Serbia and Cameroun: The same Nations, The Same Crimes

Recently, Amnesty International has petitioned Serbia from selling arms to La Republique as a result of Cameroun gross human rights violations in both Cameroons. Daniel Kuper, gives us a background of Serbia similarities with Cameroun and why Southern Cameroonians must be steadfast until we arrive Buea. Read on

Serbia is NOT different from LRC. She was confronted with the same problem as La Republique Du Cameroun-LRC. In 1998, the majority of Kosovars said with one voice that they had had enough of their marginalisation in the union with Serbia. They asked for a peaceful separation of Kosovo from Serbia. However, Dictator Milosevic of Serbia said his country was “one and indivisible”.

He then sent his terrorist soldiers to Kosovo. Serbian military, paramilitary and police forces in Kosovo committed a wide range of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other violations of international humanitarian and human rights law: forced expulsion of Kosovars from their homes; burning and looting of homes, schools, religious sites and healthcare facilities; detention, particularly of military-age men; summary execution; rape; violations of medical neutrality; and identity cleansing.

In the end, the Kosovars won and in 2008 Kosovo became independent. Southern Cameroonians should continue to defend themselves and their motherland because, in the end, SC will also become independent.

LRC can NEVER EVERwin this war. Dictator Milosevic could not keep Serbia “one and indivisible”. He died as a prisoner at the ICC. Dictator Biya can NEVER keep his LRC “one and indivisible” because SC will separate. He will die in the prison of the ICC like Milosevic. A LUTA CONTINUA

For BaretaNews

  1. Birds of the same feather do not only flock together, their destiny are inseparably tied together.

    All the arms of Serbia could not prevent Kosovo from going its way, what then the tiny insignificant fraction that is been sold to LRC.

    Let see how many the mad man in Yaounde need to kill in order to become conscious that Ambazonia is forever gone.

    I thank the almighty creator ever day for the simple fact that LRC dose not have a single smart politician. If there was one smart politician in LRC, they would have dealt with us by now. Most of our success are foundation on the irreversible capital mistake of LRC. The last chance they ever had to deliver the killing shot at Ambazonia was when the Ambassador of the USA advice Biya to resign. If Biya had followed that advice, LRC would have successfully destroyed Ambazonia by now, but at a cost.

    But we know they are brain damage psychopath. They can’t foresee. All their so called grandmasters are just simple no people looking for pocket change and a smile in front of the camera and there goes another statue, who is the next so called grandmaster… ? Maybe the Pope, Macron, …

    What ever the case, as of now, no matter what whoever dose, It’s finally and absolutely over for LRC.

  2. Yes indeed, birds of the same feathers always flock together. And one will thick that this blood sucker, wife murderer and commander of killers of women and children call Biya will learn something from history?

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