF being in parliament? They are missing in that place and the CPDM is doing things at will. When an SDF member in parliament manage to say something , their chairman Mr Ni will rise and condemned.. What is their use in the parliament? Put this people down and work as if there are not there. These are some of the Agents of LR.
Since the SDF come into politics in this country all the constitutional manipulations have been under their watchful eyes in this so call parliament. This is another one on the table we are talking about. What is SDF doing about it. They are taking a lot of caution not to speak and endanger their so call primes from LR. These people are becoming too dangerous for our struggle.
In the days of Lucifer Ahidjo when some of us from West Cameroon used to matriculate at the University of Yaoundé, whenever it came time to apply for scholarship from the ministry of Education, we had individuals whose parents escape to West Cameroon as a result of the killings by the French and Cameroon army who will apply for scholarship both as West Cameroonian and as East Cameroonian.
Mark Bareta thank you for opening the eyes of our people. To add insult to injury when most of these individuals whose parent escape to West Cameroon from LRC finish university studies, it was ironic that to apply for a job, they will identify as West Cameroonian and speak English; but when it came time to serve the people of Southern Cameroon, these same individuals will instead identify as East Cameroonian and will be speaking but in french. This is why we should appreciate this article by Mark for what is telling us and be steadfast in this struggle for we cannot make the same mistakes twice. Recently, we saw this dynamic at play how people from LRC had no shame as to put their children in harm’s way by having them Transported to Southern Cameroon by Amour Mezam after taking monies under the table from the Beti?Ewondo Mafia. Worst of all we saw how people whose parents were protected from Lucifer Ahidjo’s killing machine turned out in their numbers in Kumba to celebrate May day 2017 at the chagrin of Southern Cameroonian.
We can see that the Beti?Ewondo mafia will leave no stone unturned to frustrate this struggle. We have history on our side so we should have no one to blame should we want to behave like Atanga Nji Paul, Mayor Ekema, Musonge and the rest.
In Guns we Trust.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Yes, if we allow lrc to fool us twice, shame shall be on us. The tooth paste is already out of the tube and can not be put back into the tube. They will nor get anything in this bargain. Too late