mass murder scheme in ambazonia






BaretaNews is receiving intelligence report that the University of Buea is one of the many academic institutions mapped out for attack by colonial forces of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC). The attack is aimed at targeting students currently going to school in order to passed the blame on “secessionist terrorists” as usual. Ambazonian investigative journalist and editor of the National Telegraph, Eric Tataw, had earlier reported that a leaked information available to him showed that colonial forces plan to bomb UB in multiple locations and other primary and secondary schools in Ambazonia to target mostly LRC citizens; thereby starting a Francophone versus Anglophone war between the two territories of Ambazonia and LRC.

This evening, 14th December, 2017, BaretaNews learned that UB has postponed its graduation ceremony that was originally scheduled to hold this Saturday, 16th, to Tuesday, 19th December, 2017. At the same, intelligence information dropped in that, the invisible guerrilla forces are already within the Buea vicinity and has seen the UB graduation ceremony, as an avenue to launch a revenge attack on colonial forces in revenge of the brutality, mayhem and rape they meted out to students last year during a strike on Campus.

Graduation ceremonies are usually crowd pulling events in Buea. Those who went to UB can better understand this fact. Considering the present security atmosphere, a good number of colonial forces shall be deployed around Molyko, who shall also be possible targets of faceless forces. BaretaNews understand too that the colonial minister of Higher Education plans to sent the Pro Chancellor, Professor Ako Edward to represent him at the ceremony for fear of the unknown. UB is therefore a potential ground for attack on that Tuesday, either orchestrated by colonial forces to give a dog a bad name and hang it, or from guerrilla forces who may be targeting colonial forces to pay them back in their own coins. Baretanews is releasing this information to warn the be people to avoid situations where they may be caught by stray bullets.

BaretaNews also notes that, the colonial forces in Buea seem to be aware of the fact that faceless guerillas are already in town. That’s why police stations like the one in Molyko and the Army Camp around Memoz Banquet Hall have built sand bags in front of their entrances to prevent bullet penetrations, peradventure there is any attack by unknown gun men from any direction.

It is on these bases that BaretaNews, is sending out this warning to all parents and students who intend to go for graduation in UB on Tuesday, to celebrate their graduations at home, if they must celebrate. They should cook, eat, drink and dance in their homes. It is not on the graduations ground that their certificates shall be awarded. In fact, BaretaNews understand that this is a carry forward graduation of last year, with that of a few LRC citizens who were examined during the heat of the revolutionary period in the middle of the year. Most of of the graduations had already collected their attestations, even with the failure of the graduation ceremony last year. Going for graduation this year is just to wear a robe.

So, you can still save yourselves from stray bullets or any bomb explosion on Campus purportedly planted by colonial forces. These are perilous times and so no one should be trusted around the campus as some one who can provide security for students. Don’t insist on going to be seen with a robe on Campus at the expense of your own life. Even with the presence of the campus police in the multiple entrances on Campus, unknown people were still able to soak mattresses with patrol last time and put them on the ceilings of Amphi theatres, with writing warning notices. If that could happened, then, nothing should be taken for granted this time around when the atmosphere is even more tense.

BaretaNews has made available this information, for the safety of students and parents of Ambazonian. This revolution is not to kill them, but to eliminate the terrorist forces and their regime from our territory through all appropriate means of self-defense. The people, must therefore stay save and not be caught by any stray bullet because they went for graduation.

Agbor James, BaretaNews Political Analyst

  1. Oh, they should put sand bags in their houses, along the roads, above the sky, in their toilets, in their cars, in the markets too.

    Very stupid people, as usual they think with their ass.

    Nothing will save them. We are going everywhere slowly but surely, nothing can stop us.

    Praise and glory to the creator.

  2. Rubish news, you Ambazozos are givng fake news to created problem between francophones and Anglohpnes, we live in peace for years till now and it will not change because of some stupid adea of the so called AmbaZOZOLAND. Better for You to go in deep ocean and discover your dreamland Ambazozo, may be history can remember you as we remember Christophe Colomb who discover America long ago in the XV century…All Ambazozos (Secessionist coming from abroad to Cameroon)will be considered as terrorist and will be cleaned from my beloved country cameroon. You Ambazozo, dont stay abroad and encourage peacefull citizens and young cameroonian for a nonsense war that is lost in advance. There is no Ambazozo Land in cameroon.

  3. Rubish news, you Ambazozos are givng fake news to created problem between francophones and Anglohpnes, we live in peace for years till now and it will not change because of some stupid adea of the so called AmbaZOZOLAND. Better for You to go in deep ocean and discover your dreamland Ambazozo, may be history can remember you as we remember Christophe Colomb who discover America long ago in the XV century…All Ambazozos (Secessionist coming from abroad to attack Cameroon)will be considered as terrorist and will be cleaned from my beloved country cameroon. You Ambazozo, dont stay abroad and encourage peacefull citizens and young cameroonian for a nonsense war that is lost in advance. There is no Ambazozo Land in cameroon.

  4. So far the military operation in Manyu is a big embarrassment for the army of la Republique. Dozens of their well equipped soldiers were killed with simple weapons such as cutlass or stones. Yaoundé is in panic mode. They realise now how difficult it is to control a territory with a hostile population. To bring up their moral they flew in a helicopter to Dadi. It wers just a show for their own population. The Camerounais army is still able to conquer a place. But to hold it is a very difficult task for them.

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