Hello PCC Pastors

Goodmorning to those of you in the Diaspora and good afternoon to those of you in Cameroon. It is my humble desire that you all have a copy of my open letter to you and the Christians. There is a serious problem in our society and I am concern that you are silent over evil. I know God does not approve such a behaviour. So, are you Pastors bound to hell because you ought to know the consequences of your silence by now. If I am wrong explain a contrary theological view to me. Why are you silent ?

So my concern goes thus. I have observed a kind of bizarre and disturbing silence among PCC Pastors during this Southern Cameroons crisis. You see how some Roman Catholic Priests have postponed their loyalty to their Bishops, Cardinals and even to the Pope to oppose oppression and injustice of the state , the PCC Pastors have not . I really applaud the Catholuc Priests for their moral courage. I am wondering whether you PCC Pastors living in the USA are aware of the problems the people are facing in Cameroon ?

These Priests as you all have seen and heard have written and established videos in which they followed their conscience and spoke on their behalf , as Priests who fear God and understand their prophetic role. They showed compassion to the oppressed and condemned evil and injustice but why are you PCC Pastors senior or young abroad or inside Cameroon silent ?

Now readers as you can tell in the PCC the story is different. They are warned in private letters from Synod Clerk and Moderator through the Presbytery Secretaries to steer clear and that only the Synod Office will handle the matters. That is why their boss Rev Fonki Samuel was writing circulars to be read in all PCC churches.

But that was not right. In times of a great moral crisis every Priest and Pastor answers to God, their conscience , and to the cry of the people for justice. The quest for salvation does not rest with useless manipulative letters and wicked instructions and orders from selfish church leaders who want to excercise undue authority and control over others. The exercise of power by only thinking ” I am the Moderator and I am in charge” is the mentality that Paul Biya has with the state.

Now, you see that I would never succumb to their toomfolery inside that burning furnice they call PCC. I would never have even read any useless letter against my conscience to begin with to cause Christians to jeer at me.

Did the PCC Pastors oppose Fonki when he called for school to resume while citizens and christians were still in jail ?

Now back to you Pastors. Have you PCC Pastors ever opposed the hypocrisy of those your Moderators? None of you Pastors of the PCC have the guts to criticize your tyrants in public You are all loyal to an institution that is charactrized by fear, intimidation, bullying , persecution and murder of those who question their authority.

In the heat of this anglophone crisis I watched at all of you and none of you dare say Fev Fonki you are wrong . At what point do Pastors break ranks with evil ? When you all seem to be blindly loyal, the question is how will the Christians you shepherd be liberated by the word of God when you Pastors are scared of disagreeing with your tyrants neither in private nor in public when they are witholding the truth or trampling the truth because of greed and abuse of power ?

If any of you have disagreed with Rev Fonki in private with respect to the anglophone problem, let us know.The bizarre loyalty that you Pastors of the PCC give to the Synod Office is not good loyalty. You seen to live and preach the gospel in fear. That must be a travesty of freddom because if you are not free from persecution from those your bullies and tyrants then you are misleading God’ s people.

You are all scared of persecution and murder, dismissals and punitive transfers in retarliation. In the PCC because that is thr truth. Now how will God’s commandment that we love one another in John 13 and 1 John 3 ever be honoured when you are afraid of your leaders?

When you know the truth and yet pretend and fake loyalty in the midst of lies and clear persecution, are you sure you are obeying your ordinaion vows ? When you are silent over the persecution of Christians and Pastors because you want selfish and personal favours from the tyrants isn’t that bribery and corruption ?

PCC Pastors you need to start speaking the truth. Some of you claim to criticize the government from the pulpit but please forward your sermons to us .l to read. Also why do you criticize the government and would nor criticize the church that is as corrupt and oppressive as the government ?

God bless you all when you answer these concerns .

In Christ,


Jonathan Awasom

To be continued

  1. I have the impression, reading this writer that the author has become so omnipresent to naïvely insinuate this ill-intentioned piece of rubbish! Is the Moderator a super being to be able to silent or seal the lips of every PCC Pastor, or have all the Pastors become so stupid and evil to see and think and talk for themselves? Can you quote a single circular letter written by the Moderator or Synod Clerk cautioning the Pastors? Which PCC congregation do you belong to and have been listening to the Pastors to be unconcerned with the oppressions and injustices metted by the Biya regime on Anglophones? This writer is surely an agent of the Devil to attack God’s Church because no right thinking and rational being can tag a Church of over 700 Pastors, 2 million Christians and 2’000 congregations nationally and internationally to be in such imagined captivity.

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